
The latest development builds of Google Chrome include a way to make the browser clean up its act and stop hogging RAM. It’s easy to enable, and even easier to use. Just keep in mind that you must be running a dev channel build.

Google Chrome的最新开发版本包括一种使浏览器清理其行为并停止占用RAM的方法。 它易于启用,甚至更易于使用。 请记住,您必须正在运行开发通道构建 。

Open up the shortcut for Chrome (if Pinned on Windows 7, Shift+Right-Click for the context menu), and then add the following—note that there should be two dashes there.

打开Chrome的快捷方式(如果固定在Windows 7上,请按Shift +右键单击上下文菜单),然后添加以下内容-注意那里应该有两个破折号。


Now you can right-click on the title bar, or use the Shift+Esc shortcut key to bring up Chrome’s Task Manager.

现在,您可以右键单击标题栏,或使用Shift + Esc快捷键打开Chrome的任务管理器。

Hit the Purge Memory button, and it should clean up some of the memory (though not all of it).




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