重点是可以通过ZendStudio10使用php直接编写支持 Android、iOS、Windows Phone的手机应用, 亲,你心动了么

下载页面:http://www.zend.com/en/products/studio/downloads?src=downloadb Zend is pleased to announce the release of Zend Studio 10.0.0!

You can download this release from:


In this release:


* Build complete, end-to-end cloud-connected mobile apps for Android, iOS and Windows Phone:

- Easily create, manage and test PHP Web Services (RESTful or RPC-style) using the Zend Server Gateway

- Use visual, drag-and-drop editors for client-side mobile interface prototyping and PHP Web Services creation

- Bind Web Services to mobile app widgets

- Easily debug Web Services using 'Debug Mode': a new integrated feature of Zend Studio 10 and Zend Server 6

- Generate platform-specific mobile projects for iOS, Android and Windows Phone (powered by Apache Cordova)

- Test your mobile app on an emulator or a target device

* Write Zend Framework 2 code more efficiently:

- Quickly create new Zend Framework projects, modules, view helpers and controllers

- Get content assist for services, helpers, controller variables inside views and configuration files

- View your project structure in MVC Outline view

* Develop faster and more productively:

- Find new PHP editor features, full PHP 5.4 support, PSR-2 compliant formatter, bug fixes and optimizations

- Debug faster and easier

* Take advantage of the tight integration with Zend Server 6

* Deploy your app to the Zend Developer Cloud or OpenShift: a Red Hat auto-scaling Cloud Application Platform as a Service (PaaS)

* Use the latest:

- PHP 5.3.21 and 5.4.11

- Zend Framework 1.12.1 and 2.1.0

Mobile GUI Editor Browser Requirements:


* Internet Explorer 9 or higher on Windows

* WebKitGTK on Linux

* No special requirements for Mac OS X

System Requirements:


*  Supported Operating Systems:

- Windows x86, XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7

- Linux x86

- Linux x86-64

- Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, OS X 10.7 Lion, OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion

*  1.5GHz processor

*  2048MB RAMs

*  700MB of hard disk space

Updating from Zend Studio 9.0.x:


* This version is backward compatible with all 9.0.x versions.

To update from version 9.0.x to 10.0.0, add two new update sites in Help -> Install New Software -> Available Update Sites:



and select Help -> Check for updates.

Updating from Zend Studio 10.0.0 Beta:


* Studio 10 Beta release was built on top of Eclipse 4.2 but for better performance we decided to use Eclipse 3.8 for the official release. This base platform version downgrade will NOT allow updates from Studio 10.0.0 Beta to the official release.

Migrating to Zend Studio 10.0.0:


* Zend Studio 10 starts with a default workspace: /Zend/workspaces/DefaultWorkspace. If this workspace was used by previous version of Zend Studio it is recommended to create a new workspace and import all projects from older workspaces to the new one after first startup.



* Product documentation is available through the web GUI of the product, and on-line at http://files.zend.com/help/Zend-Studio-10/zend-studio.htm

Known Issues:


* Cloud Connected Mobile project works out-of-the box only when deployed to Apache server (.htaccess based configuration).

Running Cloud Connected Mobile project on IIS Server requires URL Rewrite module with imported rules from .htaccess file.

* Using Web Mobile emulator on Windows requires IE 'Access data sources across domains' option enabled:

Internet Explorer -> Tools -> Internet Options -> Security tab -> Security level ->

Custom level -> Miscellaneous -> Access data sources across domains -> Enable -> OK -> Apply

* The default Apache 'Server API CGI/FastCGI' mode on Windows does not forward the 'Authorization' request header; this will cause the Zend Server Gateway Authentication step to fail.

Workaround: uncomment the following two lines in the public/.htaccess file of Cloud Connected Mobile project:

RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)

RewriteRule .* - [e=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]

* Using Android Development Toolkit (ADT) on Linux 64 bit requires installation of ia32-libs:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

* There is a bug in webkitgtk-1.0.0 version 1.10, which is shipped with Ubuntu 12.10


Workaround: install webkitgtk-1.0.0 version 1.8.3: (64bit architecture)

1. Uninstall the broken version of libwebkitgtk-1.0-0

2. Download:




and install them in the exact order as the links above using

dpkg -i .deb

Same workaround applies to 32bit architecture, but you need to adjust the links above appropriately.

* Several issues reported when installing Zend Toolbar on Linux Ubuntu and Fedora with Mozilla Firefox browser.

As a workaround, download and install the browser extension from:


Support and Feedback:


* Support for Zend Studio 10.0.0 and evaluation support is provided via http://www.zend.com/support-center and

the Zend forums at http://forums.zend.com. You can also send your feedback to studio10feedback@zend.com.

Thank you for using Zend Studio!


Zend Technologies, Inc.


Copyright 2013 Zend Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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