
Looking for some LinkedIn profile tips to help you step up your game, beat out the competition, and land more job offers?


You’ve come to the right place! This 8,000+ word guide dives deep into 15 proven LinkedIn profile tips that will show you exactly how to optimize every aspect of your profile and get the results you want:

您来对地方了! 这份8,000多个字的指南深入探讨了15个经过验证的LinkedIn个人资料提示,这些技巧将向您确切显示如何优化个人资料的各个方面并获得所需的结果:

More profile views, more connections, more opportunities, and more job offers.


为什么我有资格分享LinkedIn个人资料提示? (Why am I qualified to share LinkedIn profile tips?)

Good question! People always ask me what my #1 piece of advice is and I tell them this:

好问题! 人们总是问我#1的建议是什么,我告诉他们:

You should only take advice from people who already have what you want.


There are a lot of career “gurus” on the internet slinging LinkedIn profile tips with absolutely no qualifications or evidence to back them up.


If I were in your shoes, I’d want to know that the advice I was implementing had actually worked in the past. My name is Austin Belcak and here’s my LinkedIn “resume” (a.k.a. why I’m qualified to speak about this):

如果我是你的话,我想知道,我正在执行的建议过去 实际工作 。 我的名字叫Austin Belcak ,这是我的LinkedIn“简历”(又名为什么我有资格谈论这一点):

  • I personally used LinkedIn to land job offers at Microsoft, Google, and Twitter我个人曾使用LinkedIn在Microsoft,Google和Twitter上找到工作
  • I’ve coached thousands of job seekers and have helped them land jobs at places like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Goldman Sachs, Deloitte, Sequoia Capital, Space X, and more — all using LinkedIn我已经指导了成千上万的求职者,并帮助他们在Google,Microsoft,Facebook,Apple,Amazon,Goldman Sachs,Deloitte,Sequoia Capital,Space X等地方找到工作-都使用LinkedIn
  • I’ve grown my LinkedIn following from 3,000 people to 20,000 people in just under 5 months在不到5个月的时间内,我的LinkedIn数量已从3,000人增长到20,000人
  • I average 5,000 LinkedIn profile views every month and over 1,000 people find my profile via LinkedIn search every week

    我平均5000 LinkedIn的个人资料,每月的意见和超过1000人发现通过LinkedIn我的个人资料每周搜索

  • My LinkedIn posts average 45,000 views and have accrued over 5,000,000 total views我的领英(LinkedIn)平均浏览量为45,000,累计浏览量已超过5,000,000

For example, here’s one of my posts from two weeks ago which saw over 226,000 views:

例如, 这是我两周前的其中一篇帖子 ,获得了226,000多次浏览:

And here’s a quick snapshot of my LinkedIn profile views for the past 90 days:


If you want to learn more, here’s a link to my profile. Feel free to check out my background and connect with me! Just make sure to send a custom note with your connection request and mention this article ?

如果您想了解更多信息,请访问我的个人资料链接 。 随时查看我的背景并与我联系! 只需确保在您的连接请求中发送自定义注释并提及本文?

I also want to make it clear that I’m not sharing those numbers to brag. I’m sharing them so you feel confident that the advice you’re about to read will work for you.

我也想说清楚,我不会分享这些数字。 我正在分享这些内容,因此您有信心将要阅读的建议对您有用。

My goal is to walk you through the exact LinkedIn profile tips I used to get those results so you can replicate them for yourself!


Without further ado, let’s start with some basics:


提示1:将您的LinkedIn个人资料更新保留给自己 (Tip 1: Keep your LinkedIn profile updates to yourself)

Before you begin overhauling your LinkedIn profile, there’s one critical box you need to make sure you’ve checked: profile privacy.


You don’t want Jane from HR getting suspicious because she saw a LinkedIn notification about the recent profile updates you made.


Fortunately, LinkedIn lets you to pick and choose who is allowed to see the updates you make to your profile. All you need to do is click this link, or go to: Settings & Privacy > How LinkedIn uses your data > Share job Changes:

幸运的是,LinkedIn可以让您选择允许谁查看您对个人资料所做的更新。 您所需要做的就是单击此链接 ,或转到:设置和隐私> LinkedIn如何使用您的数据>共享作业更改:

Now you can turn your LinkedIn profile into a job generating machine without tipping off anyone at your current company.


提示2:让招聘人员知道您愿意营业 (Tip 2: Let recruiters know you’re open for business)

One of the most frustrating aspects of being a job seeker is pouring hours into your resume, cover letter, or LinkedIn profile only to get zero responses.


What’s the point of putting in all this work if no one’s going to see it?


A few years ago, LinkedIn aimed to fix that by rolling out their Open Candidates feature. Open Candidates lets you tell recruiters you’re open to new opportunities and it lets you set preferences for the types of roles you want to hear about.

几年前,LinkedIn旨在通过推出其“公开候选人”功能来解决此问题。 公开候选人可让您告诉招聘人员您愿意接受新的机会,并可让您设置想要了解的职位类型的偏好。

Here are a few of the levers you can pull:


Leave Recruiters A Note: When you turn on Open Candidates, LinkedIn lets you leave recruiters a note (up to 500 characters) so you can provide some context around your situation and what you’re looking for next.


Your Status: Are you actively searching, passively looking, or not looking but open to the right offer? LinkedIn lets you choose any of the above so recruiters  have a sense of where you’re at in your job search.

您的状态:您是否在积极寻找,被动寻找或不寻找但愿意接受合适的报价? LinkedIn允许您选择以上任意一种,因此招聘人员可以在工作搜索中了解自己的位置。

Target Roles: LinkedIn also lets you add the job titles you’re interested in/considering so recruiters can send you more relevant opportunities.

目标角色: LinkedIn还可以让您添加您感兴趣/考虑的职位,以便招聘人员可以向您发送更多相关机会。

Location Preferences: Ready to make a move? Don’t want to move more than 10 feet from your kitchen table? Open Candidates also lets you tell employers where you want your next role to be. You can choose specific cities and you can also let them know you’re interested in remote roles.

位置偏好设置:准备好采取行动了吗? 不想离开厨房桌子超过10英尺吗? 开放候选人还可以让您告诉雇主您希望下一个职位在哪里。 您可以选择特定的城市,也可以让他们知道您对远程角色感兴趣。

Job Types: Finally, Open Candidates lets you tell recruiters what types of roles you’re open to. You can choose from Full Time, Part Time, Contract, Internship, Volunteer, or Temporary.

职位类型:最后,“公开候选人”可让您告诉招聘人员您要公开的职位类型。 您可以选择全职,兼职,合同,实习,志愿人员或临时工。

Once you have all of your preferences setup, the last thing you need to do is make sure you’ve flipped your Open Candidates switch to “On”:


Awesome! Now that we’ve got the easy stuff out of the way, this is where the fun begins.

太棒了! 现在,我们已经摆脱了简单的工作,这就是乐趣的开始。

Just because you let recruiters know you’re looking for opportunities, doesn’t mean you can put your LinkedIn profile on cruise control and watch the offers roll in. You’re still competing with 500 million other users for that job offer so you need to do everything possible to stand out.


