cat dlopen.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>int main(int argc, char *argv)
{int index = -1;void *handle;int (*get_index)(int);int ret = -1;// 获取handlehandle = dlopen("./", RTLD_NOW);if (handle == NULL) {printf("dlopen error!:%s\n", dlerror());return -1;}//获取函数,get_card_index为so中的实现函数,get_index指向该函数;get_index = dlsym(handle, "get_card_index");if (get_index == NULL) {printf("dlsym error!\n");dlclose(handle);return -1;}ret = get_index(index);printf("ret:%d\n", ret);// 关闭该handledlclose(handle);return 0;

cat test.c

int get_card_index(int num)
{return 123;

cat test.h

int get_car_index(int num);


syli@lishengyu-pc:~/work/tmp$ gcc -fPIC -shared -o test.c
syli@lishengyu-pc:~/work/tmp$ gcc dlopen.c -ldl
syli@lishengyu-pc:~/work/tmp$ ./a.out


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