Being able to share documents so as to collaborate is an invaluable, understated ability in today’s office applications. Apple’s iWork office suite is no different, which includes the ability to share not only from OS X but iCloud as well.

在当今的办公应用程序中,能够共享文档以进行协作是一种不可估量的,低估的功能 。 苹果的iWork办公套件也不例外,它不仅具有从OS X共享的功能,而且还具有与iCloud共享的功能。

Today we will be discussing how to share iWork document including Pages, Numbers, and Keynote files. One of the nice things about being able to share iWork documents is that you don’t have to use OS X to do so. Apple gives anyone who signs up for an iCloud account that ability.

今天,我们将讨论如何共享iWork文档,包括页面,数字和基调文件。 能够共享iWork文档的好处之一是,您不必使用OS X即可。 Apple为注册iCloud帐户的任何人提供此功能。

If you’ve got an e-mail address, you can sign up for an iCloud account, and create and share iWork documents.

When you create or open an iWork document on, you’ll see the share symbol in the top-right part of the toolbar (highlighted in red).


Clicking this button will open up a share dialog, from which you can give anyone with the link (and password, if you decide to add one), editing or simple viewing privileges.


Once shared, you have the option to email the link to the document to anyone you want to collaborate with. You can still also add a password or stop sharing the document.

共享后,您可以选择通过电子邮件将文档链接发送给您想要与之合作的任何人。 您仍然可以添加密码或停止共享文档。

If you’re an OS X user, then it’s easy to share documents right from all the iWork applications. Moreover, these documents are (or should) automatically be synced to iCloud so again, you can collaborate with anyone who has the link.

如果您是OS X用户,则可以轻松地从所有iWork应用程序共享文档。 此外, 这些文档会(或应该)自动同步到iCloud,因此,您可以再次与拥有链接的任何人进行协作。

To share from iWork for OS X, click on the share button in the top-right part of the upper toolbar. Choose, “Share Link via iCloud”.

要从iWork for OS X进行共享,请单击上部工具栏右上角的共享按钮。 选择“通过iCloud共享链接”。

Just like on iCloud, you have the options to change the permission from “Allow Editing” to “View Only”. Again, you can also add a password if you want that extra level of security.

就像在iCloud上一样,您可以选择将权限从“允许编辑”更改为“仅查看”。 同样,如果您想要更高级别的安全性,也可以添加密码。

Additionally, you have a number of options through which to share the document.


If you’ve got any Internet accounts associated with OS X, then you can share on Twitter or Facebook.
如果您有与OS X相关的任何Internet帐户,则可以在Twitter或Facebook上共享。

If you’ve already shared a document, then you can view the share settings and make changes, if necessary.


For example, here’s a document we’ve shared, which allows editing. As with sharing from iCloud, you’ll have the same options. Again, you can add a password after you share (just make sure you tell anyone you’ve shared it with already), change the permissions, or stop sharing completely.

例如,这是我们共享的文档,可以编辑。 与从iCloud共享一样,您将具有相同的选项。 同样,您可以在共享后添加密码(只需确保告诉已共享的任何人),更改权限或完全停止共享即可。

And, clicking the share icon next to the link will show you all the ways through which you can disseminate the document.


Unfortunately, and this is a rather huge caveat, you can’t track changes to the document and collaborate (edit) at the same time.


This seems like it might be a rather large problem when it comes to true collaboration. If you’re sharing a document among several other authors, and they’re all making changes, it seems to go without saying that one might want to be able to track any changes those other authors make.

在进行真正的协作时,这似乎是一个相当大的问题。 如果您要与其他几位作者共享文档,而他们都在进行更改,那么似乎可以说,其他人可能希望跟踪其他作者所做的任何更改。

Still, it is nice that you can share iWork documents so easily, and not just among other Mac users but with anyone with an iCloud account.


The sharing procedure is the same whether you’re using Pages, Numbers or Keynote, so once you know how to do so with one, you’ll be sharing others in no time at all.




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