The good news is you’re in the right place. The rest of this post is going to walk you through some LinkedIn profile tips that will set you head and shoulders above the competition and help you land more interviews, connect with amazing people, and rapidly accelerate your career.

好消息是您来对地方了。 这篇文章的其余部分将引导您了解LinkedIn上的一些个人资料提示,这些技巧将使您在竞争中脱颖而出,并帮助您获得更多的采访,与出色的人保持联系并Swift加速您的职业生涯。

LinkedIn个人资料提示:从上到下进行优化 (LinkedIn Profile Tips: Optimizing From Top To Bottom)

Now that we’ve got the basics out of the way, I’m going to show you how to completely optimize your LinkedIn profile to help you rapidly accelerate the results you’re looking for.


When I was completely overhauling my profile, I found that it was easiest to start at the top and work my way down. I’m formatting this post to follow that same flow.

当我彻底检查自己的个人资料时,我发现从顶部开始并逐步下降很容易。 我正在格式化此帖子以遵循相同的流程。

We’ll begin with the very top of your LinkedIn profile page – the URL – and then we’ll work down through your cover photo, profile picture, headline, summary, work experience, skills, recommendations, etc. until we’re covered every single aspect of your profile.


提示3:使用自定义的LinkedIn个人资料URL (Tip 3: Use a custom LinkedIn profile URL)

When you create your account, LinkedIn generates a random string of numbers to associate with your profile. Instead of “Adam Grant” you’re Profile #35467984.

创建帐户时,LinkedIn会生成一个随机数字字符串以与您的个人资料相关联。 而不是“亚当·格randint”,您的个人资料#35467984。

Unless you change it, that random number is what appears in your LinkedIn profile URL like this:


That’s not too sexy is it. When you’re job searching, your LinkedIn profile url is going to be something you leverage quite a bit.

那不是太性感。 当您在求职时,您的LinkedIn个人资料网址将成为您可以充分利用的东西。

You’re going to include it on your resume (because a recent study showed that resumes with a link to a comprehensive LinkedIn profile have a 71% better chance of hearing back from employers).

您将把它包含在您的简历中(因为最近的一项研究表明,具有指向领英个人简介的链接的简历,有71%的机会可以得到雇主的回覆 )。

You’re going to give it to people you connect with, and you’re also going to want it to show up when someone Googles your name (your URL plays a role in the SEO of your profile, helping it show up more frequently).

您将把它提供给与您有联系的人,并且还会希望它在有人用您的名字搜索Google时显示(您的URL在您的个人资料的SEO中起作用,有助于使其更频繁地显示) 。

If your profile link is a random string of numbers instead of your name, it’s going to look terrible on your resume/cover letter, and it’s going to be almost impossible for people to find.


如何自定义您的LinkedIn个人资料URL (How to customize your LinkedIn profile URL)

To good news is that LinkedIn allows you to customize your profile URL. You can do that by going to your profile, clicking Edit public profile & URL on the right rail, and then clicking Edit URL.

令人欣慰的是,LinkedIn允许您自定义个人资料URL。 您可以执行以下操作:转到您的个人资料,点击右侧栏上的编辑公共个人资料和URL ,然后点击编辑URL

Ideally, you want to use some combination of your full name. Mine is Austin Belcak so any of these combos would work great:

理想情况下,您要使用全名的某种组合。 我的是Austin Belcak,因此这些组合中的任何一个都可以很好地工作:

  • (using a middle initial)使用中间的缩写)

Now hit save!


提示4:使用显示个性的高质量LinkedIn个人资料图片 (Tip 4: Use a high quality LinkedIn profile picture that shows some personality)

When someone clicks on your LinkedIn profile, the first thing they look at is your picture.


Not so bad, right? Well get this:

还不错吧? 好吧,这个:

Researchers out of the University of York did a study on how head shots impacted the way a person is perceived. Their results might blow you away:

约克大学的研究人员进行了一项关于爆头如何影响人们感知方式的研究。 他们的结果可能会让您震惊:

First, a person only needs a 33 millisecond glance at your picture to form a first impression that includes evaluations of “trustworthiness, status, and attractiveness.”

首先,一个人只需要瞥一眼33 毫秒即可形成第一印象,其中包括对“可信度,地位和吸引力”的评估。

According to the study’s lead researcher, “facial impressions are relevant… and they are consequential, for instance, predicting government election results and influencing romantic preferences.”

这项研究的首席研究员表示 ,“面部印象是相关的……并且它们是必然的,例如,预测政府的选举结果并影响浪漫偏好。”

But it gets even scarier. That first impression that someone forms from a 33 millisecond glance at your face is pretty sticky. The researchers found that longer viewing times didn’t change the initial impression that was formed.

但它变得更加可怕。 由33毫秒的眼神形成的第一印象很粘。 研究人员发现更长的观看时间不会改变所形成的初始印象。

This means that anyone viewing your profile — recruiters, hiring managers, potential clients, etc. are all forming a first impression the moment your picture pops up.


You better make that first impression count.


That means you need an awesome, high quality LinkedIn profile picture that shows off some of your personality!


如何拍摄完美的LinkedIn个人资料照片(免费) (How to take the perfect LinkedIn profile picture (for free))

The good news is that you can get one completely free. All you need is a phone that has some sort of portrait mode (or high quality camera) and a friend:

好消息是您可以完全免费获得一个。 您需要的是一部具有某种肖像模式(或高品质摄像头)并拥有一个朋友的手机:

  1. Wait for a clear, overcast day or find an area with indirect sunlight (direct sunlight is harsh and will make you squint)等待晴天,阴天或发现阳光直射的区域(直射的阳光很刺眼,会使您斜视)
  2. Find a location with a great background — I personally like cityscapes or something natural like trees, etc.查找具有良好背景的位置-我个人喜欢城市景观或诸如树木之类的自然物体。
  3. Fire up portrait mode on your camera and take at least 10 images (you’ll be glad you went overboard, I promise)在相机上启动人像模式并拍摄至少10张图像(我保证您会很高兴)
  4. Using editing software to enhance the colors of the image and adjust it until it looks awesome.使用编辑软件来增强图像的色彩并对其进行调整,直到看起来很棒。

When you’re ready to upload your new profile picture, keep in mind that LinkedIn has some guidelines:


指南:LinkedIn个人资料图片大小 (Guidelines: LinkedIn Profile Picture Size)

  • LinkedIn’s profile picture dimensions are 400 x 400 pixels.LinkedIn的个人资料图片尺寸为400 x 400像素。
  • Your profile picture can be larger than 400×400, but it needs to maintain the square ratio to be accepted.您的个人资料图片可以大于400×400,但需要保持可接受的平方比。
  • The maximum resolution for a LinkedIn profile picture is 7680 pixels wide and 4320 pixels high.LinkedIn个人资料图片的最大分辨率为7680像素宽和4320像素高。
  • LinkedIn accepts PNG, JPG, and GIF file types.LinkedIn接受PNG,JPG和GIF文件类型。
  • The maximum profile picture file size is 8mb (you can reduce your image size using a site like CompressPNG or CompressJPG)


LinkedIn个人资料图片示例(来自真实人) (LinkedIn Profile Picture Examples (From Real People))

I mentioned injecting some personality into your LinkedIn profile picture too. Here are some awesome examples of people who do a great job of that:

我也提到过在您的LinkedIn个人资料图片中注入一些个性。 以下是一些出色的人,他们在其中做得很好:

Joseph’s picture is crystal clear and does an awesome job of showing off his personality. He’s not trying to do too much and he’s just being himself. The quality of the image, his smile, and what he’s wearing give off a warm first impression!

