
视觉失调 (Misalignment of Vision)

I think one of the biggest is that there’s a misalignment of vision. For example, you might have worked on a team where your customer or the people outside of the team had an idea of what your team was going to produce. They might have thought, we hope for an awesome product delivered in nine months. Okay, I like the “nine months”, I don’t like the “hope”, and I don’t like the “awesome”.

我认为最大的问题之一就是视线不一致。 例如,您可能在一个团队中工作,其中您的客户或团队之外的人对您的团队将要产生什么产生了想法。 他们可能会想到,我们希望在9个月内交付一款很棒的产品。 好吧,我喜欢“九个月”,我不喜欢“希望”,我不喜欢“很棒”。

How do you define awesome? What is an awesome product? As a team member you know that you want more than awesome, you want specifications. Regarding hope, I’m not saying that the managers or leaders can’t be hopeful, but that should not be part of the statement of work.

您如何定义超赞? 什么是很棒的产品? 作为团队成员,您知道自己想要的不只是出色的,还想要规格。 关于希望,我并不是说经理或领导者不能抱有希望,但这不应该成为工作陈述的一部分。

On the one side, you have your managers or your customers who are hoping for something that isn’t very well defined. On the other side, your vision will become much more clarified within the team. Before the team starts doing stuff they have to figure out what they’re working towards. What are the specifications of an awesome product? The problem with this is that even though you’ve defined what the awesome product is it might be completely misaligned with what your customers think an awesome product is. Aligning your vision is a critical part of team success.

一方面,您有您的经理或客户,他们希望这些东西定义不明确。 另一方面,您的愿景将在团队中变得更加清晰。 在团队开始做事之前,他们必须弄清楚他们要做什么。 真棒产品的规格是什么? 这样做的问题是,即使您已经定义了什么很棒的产品,它也可能与您的客户认为很棒的产品完全不符。 调整愿景是团队成功的关键。

期望传达错误 (Miscommunication of Expectations)

Another reason why teams might fail is a miscommunication of expectations. Let’s say there are various people involved in this project, whether they’re on the team or they’re customers of the team;

团队失败的另一个原因是对期望的误解。 假设有很多人参与这个项目,无论他们是团队成员还是团队客户。

· We might identify some as the outside boss: this is the person who commissions the project,


· The team leader who is obviously on the team,


· Team members, and


· Then you have your customers.


You’re not always going to have these four things. Maybe your outside boss is your customer, so you have these four types of people and they might have communications between them.

您并不总是要拥有这四样东西。 也许外部老板是您的客户,所以您有这四种类型的人,他们之间可能有沟通。

What are the expectations of each type of person? Well, the outside boss might be thinking, I just want the bare bones to get to market. I want a minimum viable product.

每种人的期望是什么? 好吧,外部老板可能在想,我只希望裸露的骨头进入市场。 我想要一个最低限度的可行产品。

The team leader who’s trying to do a good job at spiking the project might say; “oh, well we need to do A and B”. But the team members somehow understand that they need to do B and C.

试图出色地完成项目的团队负责人可能会说; “哦,好吧,我们需要做A和B”。 但是团队成员以某种方式理解他们需要做B和C。

Whether that’s because the requirements weren’t communicated very well or as a team, they decided that;


· A wasn’t really useful,


· B is useful, and


· Hey, while we’re at it let’s do C.


Because that would be pretty cool. Now we have three different expectations of what the end result of this team would be.

因为那将非常酷。 现在,我们对该团队的最终结果有三种不同的期望。

Let’s throw the customers in. They’re not necessarily after a minimum viable product. They might not know about or want A and B or B and C, they really want something that might be completely out of reach like unicorn hair or something that’s unreasonable.

让我们吸引顾客。他们不一定追求最低限度的可行产品。 他们可能不了解或不想要A和B或B和C,他们确实想要的东西可能完全无法触及,例如独角兽的头发或不合理的东西。

I’m not saying that customers are always asking for things that are unreasonable; I just wanted to illustrate the idea of how different expectations can cause the failure of a team.

我并不是说客户总是在要求不合理的事情; 我只是想说明一下不同的期望如何导致团队失败的想法。

群体间的不尊重 (Disrespect Amongst Groups)

Of course, there are other reasons why teams might fail. If there’s disrespect amongst any of those groups from the last slide, even amongst team participants, that can cause a team to completely collapse.

当然,还有其他原因可能导致团队失败。 如果上一张幻灯片中的任何一个小组之间都不尊重,甚至团队参与者之间都不尊重,那可能导致团队彻底崩溃。

In a team environment, you’ll have plenty of opportunities where people make mistakes and you’ll need to forgive them. If your team harbors bad feelings and can’t move on and forgive other people, that can cause a team to fail.

在团队环境中,当人们犯错时,您将有很多机会,您需要原谅他们。 如果您的团队怀有不好的心情而不能继续前进并原谅其他人,则可能导致团队失败。

If there’s poor leadership or management of the team, it might be impossible to succeed. Egos can get in the way of team success and if you have tasks that are simply impossible to accomplish or you’re asked to do things without having the right resources your team is on the road to failure.

如果团队的领导或管理水平不佳,就不可能成功。 自我会阻碍团队的成功,如果您有根本无法完成的任务,或者被要求在没有合适资源的情况下去做事情,那么团队就会走向失败。

I’m not saying that any of these will surely cause team failure, but they sure make it harder for a team to succeed.


Thanks for reading.





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