
算法借鉴了Converting a fisheye image into a panoramic, spherical or perspective projection,核心内容如下:

Software: fish2sphere

Usage: fish2sphere [options] tgafile
-w n sets the output image size, default: 4 fisheye image width
-a n sets antialiasing level, default: 2
-s n fisheye aperture (degrees), default: 180
-c x y fisheye center, default: center of image
-r n fisheye radius, default: half the fisheye image width
-x n tilt camera, default: 0
-y n roll camera, default: 0
-z n pan camera, default: 0
-b n n longitude range for blending, default: no blending
-o n create a textured mesh as OBJ model, three types: 0,1,2
-d debug mode
Updates July/August 2016
Added export of textured hemisphere as OBJ file.
Added variable order of rotations, occur in the order they appear in the command line.
Source fisheye image.

Transformation using the default settings. Since a 180 degree (in this case) fisheye captures half the visible universe from a single position, so it makes sense that it occupies half of a spherical (equirectangular) projection, which captures the entire visible universe from a single position.

In this case the camera is not perfectly horizontal, this and other adjustments can be made. In the example here the lens was pointing downwards slightly, the correction results in more of the south pole being visible and less of the north pole.

Note that the fisheye angle is not limited to 180 degrees, indeed one application for this is in the pipeline to create 360 spherical panoramas from 2 cameras, each with a fisheye lens with a field of view greater than 180 to provide a blend zone.

This can be readily implemented in the OpenGL Shader Language, the following example was created in the Quartz Composer Core Image Filter.

// Fisheye to spherical conversion
// Assumes the fisheye image is square, centered, and the circle fills the image.
// Output (spherical) image should have 2:1 aspect.
// Strange (but helpful) that atan() == atan2(), normally they are different.kernel vec4 fish2sphere(sampler src)
{vec2 pfish;float theta,phi,r;vec3 psph;float FOV = 3.141592654; // FOV of the fisheye, eg: 180 degreesfloat width = samplerSize(src).x;float height = samplerSize(src).y;// Polar anglestheta = 2.0 * 3.14159265 * (destCoord().x / width - 0.5); // -pi to piphi = 3.14159265 * (destCoord().y / height - 0.5);  // -pi/2 to pi/2// Vector in 3D spacepsph.x = cos(phi) * sin(theta);psph.y = cos(phi) * cos(theta);psph.z = sin(phi);// Calculate fisheye angle and radiustheta = atan(psph.z,psph.x);phi = atan(sqrt(psph.x*psph.x+psph.z*psph.z),psph.y);r = width * phi / FOV; // Pixel in fisheye spacepfish.x = 0.5 * width + r * cos(theta);pfish.y = 0.5 * width + r * sin(theta);return sample(src, pfish);

The transformation can be performed in realtime using warp mesh files for software such as warpplayer or the VLC equivalent VLCwarp. A sample mesh file is given here: fish2sph.data. Showing the result in action is below.




1 第一个并行代码——实现两张图叠加

首先在头文件中添加 CI_RESULT overlyTwoImg(Mat &img1 , Mat &img2)接口:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "include_openCV\opencv2\opencv.hpp"using namespace cv;typedef enum {CI_OK,CI_ERROR
}CI_RESULT;class input_engine {
public:CI_RESULT initCUDA();CI_RESULT overlyTwoImg(Mat &img1 , Mat &img2);
private:char* err_str;
#endif // !_CUDA_H_