约瑟夫的照片非常清晰,并且在炫耀他的个性方面做得非常出色。 他并不想做太多,而只是做他自己。 图像的质量,他的微笑以及他的穿着给人以温暖的第一印象!

He also did a fantastic job bringing some contrast to his cover photo and the rest of his profile. His face and the pop of red in his shirt grab your attention because they stand out from the black and white themes everywhere else.

他还做了出色的工作,使他的封面照片和其他个人资料形成了鲜明对比。 他的脸庞和衬衫上的红色调吸引了您的注意力,因为它们在其他地方的黑白主题中脱颖而出。

Natalia Wiechowski is known for her bright blue branding on LinkedIn. It shows up in her videos, on her website, and even on her face! That’s an immediate attention-grabber and makes you feel like Natalia is someone you want to have a conversation with.

Natalia Wiechowski以其在LinkedIn上的亮蓝色品牌而闻名。 它会显示在她的视频,她的网站甚至她的脸上! 那是立即吸引注意的对象,使您觉得Natalia是您想要与之交谈的人。

She also does a great job choosing colors that people associate with happiness, trust, and high energy.


Going for the black and white filter is a great way to differentiate yourself, just like Jason did here. Notice that his picture is still high resolution and high quality though — you need to get that right before you mess with any filters or add ons.

就像杰森在这里所做的那样,选择黑白滤镜是区分自己的好方法。 请注意,尽管他的图片仍然是高分辨率和高质量的,但您需要弄清楚它,然后再弄乱任何滤镜或添加附件。

This may seem like a lot of info, but it’s totally worth it. To recap, a great LinkedIn profile picture:

这似乎是很多信息,但这是完全值得的。 回顾一下,很棒的LinkedIn个人资料照片:

  1. Is high quality and high resolution是高质量和高分辨率
  2. Meets LinkedIn’s profile picture guidelines (is 400×400 pixels and no more than 8mb in size)符合LinkedIn的个人资料图片指南(尺寸为400×400像素,尺寸不超过8mb)
  3. Emphasizes your face (by having a solid color or blurred background)强调您的脸(通过使用纯色或背景模糊)
  4. Conveys your authentic self – wearing clothes you love, with colors you enjoy, in a place that makes you happy在让您快乐的地方传达您真实的自我–穿着您喜欢的衣服,享受自己喜欢的颜色
  5. Showcases your awesome smile ?展现你的真棒微笑?

提示5:您的LinkedIn封面照片也是如此 (Tip 5: The same goes for your LinkedIn cover photo)

Most people know that a great LinkedIn profile picture is a must, but almost nobody takes advantage of their LinkedIn cover photo!

大多数人都知道,必须拥有出色的LinkedIn个人资料照片,但是几乎没有人利用他们的LinkedIn封面照片 !

Your cover photo is a fantastic place to show off some of your personality and accomplishments. It’s larger than your profile picture too so it’s likely going to grab more eyeballs and help you tell your story.

您的封面照片是展示您的某些个性和成就的绝佳去处。 它也比您的个人资料图片大,因此可能会吸引更多眼球,并帮助您讲述自己的故事。

The data also shows that profiles with custom profile pictures and cover photos see 21x more profile views, 9x more connection requests, and 36x more messages than people using defaults!


您应该在LinkedIn封面照片中使用什么? (What Should You Use In Your LinkedIn Cover Photo?)

Your cover photo creates a great opportunity to share more about you as a human being and as a professional.


My recommendation is to share something you’re passionate about or use your cover photo as real estate to sell yourself.


Some examples of sharing your passions include pictures of you:


  • Presenting/speaking at an industry event在行业活动上发表演讲
  • Doing volunteer work做义工
  • Taking part in a (professionally-kosher) hobby like marathon running, painting, hiking, teaching, etc.参加(专业的)犹太人的爱好,例如马拉松赛跑,绘画,远足,教学等。
  • Spending time with your family (everyone loves a person dedicated to their family)花时间陪伴家人(每个人都爱一个奉献给家人的人)
  • Traveling出行

If you want to use the space to sell yourself, you’re going to be including some graphic elements so you want to make sure the design is on point.


I recommend using Canva since they have awesome pre-made templates you can edit for free, like this:


Once you’ve settled on your template, you need to decide what you want to push in your cover photo. I recommend featuring:

确定模板后,您需要确定要放入封面照片的内容。 我建议特色:

  • Your elevator pitch and goals in two lines or less您的电梯间距和目标不超过两行
  • A link to your personal website, if you have one指向您个人网站的链接(如果有的话)
  • Links to your portfolio, projects you’ve worked on, or your resume链接到您的作品集,您从事的项目或简历

If you want to take things to the next level, find a way to combine awesome design from Canva with one of the passion images I mentioned above!


LinkedIn封面照片的大小和尺寸 (LinkedIn Cover Photo Size & Dimensions)

When you’re uploading your cover photo, you need to make sure it meets LinkedIn’s criteria so it doesn’t get rejected. Here are LinkedIn’s cover photo guidelines:

在上传封面照片时,需要确保其符合LinkedIn的标准,以免被拒绝。 这是LinkedIn的封面照片准则:

  • The recommended cover photo size is 1584 x 396推荐的封面照片尺寸为1584 x 396
  • The maximum cover photo file size is 8 mb封面照片文件的最大大小为8 mb
  • LinkedIn accepts PNG, JPG, and GIF file types for cover photosLinkedIn接受封面照片的PNG,JPG和GIF文件类型

Outside of the official guidelines, there is another big factor that you’re going to want to consider when designing your cover photo: device type.


When someone is viewing your LinkedIn profile on desktop, your profile picture appears on the lefthand side and will be laid over that part of your cover photo:


However, when someone looks at your profile on mobile, your profile picture will move to the center and obscure a different part of your cover photo:


See how my face covers up different areas of the cover photo depending on what device someone is using to view my LinkedIn profile?


Due to that, I purposefully spaced out the publisher logos in my cover photo so that four of them are showing at all times. I also chose to avoid placing text on the left side or middle of the cover photo so it wouldn’t be covered.

因此,我特意在封面照片中隔开了出版商徽标,以便始终显示其中四个。 我还选择避免在封面照片的左侧或中间放置文字,以免覆盖文字。

LinkedIn封面照片示例(来自真实人物) (LinkedIn Cover Photo Examples (From Real People))

Let’s take a look at some real people who did a fantastic job of incorporating all of the tips mentioned above:


Georgia’s cover photo is awesome. It’s unique, it’s well designed, it shows off her beliefs, and it immediately grabs attention with those color pops and bold font.

佐治亚州的封面照片很棒 。 它独特,设计精良,彰显了她的信念,并以那些流行色和粗体字体立即引起了人们的注意。

She also did a fantastic job lining up the black backgrounds in her profile picture and cover photos to create a seamless aesthetic that’s guaranteed to stand out. This is definitely levels above your average LinkedIn profile, but putting in the effort to create something similar is absolutely worth it.

