mac word 设置语言

If you want to use your Mac in a different language, or you’re live in a different region, then you can change it in OS X. When you do, it’ll display everything in your preferred language, currency, date format, and more.

如果您想以其他语言使用Mac,或者居住在不同的地区,则可以在OS X中进行更改。操作完成后,它将以您的首选语言,货币,日期格式,和更多。

The language and region settings on OS X are pretty useful in an number of ways, Even if you have no intention of ever changing your language, there are some cool things you can do to your regional formats. Let’s take a look at how this is done.

OS X上的语言和区域设置在许多方面都非常有用。即使您无意更改语言,也可以对区域格式做一些很酷的事情。 让我们看一下这是如何完成的。

Begin by opening the “Language & Region” pane in the System Preferences.


As it says, the Language & Region preferences let’s you control which language you will see in menus and dialogs, as well as the formats of dates, times, and currencies.


If you want to add a language, then click the “+” symbol at the bottom of the preferred languages panel.

如果要添加语言,请单击首选语言面板底部的“ +”符号。

Then, you can select to add a preferred language.


When we choose a second language, we’re immediately shown a dialog that lets us choose our primary language.


If you don’t change your preferred language when the system prompts you, then you can always click and drag the language into your desired order.


When you change your preferred language, you will need to restart your computer. For example, if we elected to change our language to French, everything will appear in French after we reboot.

当您更改首选语言时,将需要重新启动计算机。 例如,如果我们选择将语言更改为法语,则重启后所有内容都会以法语显示。

Next, let’s talk about changing the region.


If we change the region to Greece, we see that the timezone and currency is automatically adjusted (note the text at the bottom).


If you were traveling to Africa, on the other hand, you see the date format and currency is adjusted again, this time using 24-hour time.


Now, open the advanced options, which can accessed by clicking the “Advanced” button in the lower-right corner of the Language & Region preference pane. The advanced options allow you to change items that pertain to your region settings without changing everything to a new region.

现在,打开高级选项,可以通过单击“语言和区域”首选项窗格右下角的“高级”按钮进行访问。 使用高级选项,您可以更改与区域设置有关的项目,而无需将所有内容都更改为新区域。

For example, let’s say you don’t want to change your region, but you want the date to appear as day/month/year instead of month/day/year.


To do this, you’d simply go to the applicable field, and drag the day in front of the month. When you’re finished, simply click the “OK” button in the lower-left corner.

为此,您只需转到相应的字段,然后将日期拖到月份的前面即可。 完成后,只需单击左下角的“确定”按钮。

Dragging elements is just one way to make changes, you can also click on the arrows next to each element.


So, let’s say we want to change our long date format from displaying the full name of the month to the shortened format. We click on the arrow next to “January” and would then pick the format style such as “Jan” or “J”.

因此,假设我们要将长日期格式从显示月份的全名更改为缩短的格式。 我们单击“一月”旁边的箭头,然后选择格式样式,例如“ Jan”或“ J”。

Again, when you’re done making your changes, click the “OK” button.


Just remember, if you think you’ve messed something up and you can’t seem to fix it, you can always hit the “Restore Defaults” button in the lower-left corner.


Now, next time you want to set your default currency to yen or display the date like they do in England or use your system in Russian, you’ll be able to do so easily.



mac word 设置语言

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