linkedin 分享

When you use LinkedIn, it’s all about who you know. However, to import contacts, you normally have to permit the service to access your email and give up some privacy. Here’s how to export your contacts as a CSV file and then import them into LinkedIn.

当您使用LinkedIn时,所有与您认识的人有关。 但是,要导入联系人,通常必须允许该服务访问您的电子邮件并放弃一些隐私。 这是将联系人导出为CSV文件 ,然后将其导入LinkedIn的方法。

如何导出您的联系人 (How to Export Your Contacts)

The first thing you need to do is to export all the contacts from your email account that you want to import into LinkedIn. Exporting contacts differs slightly depending on which email provider you use, but it’s easy to do regardless.

您需要做的第一件事是从您要导入到LinkedIn的电子邮件帐户中导出所有联系人。 根据您使用的电子邮件提供商,导出联系人会略有不同,但是很容易做到。

从Google帐户导出 (Export from Google Account)

Fire up your browser and head to Google Contacts. Go through your contacts, select the ones you want to export, and then click the “Export” button in the panel on the left.

启动浏览器并转到Google通讯录 。 浏览您的联系人,选择要导出的联系人,然后单击左侧面板中的“导出”按钮。

If you want to export all your contacts, click “Export” without pre-selecting any contacts from the panel on the right.


Next, select “Outlook CSV” and then click “Export” to download the contacts as a CSV file.

接下来,选择“ Outlook CSV”,然后单击“导出”以将联系人下载为CSV文件。

If your browser prompts you to choose a destination for the CSV file to download to, navigate to a folder, and then click the “Save” button.


从Hotmail导出 (Export from Hotmail)

Fire up your browser and head to Outlook People. Click on “Manage” and then select the “Export Contacts” option.

启动浏览器并转到Outlook People 。 单击“管理”,然后选择“导出联系人”选项。

You can select “All Contacts” or choose pre-selected contacts in a different folder and click “Export” to start the file download.


If your browser prompts you to choose a destination for the CSV file to download to, navigate to a folder, and then click the “Save” button.


从Yahoo Mail导出 (Export from Yahoo Mail)

Fire up your browser and head to your Yahoo Mail inbox. Click the contacts icon to open a list of contacts, select the three dots menu button, and then choose “Export CSV” to download a list of all your contacts.

启动浏览器并转到Yahoo Mail收件箱 。 单击联系人图标以打开联系人列表,选择三点菜单按钮,然后选择“导出CSV”以下载所有联系人的列表。

If your browser prompts you to choose a destination for the CSV file to download to, navigate to a folder, and then click the “Save” button.


将您的联系人导入LinkedIn (Import Your Contacts into LinkedIn)

Once you have your CSV file full of all the contacts you want to connect to on LinkedIn, head to LinkedIn, click “My Network,” and then click “More Options” from the panel on the left.

在CSV文件中充满了要在LinkedIn上连接的所有联系人后,请转到LinkedIn ,单击“我的网络”,然后从左侧面板中单击“更多选项”。

On the next screen, click the upload icon that looks like an arrow pointing upward towards an open box.


When the next page loads, a file upload prompt will open. Navigate to the CSV file you exported from your email and click the “Open” button.

加载下一页时,将打开文件上传提示。 导航到从电子邮件中导出的CSV文件,然后单击“打开”按钮。

Click the “Upload” button.


On the next screen, it will show you a list of all your connections who are using LinkedIn. Manually select who you want to connect with or check the box to select all connections and then click the “Add Connections” button.

在下一个屏幕上,它将显示您正在使用LinkedIn的所有联系人的列表。 手动选择要与之连接的人,或选中相应的框以选择所有连接,然后单击“添加连接”按钮。

That’s it. After you add these connections, LinkedIn will send an invite to the people to verify you know them. You can repeat this process with any other email addresses you have.

而已。 添加这些连接后,LinkedIn将向人们发送邀请以确认您认识他们。 您可以使用任何其他电子邮件地址重复此过程。


linkedin 分享

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