她还出色地完成了个人资料图片和封面照片中的黑色背景的排列,以创造出一种无缝的美学效果,从而确保了出色的外观。 这绝对比您在LinkedIn上的平均个人资料要高,但是努力创建类似的东西绝对值得。

At the beginning of this section, I mentioned leveraging cover photos to inject some personality into your profile. Aaron’s cover photo is a 10/10 example.

在本节的开头,我提到了利用封面照片为您的个人资料注入一些个性。 亚伦的封面照片是10/10的示例。

He’s a front end engineer so using code as a means to convey his interests and ability is super creative. Before I’ve even scrolled I know about where he’s been, what he enjoys, what he’s good at, and what his goals are. That’s powerful!

他是一名前端工程师,因此使用代码来表达自己的兴趣和能力是极富创造力的。 在滚动之前,我不知道他去过哪里,他喜欢什么,他擅长什么以及他的目标是什么。 真厉害!

Johny’s cover photo is a great example of sharing something you love to do. Speaking is a great options but so is volunteering, sitting on a panel, running a marathon, a picture of you and your family, or any other hobby/interests that’s professionally kosher.

Johny的封面照片是分享您喜欢做的事的一个很好的例子。 发言是一个不错的选择,但是志愿服务,坐在面板上,进行马拉松比赛,为您和您的家人做的照片或其他任何专业的业余爱好/兴趣也是如此。

Images of you in action are an awesome way to convey more about what you love to do.


Finally, don’t underestimate the power of sharing something that brings you joy. Not all of us speak at conferences or have super creative ways of expressing our interests and that’s totally ok.

最后,不要低估分享给您带来欢乐的力量。 并非我们所有人都在会议上发表讲话,也不是拥有表达我们兴趣的超级创造性方式,这完全可以。

Caroline lives in California and her cover photo of a beach sunset shows how much that means to her. That beach feel pair with her beaming profile picture is a great combo too — I bet you felt a burst of positive energy after your first glance at her profile!

卡罗琳(Caroline)住在加利福尼亚,她的海滩日落封面照片显示了这对她意味着什么。 那海滩感觉与她灿烂的个人资料照片搭配也是很好的组合-我敢打赌,初看她的个人资料后,您会感受到一阵积极的能量!

Whether it’s a sunset, a city skyline, or a piece of art, if you feel like an image speaks to your personality you should share it!


提示6:优化您的LinkedIn标题以获得更多个人资料视图 (Tip 6: Optimize your LinkedIn headline to get more profile views)

“On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.” – David Ogilvy, The “Father” of Advertising

“平均而言,阅读标题的人数是阅读正文的人数的五倍。 撰写标题时,您已经花掉了80美分。” –广告的“父亲”大卫·奥美(David Ogilvy)

That advice is just as relevant to your LinkedIn profile as it is to writing ad copy.


In today’s job market, 90%+ of recruiters are regularly using LinkedIn to find qualified candidates.


When a recruiter is looking to fill a roll, they use LinkedIn’s search functionality to find awesome people like you. But what makes your LinkedIn profile show up at the top vs. the millions of other people in a similar field? Think of it like this:

当招聘人员想要填补职位空缺时,他们使用LinkedIn的搜索功能来查找像您这样的超赞人员。 但是,是什么让您的LinkedIn个人资料显示在顶部,而不是其他类似领域的其他人? 这样想:

Let’s say it’s 5pm on Saturday and you don’t feel like cooking. You might head to Google and punch in “best Thai restaurants [your city].”

假设是星期六的下午5点,您不会做饭。 您可能会去Google并打入“ [您所在的城市]最好的泰国餐馆”。

Google serves a list of restaurants and you begin scanning through their offerings — their menu, reviews from other people, hours, distance, etc. Then you pick one based on what you liked best.


LinkedIn search works the same way!


Instead of searching for Thai food, recruiters are searching for keywords that match the position they’re hiring for.


For example, if they need a new Project Manager, they may search for: Project Manager, PMP, ACP, etc.

例如,如果他们需要一个新的Project Manager,则可以搜索: Project Manager,PMP,ACP等。

If they need a front end developer, they may search for: Front End Developer, Web Designer, Web Developer, etc.

如果他们需要前端开发人员,则可以搜索: 前端开发人员,Web设计器,Web开发人员等。

When they hit “search,” LinkedIn scans profiles for relevant data and serves up the people who have the search criteria in their profile. The more your profile matches the search criteria, the higher you’ll show up.

当他们点击“搜索”时,LinkedIn会在个人资料中扫描相关数据,并为个人资料中包含搜索条件的人员提供服务。 您的个人资料与搜索条件匹配的次数越多,显示的内容就越高。

Your LinkedIn headline carries a lot of weight in these searches so you need to make sure it’s fully optimized for the search terms that recruiters are using.


如何识别需要在LinkedIn标题中使用的关键字 (How to identify the keywords you need to use in your LinkedIn headline)

Here’s a quick strategy you can use to boost your chances to matching with the terms recruiters are using to find candidates for roles you’re interested in:


  1. Open a new Word/Google doc打开一个新的Word / Google文档
  2. Use LinkedIn jobs to search for roles that match your exact criteria (industry, level of experience, location, etc.)


  3. For each role that lines up with your interests, copy the job title and paste it into your doc对于符合您兴趣的每个角色,请复制职位并将其粘贴到文档中
  4. Rise and repeat until you have copied at least 30 job titles into your doc上升并重复,直到您已将至少30个职称复制到文档中
  5. Now head to and click on Word List, then Paste/Type text

    现在转到 ,然后单击“ 单词列表” ,然后单击“ 粘贴/键入文本”

  6. Paste in your 30+ job titles and hit Apply

    粘贴30多个职位,然后点击“ 应用”

Wordclouds is going to generate a cloud showing which words appear most often across those titles. If you want a more empirical view, you can click on Word List again to see the exact frequency for each word.

Wordclouds将生成一个云,该云显示哪些单词在这些标题中出现频率最高。 如果您需要更实证的视图,可以再次单击“ 单词列表”以查看每个单词的确切频率。

The top 3-5 words are the keywords you want to focus on including in your LinkedIn headline.


Here’s an example I created from 30 job titles I found searching for “Sales” in “New York”:


If you check out the word list, here are the top 5 by frequency:


16 Sales5 Executive4 Director3 Account3 Manager


Now I can go back to the job titles to get context around word order and come up with a headline that includes as many of those keywords as I can fit. In this case, I may go with: Sales Director / Account Executive.

现在,我可以返回到职位标题以获取单词顺序的上下文信息,并提出一个标题,其中包含尽可能多的这些关键字。 在这种情况下,我可以选择: 销售总监/客户经理

This is just the starting point though. LinkedIn gives you a lot of space to work with in your headline and you want to use as much of it as you can.

不过,这只是起点。 LinkedIn为您的标题提供了很多工作空间,并且您想尽可能多地使用它。

LinkedIn标题字符限制 (LinkedIn Headline Character Limits)

LinkedIn limits you to 120 characters for your professional headline on desktop. If you switch to the LinkedIn mobile app, the character limit increases to 200!

