每日一谚:A little copying is better than a little dependency

•慕课实战课:k8s实战 - https://coding.imooc.com/class/284.html

1.Go切片及其古怪 - https://parsiya.net/blog/2020-05-17-go-slices-and-their-oddities/2.Go会成为区块链界的"HTML"吗?- https://medium.com/the-capital/could-golang-become-blockchains-html-895cd383eac63.Go实现的开源恶意软件分析平台 - https://hakin9.org/saferwall-is-an-open-source-malware-analysis-platform/4.如何在Docker容器中对Go应用进行性能剖析 - https://bruinsslot.jp/post/profiling-golang-docker-25.性能工程团队的60个绝佳资源 - https://techbeacon.com/app-dev-testing/60-great-resources-performance-engineering-teams6.skopeo: 在容器镜像仓库间复制镜像的利器 - https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/skopeo-10-released

•gopherdaily归档:https://github.com/bigwhite/gopherdaily•编辑:Tony Bai (https://tonybai.com)


Uber Go语言编码规范图解中文字符编码-Go语言例解



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