gameboy bios

While making any image into an 8-Bit style graphic can be a lot of fun, it’s surprisingly easy to go the extra mile and use authentic palettes of popular retro gaming systems like the Gameboy, NES, or Sega Master system.

将任何图像制作成8位样式的图形可能会很有趣,但要加倍努力并使用流行的复古游戏系统(如Gameboy,NES或Sega Master系统)的真实调色板,却非常容易。

All you have to do is fire up nearly any version of Photoshop and download a few files to make the process quick and easy. Keep reading.

您要做的就是启动几乎所有版本的Photoshop并下载一些文件,以使该过程变得快速且容易。 继续阅读。

My first How-to on creating 8-Bit graphics is still available, and shows the process in greater depth. If you still remember the steps from before, you’ll be okay without rereading it and just grabbing a few images you find interesting. Again, iconic images with good contrast can be very helpful to creating a better final product.

关于创建8位图形的我的第一个方法指南仍然可用,并且更深入地显示了该过程。 如果您仍然记得以前的步骤,则可以不用重新阅读它,而只是获取一些您觉得有趣的图像就可以了。 同样,具有良好对比度的标志性图像对于创建更好的最终产品很有帮助。

Once you have your image, simply head to Image > Mode > Indexed Color as before. Instead of using any of the other options on the “Palette” pulldown menu, we want to use “Custom.”

拥有图像后,只需像以前一样转到图像>模式>索引颜色即可。 我们要使用“自定义”,而不是使用“调色板”下拉菜单上的任何其他选项。

This loads up the Color Table for your image. It has generated one automatically, but we have no interest in that right now. Click the “Load…” button.

这将加载图像的颜色表。 它会自动生成一个,但是现在我们对此没有兴趣。 单击“加载...”按钮。

You’ll get a browser window looking for a color table file. I’ve created three color tables for How-To Geek readers to experiment with, so download them and plug them in at this step. They’re available in a ZIP package. My favorite is the “Gameboy” palette.

您将获得一个浏览器窗口,用于查找颜色表文件。 我为How-To Geek读者创建了三个颜色表,供他们实验,因此请下载它们并将其插入此步骤。 它们以ZIP包形式提供。 我最喜欢的是“ Gameboy”调色板。

The “Gameboy” color table has loaded up nicely. Hit OK to begin rendering your image in glorious shades of green.

“ Gameboy”颜色表已经很好地加载了。 单击“确定”开始以鲜艳的绿色阴影渲染图像。

I’ve been setting my Dither amount lower lately, and also using “Preserve Exact Colors.” Experiment with your settings to find your favorites, or simply use the ones shown here.

最近,我一直在降低“抖动”数量,并使用“保留精确的颜色”。 试用您的设置以查找您的收藏夹,或简单地使用此处显示的设置。

We’re off to a great start with Beethoven.


Again, shrink your file to a small size.


And, we have an excellent representation using Gameboy-style colors.


Yoga Fire! Here’s a nice example of the NES color palette.

瑜伽之火! 这是NES调色板的一个很好的例子。

The Sega Master system palette creates a nice image out of the “Great Wave off Kanagawa.”

Sega Master系统调色板从“神奈川大波浪”中创建了一个漂亮的图像。

Download the color tables if you haven’t already. If you need a refresher on creating these 8-Bit graphics or missed out the first time, check out my original post, and create some really cool stuff!

如果尚未下载颜色表,请下载。 如果您在创建这些8位图形时需要复习或第一次错过,请查看我的原始文章,并创建一些非常酷的东西!

Fire Breathing 2 created by Luc Viator, available under Creative Commons. Derivative image available under the same license. Special thanks to How-To Geek reader krhainos for his brilliant comments and excellent link.

Luc Viator创建的Fire Breathing 2 ,可在Creative Commons下获得 衍生图像可在同一许可证获得 特别感谢How-To Geek读者krhainos的精彩评论和出色的链接。


gameboy bios

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