LinkedIn在桌面上的专业标题限制为120个字符。 如果您切换到LinkedIn移动应用程序,则字符数限制将增加到200!

Once you know what keywords you want to inject, you should use the rest of your headline to sell yourself. This will vary based on your goals, but here are a few ideas:

一旦知道要插入哪些关键字,就应该使用标题的其余部分来推销自己。 这会根据您的目标而有所不同,但是这里有一些建议:

  • Share a quick results-based case study (share accomplishments, metrics, big wins, awards, etc.)分享基于结果的快速案例研究(分享成就,指标,重大成就,奖项等)
  • Share a link to your personal website or online portfolio right there in your headline (e.g. “learn more about how I do it here >在标题中共享指向您的个人网站或在线投资组合的链接(例如“在此处详细了解我的操作方式>”
  • Include high priority skills and proficiencies包括高优先级的技能和熟练程度
  • Inject some personality and talk about something you enjoy doing outside of your specific job description注入个性并谈论您喜欢在特定工作描述之外做的事情
  • Include a call to action for people read more (my profile has this). I use my headline to hook people in and tell them to learn more below with a little emoji pointing down

    加入号召性用语,以使人们了解更多( 我的个人资料有此内容 )。 我用标题吸引人们,并告诉他们在下面用表情符号指向下方了解更多信息

You should aim to include your high priority keywords at the beginning of your headline, then use the rest of the characters to grab the reader’s attention.


LinkedIn标题示例(摘自Real People) (LinkedIn Headline Examples (From Real People))

Here are a few awesome examples of LinkedIn headlines to help you get some inspiration:


Vishal’s keyword-packed headline is going to get him noticed across a broad range of searches. He leads with his title (Senior Manager) and leverages the rest of his character limit to include relevant keywords like Digital Innovation, Paid Media, and Digital Strategy.

维沙尔(Vishal)充满关键字的标题将使他在广泛的搜索中受到关注。 他以自己的头衔(高级经理)为首,并利用他的其余字符限制来包括相关的关键字,例如Digital Innovation,付费媒体和Digital Strategy。

Vishal’s LinkedIn Headline: Senior Manager, Digital Innovations – Paid Media and Digital Strategy at Authentic Brands Group

Vishal的LinkedIn标题:数字创新高级经理– Authentic Brands Group的付费媒体和数字策略

Maanek’s headline does a great job of leading with keywords. He’s got a searchable job title in “Senior Manager” and a highly popular field in “Marketing Analytics.” He uses the rest of his characters to add a little more color to his job and what he’s passionate about.

Maanek的标题在利用关键字进行领导方面做得很好。 他在“高级经理”中拥有可搜索的职位,在“市场分析”中具有很高的知名度。 他利用其余的角色为自己的工作和他热衷的事物增添色彩。

Maanek’s LinkedIn Headline: Senior Manager – Marketing Analytics @ Zola Analyzing the intersection of Love + Data.

Maanek的LinkedIn标题: Zola营销分析高级经理–分析Love + Data的交集。

While he’s not a job seeker, Kyle has a fantastic headline where he covers a lot of the bases mentioned above. He includes high priority keywords up front, is clear about his services, mentions awards for social proof, and talks about his love for coffee.

凯尔(Kyle)虽然不是求职者,但他的头条新闻很不错 ,他涵盖了上述许多基础。 他预先包含了高优先级的关键字,清楚地说明了他的服务,提到了获得社会证明的奖项,并谈到了他对咖啡的热爱。

Kyle’s LinkedIn headline: Career & Life Coach | Resume & LinkedIn Writer | Award-Winning Speaker | Caffeine Addict | Forbes Coaches Council +

凯尔(Kyle)的LinkedIn标题:职业与生活教练| 简历和领英作家| 获奖演讲人| 咖啡因成瘾者| 福布斯教练委员会+

As a closing thought, I always notice that entrepreneurs and CEOs tend to have the best LinkedIn headlines. Why? Because they always need to be selling themselves (and the best ones can do it concisely).

作为结束语,我总是注意到企业家和首席执行官往往拥有最好的LinkedIn头条新闻。 为什么? 因为他们总是需要自我推销(最好的人可以做到这一点)。

But here’s the thing – you’re a CEO whether you know it or not. The CEO of your own career and your own life. You’re more than just an “Account Manager at Company” or “Human Resources at Company.”

但这就是事实–无论您是否知道,您都是首席执行官。 您自己的职业和生活的首席执行官。 您不仅仅是“公司的客户经理”或“公司的人力资源”。

You’ve contributed a lot to your company, your customers, your colleagues, your friends, your family, and your industry. Let that shine through in your LinkedIn headline!

您为公司,客户,同事,朋友,家人和行业做出了巨大贡献。 在您的LinkedIn头条新闻中大放异彩!

提示7:确定招聘者用来寻找候选人的关键字 (Tip 7: Identify the keywords recruiters are using to find candidates)

Remember my little restaurant analogy from the last tip?


Headlines definitely carry a lot of weight when it comes to being found in search results, but LinkedIn isn’t stopping there. They scan every section of your profile and the more matches you have, the more frequently you’ll show up and get called.

在搜索结果中,头条无疑具有很大的分量,但LinkedIn并没有止步于此。 他们会扫描您个人资料的每个部分,并且您拥有的匹配项越多,出现和被致电的频率就越高。

LinkedIn is tricky because we can’t create multiple profiles for multiple roles like you can with a resume. You only get one profile and you want it to generate as many opportunities as possible. In order to do that, we need to get a sense of the keyword sets associated with the roles we want.

LinkedIn很棘手,因为我们无法像履历表一样为多个角色创建多个配置文件。 您只会获得一个配置文件,并且希望它产生尽可能多的机会。 为此,我们需要对与所需角色相关联的关键字集有所了解。

如何为您的LinkedIn个人资料识别正确的关键字 (How to identify the right keywords for your LinkedIn profile)

Identifying keywords for your entire profile is a little bit more complex than doing it for your headline.


If you’re tight on budget and/or don’t mind doing a little bit of leg work yourself, you can definitely use the same Wordclouds trick I mentioned above.


That said, there are some paid tools out there that will help be significantly more efficient here. My two favorites are Jobscan and Skillsyncer (I have no affiliation with either and it’s worth noting that they are both paid tools with some free trial options).

就是说,这里有一些付费工具,将大大提高效率。 我的两个收藏夹是Jobscan和Skillsyncer (我两者都不隶属,并且值得注意的是,它们都是带免费试用选项的付费工具)。

Both of these platforms will digest any job description you upload and give you a detailed breakdown of what keywords you need to target. You can also copy and paste your LinkedIn profile sections to see how well you match up:

这两个平台都将汇总您上载的所有职位描述,并为您详细介绍需要定位的关键字。 您还可以复制并粘贴您的LinkedIn个人资料部分,以查看匹配程度:

If you scan a few job descriptions for every type of role you’re targeting, these platforms will give you an idea of what keywords you need to prioritize.


Your job is to make sure they’re naturally woven into each of the LinkedIn profile sections we talk about in the rest of this post.


提示8:您的LinkedIn摘要仅用于销售,而非汇总 (Tip 8: Your LinkedIn Summary is for selling, not summarizing)

At this point, you’ve got awesome, eye-catchy images and a killer headline that’s going to hook anyone looking at your LinkedIn profile.


