
We’ve shown you how to enhance Internet Explorer with add-ons, similar to Firefox and Chrome. However, too many add-ons can slow down Internet Explorer and even cause it to crash. However, you can easily disable some or all add-ons.

我们已经向您展示了如何使用附件增强Internet Explorer ,类似于Firefox和Chrome。 但是,过多的加载项可能会减慢Internet Explorer的速度,甚至导致崩溃。 但是,您可以轻松禁用部分或全部加载项。

To begin, activate the Command bar, if it’s not already available. Right-click on an empty area of the tab bar and select Command bar from the popup menu.

首先,激活命令栏(如果尚不可用)。 右键单击选项卡栏的空白区域,然后从弹出菜单中选择“命令栏”。

Click the Tools button on the Command bar and select Toolbars | Disable add-ons from the popup menu.

单击命令栏上的“工具”按钮,然后选择“工具栏” |“工具栏”。 从弹出菜单禁用加载项。

The Choose Add-ons dialog box displays. The time each enabled add-on takes to load when Internet Explorer loads displays. To disable a specific add-on, click Disable to the right of the add-on name. You can also disable all add-ons by clicking Disable All at the bottom of the dialog box.

显示“选择加载项”对话框。 显示Internet Explorer加载时每个启用的加载项加载所需的时间。 要禁用特定的加载项,请单击加载项名称右侧的“禁用”。 您还可以通过单击对话框底部的“全部禁用”来禁用所有加载项。

If you don’t want to disable the add-ons, you can tell Internet Explorer to tell you when the delay caused by the add-ons exceeds a certain amount of seconds. Select a value from the popup menu. Click Done to close the dialog box.

如果您不想禁用附加组件,则可以告诉Internet Explorer在附加组件引起的延迟超过一定秒数时告诉您。 从弹出菜单中选择一个值。 单击“完成”关闭对话框。

If you decide to enable the add-ons again, click Tools on the Command bar and then select Toolbars | Manage add-ons.

如果您决定再次启用加载项,请在命令栏上单击“工具”,然后选择“工具栏” |“工具栏”。 管理加载项。

The Manage Add-ons dialog box displays. The different types of add-ons are listed on the left. Click a type to display the installed add-ons of that type. To enable a disabled add-on, click on the add-on in the list on the left and click Enable.

显示“管理加载项”对话框。 左侧列出了不同类型的加载项。 单击一种类型以显示该类型的已安装加载项。 要启用禁用的加载项,请单击左侧列表中的加载项,然后单击“启用”。

You may see the following dialog box if the add-on you are enabling have other related add-ons. Click Enable.

如果您要启用的加载项还有其他相关的加载项,您可能会看到以下对话框。 单击启用。

Remember that the more add-ons you install, the more unstable IE becomes and the more likely it may crash. Now you can control which add-ons are enabled at any one time.

请记住,安装的附件越多,IE越不稳定,崩溃的可能性就越大。 现在,您可以随时控制启用哪些加载项。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/115222/disable-add-ons-to-speed-up-browsing-in-internet-explorer-9/


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