
  • 前言
  • 1、解决的问题
  • 2、模型结构
    • 2.1.ReCNN
    • 2.2. RiRoiAlign
  • 总结


 本篇解读2021CVPR旋转目标检测论文:ReDet:A Rotation-equivariant Detector for Aerial Object Detection。附上地址和源码链接:






2.2. RiRoiAlign


#include <ATen/ATen.h>
#include <THC/THCAtomics.cuh>
#include <math.h>#define PI 3.141592653//CUDA是并行计算,即多线程计算。每个线程对应池化后一个ROI的一个像素点的计算。
#define CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(i, n)                            \for (int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; i < n; \i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x)
#define THREADS_PER_BLOCK 1024
inline int GET_BLOCKS(const int N) {int optimal_block_num = (N + THREADS_PER_BLOCK - 1) / THREADS_PER_BLOCK;int max_block_num = 65000;return min(optimal_block_num, max_block_num);
template <typename scalar_t>
__device__ scalar_t bilinear_interpolate(const scalar_t *bottom_data,const int height, const int width,scalar_t y, scalar_t x)/
}template <typename scalar_t>
__global__ void RiROIAlignForward(const int nthreads, const scalar_t *bottom_data,const scalar_t *bottom_rois,const scalar_t spatial_scale,const int sample_num, const int channels,const int height, const int width,const int pooled_height, const int pooled_width,const int nOrientation,scalar_t *top_data)//介绍下各个参数的含义://*bottom_data: 是输入特征向量图(K,N,H,W)的展成一维数组后的指针。//*bottom_rois:就是RPN建议出来的rois(cx,cy,w,h,theta)的一维数组指针;//nOrientation: 代表将通道划分成4/8组//*top_data:池化后特征图的指针。// index:就是当前线程id,即池化后*top_data所对应的下标。CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {// (n, c, ph, pw) is an element in the pooled output// 由于index是一维数组,为了计算方便,计算出一维数组对应的输出特征图的位置(n,c,o,ph,pw):即当前//index对应第n张图像的第o组通道上的(ph,pw)位置。int pw = index % pooled_width;int ph = (index / pooled_width) % pooled_height;int o = (index / pooled_width / pooled_height) % nOrientation;int c = (index / pooled_width / pooled_height / nOrientation) % channels;int n = index / pooled_width / pooled_height / nOrientation / channels;// 取出roi框的下标。const scalar_t* offset_bottom_rois = bottom_rois + n * 6;int roi_batch_ind = offset_bottom_rois[0];// 得到roi的(cx,cy,w,h,theta)scalar_t roi_center_w = offset_bottom_rois[1] * spatial_scale;scalar_t roi_center_h = offset_bottom_rois[2] * spatial_scale;scalar_t roi_width = offset_bottom_rois[3] * spatial_scale;scalar_t roi_height = offset_bottom_rois[4] * spatial_scale;scalar_t theta = offset_bottom_rois[5];// 得到roi的宽和高roi_width = max(roi_width, (scalar_t)1.);roi_height = max(roi_height, (scalar_t)1.);// 得到在h方向需要插值的点的个数,比如池化为7*7大小:则77/7=10就是每个子块高为10; w方向同理。scalar_t bin_size_h = static_cast<scalar_t>(roi_height) / static_cast<scalar_t>(pooled_height);scalar_t bin_size_w = static_cast<scalar_t>(roi_width) / static_cast<scalar_t>(pooled_width);// 对应论文 r = theta*N/(2*pi)公式,即得到当前roi在哪组通道scalar_t ind_float = theta * nOrientation / (2 * PI);// 将ind_float取整int ind =  floor(ind_float);// 得到论文中公式9中的系数alpha值。scalar_t l_var = ind_float - (scalar_t)ind;scalar_t r_var = 1.0 - l_var;// 得到ind开始旋转通道值(就是排除theta>2*pi情况。超出一圈取余数):ind = (ind + nOrientation) % nOrientation;// 得到需要调整通道的index。// 比如 ind = 0, o = 0,则ind=0.此时 ind_rot = 0; ind_rot_plus = 1;==含义就是 ind = 0朝向的物体 对于0号输出通道的计算需要 借助输入特征向量的0和1号通道的像素值。==int ind_rot = (o - ind + nOrientation) % nOrientation;int ind_rot_plus = (ind_rot + 1 + nOrientation) % nOrientation; // 取出ind_rot和ind_rot_plus所对应像素值const scalar_t* offset_bottom_data =bottom_data + (roi_batch_ind * channels * nOrientation + c * nOrientation + ind_rot) * height * width;const scalar_t* offset_bottom_data_plus =bottom_data + (roi_batch_ind * channels * nOrientation + c * nOrientation + ind_rot_plus) * height * width;// 双线性插值采样的数目,通常为2int roi_bin_grid_h = (sample_num > 0)? sample_num: ceil(roi_height / pooled_height);  // e.g., = 2int roi_bin_grid_w =(sample_num > 0) ? sample_num : ceil(roi_width / pooled_width);// 将roi变成[xmin,ymin,theta]格式scalar_t roi_start_h = -roi_height / 2.0;scalar_t roi_start_w = -roi_width / 2.0;scalar_t cosscalar_theta = cos(theta);scalar_t sinscalar_theta = sin(theta);// 确定采样点总数,最终取均值。const scalar_t count = roi_bin_grid_h * roi_bin_grid_w;  // e.g. = 4scalar_t output_val = 0.;// 循环遍历每个子块内的像素值,比如roi_w = 77, roi_h = 777, pooled_w=pooed_h=7.//则每个子块为(77/7, 777/7)大小,即下面代码表示遍历每个子块内像素值的位置。for (int iy = 0; iy < roi_bin_grid_h; iy++) {  // e.g., iy = 0, 1const scalar_t yy = roi_start_h + ph * bin_size_h +static_cast<scalar_t>(iy + .5f) * bin_size_h /static_cast<scalar_t>(roi_bin_grid_h);  // e.g., 0.5, 1.5for (int ix = 0; ix < roi_bin_grid_w; ix++) {const scalar_t xx = roi_start_w + pw * bin_size_w +static_cast<scalar_t>(ix + .5f) * bin_size_w /static_cast<scalar_t>(roi_bin_grid_w);// 将每个位置执行放射变换,得到旋转后位置scalar_t x = xx * cosscalar_theta - yy * sinscalar_theta + roi_center_w;scalar_t y = xx * sinscalar_theta + yy * cosscalar_theta + roi_center_h;// 有了旋转位置(y,x)后,执行双线性插值得到 当前组通道的位置的像素值。scalar_t val = bilinear_interpolate<scalar_t>(offset_bottom_data, height, width, y, x);scalar_t val_plus = bilinear_interpolate<scalar_t>(offset_bottom_data_plus, height, width, y, x);// 执行论文公式9中双线性插值。output_val += r_var * val + l_var * val_plus;}}// 取均值output_val /= count;// 将值放到对应输出特征图中index的像素值。top_data[index] = output_val;}

 从代码可看出,并不是作者论文中所说的先 空间对齐在通道对齐。 作者在实现上将二者结合起来,即确定通道位置的像素值之后顺便执行了RRoIAlign。




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