If they like what they see, the natural next step is to scroll down and check out your summary. This is my favorite profile section because it gives you a ton of creative freedom to pitch yourself!

如果他们喜欢他们所看到的内容,那么自然的下一步就是向下滚动并查看摘要。 这是我最喜欢的个人资料部分,因为它使您拥有大量的创作自由来推销自己!

It’s your opportunity to give some background, provide context, handle objections, highlight your abilities, and show this person why you are the best option, bar none.


Lots of people have different opinions and strategies on what to put in here. I’m going to share a simple formula that I saw results with as a job seeker and that I use with most of my clients:

许多人对放入此处的内容有不同的看法和策略。 我将分享一个简单的公式,作为求职者,我会看到结果,并与大多数客户一起使用:

奥斯汀的LinkedIn求职者摘要公式 (Austin’s LinkedIn Summary Formula For Job Seekers)

I personally recommend a three part Summary that consists of:


  1. An opening statement that summarizes your experience and value while including relevant keywords you identified using tactics from previous sections开场白,总结您的经验和价值,同时包括您使用上一节中的策略确定的相关关键字
  2. A few “case study” bullets which highlight your biggest accomplishments and completed projects (including measurable metrics/results)

    一些“案例研究”项目符号,重点介绍您最大的成就和已完成的项目(包括可衡量的指标/结果 )

  3. A final bullet or two speaking to any extra-curricular or cultural initiatives (if relevant)在任何课外活动或文化活动中发言的最后一两句话(如果有的话)
  4. A closing statement about what opportunities you get excited about and how to get in touch with you (make sure to include an email address where people can reach you!)关于您对哪些机会感到兴奋以及如何与您取得联系的总结性发言(请确保提供电子邮件地址,以便人们与您联系!)

The final bullet is your way of saying “if this type of opportunity were to magically pop up, it would be the type of thing I get very excited about (wink wink, nudge nudge)” so recruiters can take the hint without raising suspicion at your current job.

最后一个项目符号是您的表达方式:“如果这种机会突然出现,那将是我非常兴奋的那种事情(眨眼眨眼,轻推一下 )”,这样招聘人员就可以在不引起怀疑的情况下获得暗示您当前的工作。

LinkedIn gives you a 2,000 character limit for your Summary section so you want to make sure you use as much of it as you can (without sacrificing quality).


良好的LinkedIn摘要示例 (Example of a Good LinkedIn Summary)

I’ll kick off this section by writing out the summary I’d use if I updated my profile for a new job search. I’m currently a Director of Partner Development at Microsoft so let’s say I was targeting Partner Manager / Partner Director roles:

如果要更新个人资料以进行新的求职,我将写出摘要来开始本节。 我目前是Microsoft合作伙伴开发总监,所以我的目标是合作伙伴经理/合作伙伴总监角色:

Austin’s LinkedIn Summary Example


Director of Partner Development/Management with 7+ years experience building C level relationships, driving scaled growth across a $20M+ book, and consistently exceeding quota.


+ Spearhead growth of $20M+ book of channel partners, including the two largest revenue generating partners in Microsoft’s global book of business


+ Maintained 120% average quota attainment and won Microsoft’s Platinum club sales award given to top 300 salespeople across the company


+ Prospected, negotiated incentive terms, and on-boarded 10 net new channel partners worth $15M+ in annual revenue


+ Published in Forbes, Business Insider, Fast Company, Inc. and more for opinions and thoughts on hiring and career development


+ Founder of Career site, home to 30,000+ job seekers who have gone on to land jobs at places like Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Apple, and more without applying online


“Austin is an absolute pleasure to work with. He provides a level of service we don’t get from other partners and our relationship with him and Microsoft has been a major factor in our growth and eventual acquisition.” – [Client Name, Company]

“与奥斯汀共事是我的荣幸。 他提供了其他合作伙伴无法提供的服务水平,我们与他和微软的关系一直是我们发展和最终收购的主要因素。” – [客户名称,公司]

I get excited about opportunities to create mutually beneficial partnerships that drive growth on both sides of the relationship, specifically in the world of tech/digital. Want to connect? Feel free to email me at

我为建立互惠互利的合作伙伴关系而感到兴奋,这些合作伙伴关系推动了双方关系的发展,特别是在科技/数字世界。 要连接吗? 请随时通过austin@cultivatedculture.com给我发送电子邮件。

That summary packs in a bunch of keywords that recruiters will be searching for when they’re on the hunt for a new Partner Director/Manager.


It immediately speaks to my level of experience and the results I drive, notice how almost every bullet has a number in it relating to the results my actions drove.


I also included a “testimonial” from one of my clients. If you have the opportunity to do this, it is solid job search GOLD. The more the merrier, these are basically references that add immediate credibility.

我还包括一位客户的“推荐”。 如果您有机会执行此操作,那将是一个不错的工作机会。 越多越好,这些基本上是增加即时信誉的参考。

Finally, it clearly states what opportunities I’m excited about (i.e. would be open to) and gives people an easy way to get in touch via email!


提示9:利用包含出站链接和媒体的功能 (Tip 9: Take advantage of the ability to include outbound links and media)

One of LinkedIn’s largest advantages is the ability to add links and media to your profile!


I hear the same thing from so many job seekers, “I don’t feel like anyone is seeing or understanding my value.”  The sentiment in today’s job market is don’t tell me, show me. Adding links to mentions, accomplishments, projects, articles, and case studies is exactly how you do that.

我从许多求职者那里听到了同样的话: “我感觉好像没有人看到或理解我的价值。” 告诉我,今天的就业市场气氛不告诉我。 添加指向提及,成就,项目,文章和案例研究的链接正是您的操作方式。

如何在LinkedIn摘要中添加链接和媒体 (How to add links and media to your LinkedIn summary)

If you head to your own LinkedIn profile, you should see a little pencil icon all the way on the right hand side, just below your cover photo. Clicking that will open up your Summary settings and allow you to edit content and add links:

如果您访问自己的LinkedIn个人资料,则应该在封面照片下方的右侧始终看到一个铅笔图标。 单击该按钮将打开“摘要”设置,并允许您编辑内容和添加链接:

Once you’re on the edit screen, scroll down to the bottom and look for the Media section (the last section on the page):


This is where you can add in media that will appear right below your summary near the top of your LinkedIn profile (meaning more people are going to see it!).


You’ll notice that LinkedIn gives you two options for adding media: Uploadingand Link.

您会注意到,LinkedIn为您提供了两种添加媒体的选项: UploadingLink

Upload lets you add a document or file you have saved on your computer. For example, did you put together a deck that walked through a complete onboarding process overhaul? You can upload it! Have a 5 page competitive analysis template you’ve been using to close business? Drop it in!

上载使您可以添加已保存在计算机上的文档或文件。 例如,您是否整理了一个甲板,以完成完整的入职流程大修? 您可以上传! 您是否使用过5页的竞争分析模板来结业? 放进去!