__global__ void overlyImg(uchar* a, uchar* b, const int width , const int height) {int x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;int y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y*blockDim.y;if ((x >= width) || (y >= height)) { return; }int t = (int)(a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 0] + b[(x + y*width) * 3 + 0]);(t > 255) ? (a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 0] = 0xff) : (a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 0] += b[(x + y*width) * 3 + 0]);t = (int)(a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 1] + b[(x + y*width) * 3 + 1]);(t > 255) ? (a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 1] = 0xff) : (a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 1] += b[(x + y*width) * 3 + 1]);t = (int)(a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 2] + b[(x + y*width) * 3 + 2]);(t > 255) ? (a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 2] = 0xff) : (a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 2] += b[(x + y*width) * 3 + 2]);}CI_RESULT input_engine::overlyTwoImg(Mat& img1, Mat& img2) {//定义数据uchar *img1data = NULL;uchar *img2data = NULL;cudaError_t cudaStatus;//检查第一块显卡是否可用cudaStatus = cudaSetDevice(0);if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {fprintf(stderr, "cudaSetDevice failed!  Do you have a CUDA-capable GPU installed?");goto Error;}//分配显存cudaStatus = cudaMalloc((void**)&img1data, img1.cols*img1.rows * 3 * sizeof(uchar));if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {fprintf(stderr, "img1data cudaMalloc failed! ");goto Error;}cudaStatus = cudaMalloc((void**)&img2data, img2.cols*img2.rows * 3 * sizeof(uchar));if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {fprintf(stderr, "img2data cudaMalloc failed! ");goto Error;}cudaStatus = cudaMemcpy(img1data, img1.data, img1.cols*img1.rows * 3 * sizeof(uchar), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {fprintf(stderr, "img1data cudaMemcpy failed! ");goto Error;}cudaStatus = cudaMemcpy(img2data, img2.data, img2.cols*img2.rows * 3 * sizeof(uchar), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {fprintf(stderr, "img2data cudaMemcpy failed! ");goto Error;}//分配并行运算dim3 thread_nbr(32, 32);dim3 block_nbr(img1.cols / thread_nbr.x + 1, img1.rows / thread_nbr.y + 1);overlyImg << <block_nbr, thread_nbr >> > (img1data,img2data,img1.cols,img1.rows);//拷贝数据至内存cudaStatus = cudaMemcpy(img1.data, img1data, img1.cols * img1.rows * 3 * sizeof(uchar), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {fprintf(stderr, "cudaMemcpy failed! ");goto Error;}Error:cudaFree(img1data);cudaFree(img2data);return CI_OK;

1.1 _ global__ void overlyImg()

在CUDA中有三种函数前缀:device,global,host,device是定义代码只能在GPU中执行,global是可由CPU和GPU共同执行,host是只能由CPU执行。这里的代码是由CPU传参后交给GPU处理,所以得用global前缀。前缀的具体内容可见:cuda 函数前缀:device/global/host 相关问题 。

1.2 CUDA常规处理流程



1.3 thread分配限制


1.4 并行运算的逻辑


//分配并行运算dim3 thread_nbr(32, 32);dim3 block_nbr(img1.cols / thread_nbr.x + 1, img1.rows / thread_nbr.y + 1);overlyImg << <block_nbr, thread_nbr >> > (img1data,img2data,img1.cols,img1.rows);

这部分代码先是定义了32x32的thread矩阵,可以想象成将图片以32*32个像素为一个子切片处理。然后block做的事情就是定义了这个图片有多少个子切片(也是NxM的矩阵)。这样处理的结果就是将一张图切割成多块来并行处理。关于block和thread可以查看GPU CUDA编程中threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim, gridDim之间的区别与联系 和CUDA笔记2:概念理解。
block_nbr中需要对img1.cols / thread_nbr.x的结果+1,是为了防止边界溢出。

__global__ void overlyImg(uchar* a, uchar* b, const int width , const int height) {int x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;int y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y*blockDim.y;if ((x >= width) || (y >= height)) { return; }


1.5 图像叠加算法


__global__ void overlyImg(uchar* a, uchar* b, const int width , const int height) {int x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;int y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y*blockDim.y;if ((x >= width) || (y >= height)) { return; }a[x*3 + y*width*3 + 0] += b[x*3 + y*width*3 + 0] ;a[x*3 + y*width*3 + 1] += b[x*3 + y*width*3 + 1] ;a[x*3 + y*width*3 + 2] += b[x*3 + y*width*3 + 2] ;}

a[x*3 + y*width*3 + 0]的目的是对当前的uchar数据做处理,+0则是B通道数据,+1是G通道数据。以上代码是最初的写法,得到的结果如下图:

uchar类型的值是0–255( 0–0xFF ),如果让两张图的当前uchar相加,则会容易导致内存溢出,从而影响上一段uchar数据,比如:

