
PHP dir()函数 (PHP dir() function)

dir() function is an instance of the directory class, it is used to read the directory, it includes handle and path properties – which can be used to get the resource id and path to the directory. Both handle and path have read(), rewind(), and close() methods.

dir()函数是目录类的实例,用于读取目录,它包括句柄和路径属性–可用于获取资源ID和目录的路径。 句柄和路径都具有read() , rewind()和close()方法。






  • directory – It is used to specify the path to the directory to be opened.

    directory –用于指定要打开的目录的路径。

  • context – It is an optional parameter; it defines the context (a set of options that can modify the behavior of the stream).

    上下文 –它是一个可选参数; 它定义了上下文(一组可以修改流行为的选项)。

Return value:


On success – it returns an instance to the directory, on fail – it returns "FALSE".

成功–将实例返回目录;失败–将返回“ FALSE”。

Example: PHP code to demonstrate example of dir() function


//path to current working directory
$cwd = dir(getcwd());
echo "Directory handle: " . $cwd->handle . "<br>";
echo "Current path: " . $cwd->path . "<br>";
//reading & printing the filenames using dir()
while (($file = $cwd->read()) !== false){
echo "File: " . $file . "<br>";
//closing the dir instance



Directory handle: Resource id #5
Current path: /home
File: .
File: ..
File: main.php

Reference: PHP dir() function

参考: PHP dir()函数

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/php/dir-function-with-example.aspx


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