Anything you can’t link to can be uploaded here, as long as it fits one of the following file types:


Accepted File Types For LinkedIn Media Uploads


  • Adobe PDF (.pdf)Adobe PDF(.pdf)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt/.pps/.pptx/.ppsx/.pot/.potxMicrosoft PowerPoint(.ppt / .pps / .pptx / .ppsx / .pot / .potx
  • Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx/.rtf)Microsoft Word(.doc / .docx / .rtf)
  • OpenOffice Presentation Document (.odp)OpenOffice演示文稿文档(.odp)
  • OpenOffice Documents (.odt)OpenOffice文件(.odt)
  • Most .txt files大多数.txt文件
  • .jpg/.jpeg.jpg / .jpeg
  • .png.png
  • .bmp.bmp
  • .gif – this doesn’t support animation, however the first frame will be extracted.gif –不支持动画,但是将提取第一帧
  • .tiff.tiff

Your other option for adding media is linking out.


This is a fantastic option for personal sites, articles you’ve written, media you’ve been featured in (podcasts, articles, videos, etc.), industry specific profiles (like Github), etc.

This is a fantastic option for personal sites, articles you've written, media you've been featured in (podcasts, articles, videos, etc.), industry specific profiles (like Github), etc.

LinkedIn will showcase up to five pieces of media in your summary so you want to make them count! Adding in more will create a sixth thumbnail with a counter showing how many additional pieces of content are available to check out.

LinkedIn will showcase up to five pieces of media in your summary so you want to make them count! Adding in more will create a sixth thumbnail with a counter showing how many additional pieces of content are available to check out.

Here’s what that looks like on my buddy Alex’s profile:

Here's what that looks like on my buddy Alex's profile :

In this case, you want to go for quality over quantity. Most people are up to check out a few pieces of high quality content, but they won’t go through more than five.

In this case, you want to go for quality over quantity. Most people are up to check out a few pieces of high quality content, but they won't go through more than five.

Tip 10: Leverage copywriting principles to write a crazy effective Work Experience section (Tip 10: Leverage copywriting principles to write a crazy effective Work Experience section)

Most people think that the Work Experience section of their LinkedIn profile is a summary of their job history, and those people are very wrong. The bullets your in your LinkedIn profile are aimed at doing one thing: Selling Yourself!

Most people think that the Work Experience section of their LinkedIn profile is a summary of their job history, and those people are very wrong. The bullets your in your LinkedIn profile are aimed at doing one thing: Selling Yourself!

The good news for us is that people have spent more than a century studying how the written word affects our behavior and tendencies. That field of study is called copywriting and if you’re ever bought a product or signed up for an email list after reading an ad or blog post, you’ve experienced it first hand.

The good news for us is that people have spent more than a century studying how the written word affects our behavior and tendencies. That field of study is called copywriting and if you're ever bought a product or signed up for an email list after reading an ad or blog post, you've experienced it first hand.

As we’ve gotten more advanced, people have kept more data on what works best.  Marketers at places like CoSchedule, Neil Patel, and Buzz Sumo have combed through hundreds of millions of data points to discovery exactly what language, format, and tactics lead to the most catchy copy (leading to more traffic and more money).

As we've gotten more advanced, people have kept more data on what works best. Marketers at places like CoSchedule , Neil Patel , and Buzz Sumo have combed through hundreds of millions of data points to discovery exactly what language, format, and tactics lead to the most catchy copy (leading to more traffic and more money).

The great news for you is that the science behind catching someone’s attention doesn’t just apply to marketers, it works just as well for LinekdIn bullets too!

The great news for you is that the science behind catching someone's attention doesn't just apply to marketers, it works just as well for LinekdIn bullets too!

I took all of the research-backed principles that marketers are using to generate clicks and I applied them to LinkedIn bullets and resumes. I kept data on how those performed vs. our original copy, then I distilled everything down into the formula that got the best results:

I took all of the research-backed principles that marketers are using to generate clicks and I applied them to LinkedIn bullets and resumes. I kept data on how those performed vs. our original copy, then I distilled everything down into the formula that got the best results:

Each role in your Work Experience section should have bullets of your responsibilities, your accomplishments, and the experience you gained. They should all be written using the word mix from the graphic above!

Each role in your Work Experience section should have bullets of your responsibilities, your accomplishments, and the experience you gained. They should all be written using the word mix from the graphic above!

LinkedIn Pro Tip: You can also add links and media to individual roles within your Work Experience section. Use the same steps I mentioned in tip #9 to add relevant projects, awards, case studies, and accomplishments that will appear under each role. This is a great way to showcase the material beyond the five you included with your summary.

LinkedIn Pro Tip: You can also add links and media to individual roles within your Work Experience section. Use the same steps I mentioned in tip #9 to add relevant projects, awards, case studies, and accomplishments that will appear under each role. This is a great way to showcase the material beyond the five you included with your summary.

Finally, make sure to include all of your experience on your LinkedIn profile. Profiles that list more than one position get 29x more views!

Finally, make sure to include all of your experience on your LinkedIn profile. Profiles that list more than one position get 29x more views!

Tip 11: Leverage the LinkedIn's Skills section to increase your credibility and show up more often (Tip 11: Leverage the LinkedIn’s Skills section to increase your credibility and show up more often)

The Skills section is one of the best bang-for-your-buck investments you can make in your LinkedIn profile.

The Skills section is one of the best bang-for-your-buck investments you can make in your LinkedIn profile.

First, the skills you add play into the searchability of your profile. Those skills act as keywords and will help you show up at the top of search results. Profiles with 5+ skills see 17x more profile views than people with less than five:

First, the skills you add play into the searchability of your profile. Those skills act as keywords and will help you show up at the top of search results. Profiles with 5+ skills see 17x more profile views than people with less than five:

Second, skills are great social proof that will help give you an edge when employers are making a decision about reaching out.

Second, skills are great social proof that will help give you an edge when employers are making a decision about reaching out.

If an employer is looking for a Project Manager who has a lot of experience with Agile, your profile is an immediate fit if you have 30+ recommendations for Agile from other people who are skilled with the framework. That boosts your chances of hearing back!

If an employer is looking for a Project Manager who has a lot of experience with Agile, your profile is an immediate fit if you have 30+ recommendations for Agile from other people who are skilled with the framework. That boosts your chances of hearing back!

How many skills can you add to your LinkedIn profile? (How many skills can you add to your LinkedIn profile?)

LinkedIn lets you add up to 50 skills on your profile. That’s 50 opportunities to include keywords and skills that will help you show up in search results and land more job opportunities! You should use as many of them as you can.

LinkedIn lets you add up to 50 skills on your profile. That's 50 opportunities to include keywords and skills that will help you show up in search results and land more job opportunities! You should use as many of them as you can.

What skills should you add to your profile? (What skills should you add to your profile?)

It may seem simple, but we want to be smart about the skills that we add to our LinkedIn profile.

It may seem simple, but we want to be smart about the skills that we add to our LinkedIn profile.

Sure, we want to include skills we’re definitely good at but we also want to include skills/keywords that employers are using to find candidates.

Sure, we want to include skills we're definitely good at but we also want to include skills/keywords that employers are using to find candidates.

