

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.

Good morning to everyone, and thank you, for joining us, at the 2ndClimate Resilient Open Partnership for Food Security. To our eminent speakers and all participants who have come from all over world, I am greatly honored and pleased to welcome you to Hangzhou. On behalf of Zhejiang University, we are indeed honored to have you here with us.

Zhejiang University is a comprehensive research university with distinctive features and a national as well as international impact. We focus on assiduous study and research, and science and technological innovation, and we have launched a number of international high-end academic platforms and gathered masters, scholars and high-level research. In recent years, Zhejiang University maintains a leading position in China in output publications and patents.

In the previous session convened at the University of Leeds, specialists from around the world has discussed about critical factors influencing food security, and explored strategies to develop sustainable and climate resilient cropping systems.

And here we are again, now in Hangzhou, at Zhejiang University, to continue this exceptional course of global food security. As a continuation of the first session, we remain concerned about ensuring agricultural production on condition of climate change. During the workshop, we expect to make sufficient communication on multiple scales and disciplines, make detailed planning of the program between participating organizations, and come up with feasible approaches to strengthen international cooperation and advance the frontier of agricultural science. The workshop is also a great chance for Zhejiang University to promote academic exchanges with other institutions. NowadaysZhejiang University is striving to build itself into an innovative comprehensive research university with a world-class status.

With these words, I hope this workshop provides you with a forum to exchange scientific ideas, inspire new research, and new contacts for closer cooperation, so we can together envisage the future of a promising development of allrelated disciplines.

Thank you very much.

Distinguished guests, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning. As the President of our college,the College of Environmental and Resource Sciences of Zhejiang University, firstly I also want to express our gracious greetings and extend our cordial welcome to all of you. Then, I would like to present my compliments to all academic colleagues and administrative authorities participating in this opening ceremony.

We have specialists from disciplines covering agriculture, environmental science, botany, microbiology and economics gathered here today. Your presence is an opportunity to establish new scientific and professional bridges between all related fields. I hope our college can do our best to perform the duties of the host and contribute to the development of the project.

The College of Environmental and Resource Sciences was established in July, 1999, and formed by the amalgamation of corresponding departments and research institutions from the original Zhejiang University, Hangzhou University and Zhejiang Agricultural University. Now we have three departments and nine research institutes, covering the fields of environmental science and technology, environmental engineering, pollution control technology, soil-water resource and environment, agricultural chemistry, agricultural remote sensing and so on. With the extraordinary interest in scientific research and strong sense of responsibility for environment issues, we have confidence to provide you with a good academic atmosphere for the workshop.

Thank you all and wish you a good time staying here.



Distinguished guests, distinguished delegates,ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends:

At this special time of wonderful December, in this grand hall of the beautiful

city, our respectable guests are here getting together. On behalf of the organizing committee and the program committee, I am happy to welcome your participation in “International Phocology Developing Conference”, held in Shihezi University. Now, first of all, please allow me to give our hearty welcome to all of you present, and thank you, for your friendly coming,despite the long distance and the cold weather. We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event.

Let me introduce myself. I am Wang Yulin, from Epidemiology and health

statistics, and I'm greatly honored to be the anchor of the session.

We are honored to have invited professors all over the word, they are 陈宏志

(University of Oxford),杜鹃(Stanford University),黄亚兰(Harvard University),马红梅(University of Cambridge).Let's give them a warm welcome.In addition, we are also honored to invite experts and scholars from various fields.Thank you for coming. Here, let’s welcome the chairman of this conference deliver her opening speech. A great applause for宋凌勰.


Thanks for the chairman's speech,now let’s go on our conference.


The first paper this morning will be presented by Dr. 陈宏志, professor of pathology science at University of Oxford, and his topic is “SEIPIN and adipocyte maintenance”. Let's welcome Dr. Chen.

Thank you very much, Dr. Chen, for your excellent lecture.

Time for discussion, do you have any question?

Any more questions or comments for Dr. Chen ?

提问:what is the significance of this research for the study of human disease ?


Thank you. The next presentation in this session is on “Cell-Based

Small-Molecule Compound Screen Identifies Feetinide as Potential Therapeutic for Translocation-Positive Rhabdomyosarcoma”. I would like to call on Dr.Du, professor of pathology science at Stanford University, to talk this very import subject. Let's welcome Pr. Du.

Thank you very much, Dr. Du, for your excellent presentation.

Time for discussion, do you have any question?

Any more questions or comments for Dr. Huang ?


Thank you. The third paper will be presented by Dr. 黄亚兰, professor of pathology science at Harvard University, and her topic is “Inhibition of phosphorylated c-Met in rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines by a small molecule inhibitor SU11274”. Let's welcome Dr. Huang.

Thank you very much, Dr. Huang, for your excellent paper ,you have presented us the role of c-Met in the development and progression of RMS. Furthermore, the inhibitor of c-Met, SU11274, could be an effective targeting therapy reagent for RMS, especially alveolar RMS.

Time for discussion, do you have any question?

Any more questions or comments for Pr. Huang?


Thank you.

The last presentation in this session is on “Histone H3.3 Mutations:

A Variant Path to Cancer”. I would like to call on Dr. Ma, professor of pathology science at University of Cambridge, to talk this very import subject. Let's welcome Pr. Ma.

Thank you very much, Pr. Ma, for your excellent contribution.

Time for discussion, do you have any question?

Any more questions or comments for Pr. Ma?


It’s time for us to close this meeting and say goodbye. Thank you for your attention. Thank you.


Good morning ladies and gentlemen

welcom to the 2011 SUST model united nations.

SUMUN was established in April 2009. our continuous efforts and innovation, and relentless pursuit and struggle. Today, Model United Nations has developed into a powerful team which Made a lot of achievements.

Today we are pleased to gather here to host 2011 SUST Model United Nations.

let me introduce our distinguished guests tonight:

now i have the great privilege of presenting our distinguished guests today. They are*******welcome

let’s warmly welcome the chairman SUMUN Miss luo to make a speech.

Finally, we hope all the delegates can make effort to show your talent and model united nations can get a complete sucess.



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