1.1 ansible介绍


1.2 ansible架构图

Core Modules:自带的模块
Custom Modules:(核心模块功能不足)自定义添加的扩展模块
Playbooks: 剧本,YAML格式文件,多个任务定义在一个文件中,定义主机需要调用哪些模块来完成的功能
Connectior Plugins: ansible:基于连接插件连接到各个主机上,默认是使用ssh Host Inventory: 记录由Ansible管理的主机信息,包括端口、密码、ip等

2 ansible特点

易懂 :ansible playbook采用YAML语言编写,易于阅读
详细描述应用:通过ansible playbook进行更改时,可以描述和记录应用环境的每一个方面
轻松管理版本:Ansible Playbook是纯文本,视作源代码,放在现有版本控制系统中
利用其它系统集成:利用环境中的HP SA,Puppet,Jenkins,红帽卫星和其它系统,集中到Ansible工作中

3 ansible安装要求

python3.5以上 python2.6以上

3.2 受管主机

python 2.6以上或python3.5以上(才可以运行多个模块)
启动了selinux的话 需安装:python3-libselinux包,才能使用复制,文件,模块相关的模块,工作时selinux关闭即可



yum -y install epel-release
yum -y install ansible
yum install -y ansible#查看版本信息
[root@localhost ~]# ansible --version
ansible 2.9.23config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfgconfigured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules]ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansibleexecutable location = /usr/bin/ansiblepython version = 3.6.8 (default, Dec  5 2019, 15:45:45) [GCC 8.3.1 20191121 (Red Hat 8.3.1-5)]

4.1 ansible简单使用

-B 后台运行时间
-C 测试脚本能否运行,检查语法
-D 对比文件与上次是否相同,不想同打印
-e 添加额外文件yml
-f 进程数(default=5)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i 指定主机目录
-l 指定所有运行的组,ansible all -l test1 -a ping 防止有组之间的继承
-M 指顶模板路径

# 创建一个VVV的用户
[root@localhost project]# ls
ansible.cfg  inventory
[root@localhost project]# ansible localhost -m user -a "name=VVV state=present"
localhost | SUCCESS => {"append": false,"changed": false,"comment": "","group": 1002,"home": "/home/VVV","move_home": false,"name": "VVV","shell": "/bin/bash","state": "present","uid": 1002
[root@localhost project]# id VVV
uid=1002(VVV) gid=1002(VVV) 组=1002(VVV)# ansible-doc使用参数
root@localhost project]# ansible-doc -h
usage: ansible-doc [-h] [--version] [-v] [-M MODULE_PATH][--playbook-dir BASEDIR][-t {become,cache,callback,cliconf,connection,httpapi,inventory,lookup,netconf,shell,module,strategy,vars}][-j] [-F | -l | -s | --metadata-dump][plugin [plugin ...]]   # 列出已安装模块
[root@localhost project]# ansible-doc -l
[WARNING]: ipagroup parsing did not produce documentation.
[WARNING]: ipahbacrule parsing did not produce documentation.
[WARNING]: ipahbacsvc parsing did not produce documentation.
[WARNING]: ipahbacsvcgroup parsing did not produce documentation.
[WARNING]: ipahost parsing did not produce documentation.
[WARNING]: ipahostgroup parsing did not produce documentation.
[WARNING]: ipapwpolicy parsing did not produce documentation.
[WARNING]: ipasudocmd parsing did not produce documentation.
[WARNING]: ipasudocmdgroup parsing did not produce documentation.
[WARNING]: ipasudorule parsing did not produce documentation.
[WARNING]: ipatopologysegment parsing did not produce documentation.
[WARNING]: ipatopologysuffix parsing did not produce documentation.
[WARNING]: ipauser parsing did not produce documentation.
a10_server                                                    Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunde...
a10_server_axapi3                                             Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunde...# 查看具体使用模块的方法[root@localhost project]# ansible-doc -s command
- name: Execute commands on targetscommand:argv:                  # Passes the command as a list rather than a string. Use `argv' to avoidquoting values that would otherwise beinterpreted incorrectly (for example"user name"). Only the string or thelist form can be provided, not both.One or the other must be provided.chdir:                 # Change into this directory before running the command.cmd:                   # The command to run.creates:               # A filename or (since 2.0) glob pattern. If it already exists, this step*won't* be run.free_form:             # The command module takes a free form command to run. There is no actualparameter named 'free form'.removes:               # A filename or (since 2.0) glob pattern. If it already exists, this step*will* be run.stdin:                 # Set the stdin of the command directly to the specified value.stdin_add_newline:     # If set to `yes', append a newline to stdin data.strip_empty_ends:      # Strip empty lines from the end of stdout/stderr in result.warn:                  # Enable or disable task warnings.
[root@localhost project]#


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