
Two factors weigh heavily against the effectiveness in(of) scientific researches in industries.One is the general atmosphere of secrecy(in which it is carried out),the other the lack of freedom of individual research worker.In so far as any inquiry is a secret (one),it naturally limits all those engaged in carrying it out from effective contact with their fellow scientists either in other countries or in universities,or even,often enough,in other departments of the same firm.The degree of secrecy naturally varies considerably.Some of the(bigger) firms are engaged in such reseaeches which are of general and fundamental nature that it is a possitive advantage for them to not keep them secret.Yet a great many processes depending on such research are sought for with complete secrecy until a stage at which patents can be taken out.Even more processes are never patented at all but kept as secret processes.This applies particularly to the medical industries,where chance discoveries play a much larger part in medical insdustry than they do in pysical and mechanical industries.Sometimes the secrecy goes to such an extent that the(whole) nature of the research cannot be mentioned.Many firms ,for instance ,have great difficulty in obtaining (technical or)scientific and mechanical books from libraries because they are unwilling to have their names entered as having taken out such and such a book,for fear the agent of other firms should be able to trace the kind of the research which they are likely to be undertaking.

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