有一个像素,BGR三通道二进制值如图,如果这时候给R通道的uchar加上2,我们原希望的结果是R通道变成1111 1111,其他通道不变,实际上则整个像素会变成


if (b[(x + y*width) * 3 + 0] >= (0xff - a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 0])) {a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 0] = 0xff;}else{a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 0] += b[(x + y*width) * 3 + 0];}if (b[(x + y*width) * 3 + 1] >= (0xff - a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 1])) {a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 1] = 0xff;}else{a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 1] += b[(x + y*width) * 3 + 1];}if (b[(x + y*width) * 3 + 2] >= (0xff - a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 2])) {a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 2] = 0xff;}else{a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 2] += b[(x + y*width) * 3 + 2];}


int t = (int)(a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 0] + b[(x + y*width) * 3 + 0]);(t > 255) ? (a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 0] = 0xff) : (a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 0] += b[(x + y*width) * 3 + 0]);t = (int)(a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 1] + b[(x + y*width) * 3 + 1]);(t > 255) ? (a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 1] = 0xff) : (a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 1] += b[(x + y*width) * 3 + 1]);t = (int)(a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 2] + b[(x + y*width) * 3 + 2]);(t > 255) ? (a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 2] = 0xff) : (a[(x + y*width) * 3 + 2] += b[(x + y*width) * 3 + 2]);


int main() {
input_engine cudainput;
Mat img1 = imread(“img1.jpg”);
imshow(“img1”, img1);
Mat img2 = imread(“img2.jpg”);
imshow(“img2”, img2);
cudainput.overlyTwoImg(img1, img2);
imshow(“outImg”, img1);
if (‘q’ != _getch()) {
goto START;
return 0;




CI_RESULT fisheye2panorama(Mat iImg,Mat& oImg);



__global__ void cuda_convertImage(uchar* cuIBuffer,int iwidth, int iheight, uchar* cuOBuffer,int owidth , int oheight) {int x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;int y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y*blockDim.y;if ((x >= owidth) || (y >= oheight)) { return; }//计算Equirectangular投影模型上每个顶点的角度theta和phifloat theta = IHC_PI*(float(x) / float(owidth) - 0.5f);float phi = IHC_PI*(float(y) / float(oheight) - 0.5f);//计算三维空间坐标float x3d = sin(theta)*cos(phi);float y3d = sin(phi);float z3d = cos(theta)*cos(phi);    //计算鱼眼角度float itheta = atan2f(y3d, x3d);float iphi = atan2f(sqrtf(x3d*x3d + y3d*y3d),z3d);//计算半径float FOV = IHC_PI; //FOV = 180float radius = (float)iwidth * iphi / FOV;//鱼眼空间的像素坐标float ix = radius*cos(itheta) + (float)iwidth *0.5f;float iy = radius*sin(itheta) + (float)iwidth *0.5f;cuOBuffer[x * 3 + y*owidth * 3 + 0] = cuIBuffer[(int)ix * 3 + (int)iy*iwidth * 3 + 0];cuOBuffer[x * 3 + y*owidth * 3 + 1] = cuIBuffer[(int)ix * 3 + (int)iy*iwidth * 3 + 1];cuOBuffer[x * 3 + y*owidth * 3 + 2] = cuIBuffer[(int)ix * 3 + (int)iy*iwidth * 3 + 2];}


CI_RESULT input_engine::fisheye2panorama(Mat iImg, Mat& oImg) {int iwidth, iheight, owidth, oheight;iwidth = iImg.cols;iheight = iImg.rows;owidth = oImg.cols;oheight = oImg.rows;uchar* indata;uchar* outdata;cudaError_t cudaStatus;//分配显存空间cudaStatus = cudaMalloc((void**)&indata, iwidth*iheight * 3 * sizeof(uchar));cudaStatus = cudaMalloc((void**)&outdata, owidth*oheight * 3 * sizeof(uchar));//拷贝数据至分配的显存cudaStatus = cudaMemcpy(indata, iImg.data, iwidth*iheight * 3 * sizeof(uchar),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);cudaStatus = cudaMemcpy(outdata, oImg.data, owidth*oheight * 3 * sizeof(uchar), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);//设置并行参数dim3 thread(32, 32);dim3 block(owidth / 32 + 1, oheight / 32 + 1);cuda_convertImage<<<block,thread>>>(indata, iwidth, iheight, outdata, owidth, oheight);//将处理完的数据拷贝到内存cudaStatus = cudaMemcpy(oImg.data, outdata, owidth*oheight * 3 * sizeof(uchar), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);//清除临时数据以防显存溢出cudaFree(indata);cudaFree(outdata);return CI_OK;}





input_engine cudainput;cudainput.initCUDA();printf_usage();opencv_hander opencvhander;Mat imgdata;opencvhander.GetImgData(imgdata);imshow("imgdata", imgdata);waitKey();Mat outImage = Mat::zeros(1024, 1024, CV_8UC3);cudainput.fisheye2panorama(imgdata, outImage);imshow("outImage", outImage);waitKey();







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