Remember that Jobscan tool I mentioned back in Tip #7? We’re going to use that again here:

Remember that Jobscan tool I mentioned back in Tip #7? We're going to use that again here:

  1. Find at least 10 job descriptions for roles that you would be interested inFind at least 10 job descriptions for roles that you would be interested in
  2. Go to and run a scan on each description to see what skills appear most frequentlyGo to and run a scan on each description to see what skills appear most frequently
  3. After each scan, add the skills to an Excel sheet – have the skills in one column and the number of times they appear in the secondAfter each scan, add the skills to an Excel sheet – have the skills in one column and the number of times they appear in the second
  4. Rise and repeat for every job description, making sure you update the skills in your sheetRise and repeat for every job description, making sure you update the skills in your sheet
  5. When you’re done, filter your Excel sheet by “largest to smallest” to see which skills appeared most frequently — these are the ones you want to prioritize for your profile!When you're done, filter your Excel sheet by “largest to smallest” to see which skills appeared most frequently — these are the ones you want to prioritize for your profile!

How to get endorsements for your skills (How to get endorsements for your skills)

Great! Now you’ve got some skills added to your profile, but that doesn’t mean much without any endorsements behind them.

大! Now you've got some skills added to your profile, but that doesn't mean much without any endorsements behind them.

Highly endorsed skills carry more weight with LinkedIn searches and they also carry more social proof with people who are viewing your profile — people with 5+ relevant skills get 31x more messages.

Highly endorsed skills carry more weight with LinkedIn searches and they also carry more social proof with people who are viewing your profile — people with 5+ relevant skills get 31x more messages.

Step 1 – Friends & Family

Step 1 – Friends & Family

The first, and most obvious way to get endorsements is to ask your friends and family. This is actually way more helpful than it seems because you can pick and choose which skills they endorse!

The first, and most obvious way to get endorsements is to ask your friends and family. This is actually way more helpful than it seems because you can pick and choose which skills they endorse!

Nobody is going to be willing to spend an hour endorsing 50 skills (unless you have amazing friends) so pick and choose which 5-10 you want them to endorse. I’d recommend leveraging that Excel sheet you put together and focusing on the 5-10 skills that appear most frequently across job descriptions.

Nobody is going to be willing to spend an hour endorsing 50 skills (unless you have amazing friends) so pick and choose which 5-10 you want them to endorse. I'd recommend leveraging that Excel sheet you put together and focusing on the 5-10 skills that appear most frequently across job descriptions.

Step 2 – Endorse other people’s skills

Step 2 – Endorse other people's skills

Reciprocity is a strong psychological principle. If you go out there and endorse other people for their skills, you’re likely to get an endorsement in return!

Reciprocity is a strong psychological principle. If you go out there and endorse other people for their skills, you're likely to get an endorsement in return!

I’d recommend starting with current and former colleagues. It’s easy to make those endorsements because you’ve worked with them, plus it will help strengthen those relationships.

I'd recommend starting with current and former colleagues. It's easy to make those endorsements because you've worked with them, plus it will help strengthen those relationships.

When you’re done endorsing, send them a note that says something like this:

When you're done endorsing, send them a note that says something like this:

Post-Endorsement Message

Post-Endorsement Message

Hey [Name],

Hey [Name],

Hope you’re doing well! I just wanted to recognize you for some of the awesome work we’ve done together so I endorsed you for some skills on LinkedIn. If there’s anything else I can do to help, just let me know.

Hope you're doing well! I just wanted to recognize you for some of the awesome work we've done together so I endorsed you for some skills on LinkedIn. If there's anything else I can do to help, just let me know.



[Your Name]

[Your Name]

Note that I didn’t ask them to endorse my skills in that note. That kind of ruins the magic. If you do this enough, plenty of people will take the hint and return the favor.

Note that I didn't ask them to endorse my skills in that note. That kind of ruins the magic. If you do this enough, plenty of people will take the hint and return the favor.

Tip 12: LinkedIn Recommendations are job search gold, put in the time to build them (Tip 12: LinkedIn Recommendations are job search gold, put in the time to build them)

When was the last time you made a big purchase?

When was the last time you made a big purchase?

What did you do before you pulled the trigger? You probably did a bunch of research, watched some videos, and…you read reviews.

What did you do before you pulled the trigger? You probably did a bunch of research, watched some videos, and… you read reviews.

Research shows that word of mouth recommendations influence the decision for 83% of purchases we make. Things aren’t much different when it comes to your LinkedIn profile!

Research shows that word of mouth recommendations influence the decision for 83% of purchases we make. Things aren't much different when it comes to your LinkedIn profile!

Recommendations are one of the most powerful selling tools available to you. They’re like references that employers can read before they talk to you. If your experience looks good and you’re heavily recommended by a range of people you’ve worked with, chances are good you’re going to get more calls.

Recommendations are one of the most powerful selling tools available to you. They're like references that employers can read before they talk to you. If your experience looks good and you're heavily recommended by a range of people you've worked with, chances are good you're going to get more calls.

The good news is that most people don’t seek them out. They think it’s weird to ask for Recommendations and they aren’t sure about the guidance they should offer when they do ask. This means most people never get them, which is a huge opportunity for you if you’re willing to put in the work.

The good news is that most people don't seek them out. They think it's weird to ask for Recommendations and they aren't sure about the guidance they should offer when they do ask. This means most people never get them, which is a huge opportunity for you if you're willing to put in the work.

How to get people to give you Recommendations on LinkedIn (How to get people to give you Recommendations on LinkedIn)

Following suit with the recommendations for Skills, the best place to start is with people you know.

Following suit with the recommendations for Skills, the best place to start is with people you know.

Friends and work-buddies (colleagues or former colleagues you’re close with) are the best place to start. They don’t have the same last name so you won’t lose credibility and, if they’re former colleagues, they’ll carry weight because they worked alongside of you.

Friends and work-buddies (colleagues or former colleagues you're close with) are the best place to start. They don't have the same last name so you won't lose credibility and, if they're former colleagues, they'll carry weight because they worked alongside of you.

You can also boost your chances by giving them a template to use. It’s much easier for people to fill in the blanks than it is for them to come up with something from scratch:

You can also boost your chances by giving them a template to use. It's much easier for people to fill in the blanks than it is for them to come up with something from scratch:

LinkedIn Recommendation Template

LinkedIn Recommendation Template

[Descriptive Phrase] is the what comes to mind when I think about [Your Name]. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing [Your Name] for [Length of Time], during which [Description of Working Relationship]. Above all, I was impressed with [Your Name]’s ability to [Something That Makes You Stand Out]. And, of course, his/her [Personality Trait]. [Your Name] would be a true asset for any positions requiring [1-2 Skills Needed For The Position] and comes with my heartfelt recommendation.

[Descriptive Phrase] is the what comes to mind when I think about [Your Name] . I've had the pleasure of knowing [Your Name] for [Length of Time] , during which [Description of Working Relationship] . Above all, I was impressed with [Your Name] 's ability to [Something That Makes You Stand Out] . And, of course, his/her [Personality Trait] . [Your Name] would be a true asset for any positions requiring [1-2 Skills Needed For The Position] and comes with my heartfelt recommendation.

Caution – Templates are great when tweaked for personalization and used in moderation. If every single one of your recommendations follows that exact same formula, people will notice and think it’s weird. Don’t do that.

Caution – Templates are great when tweaked for personalization and used in moderation. If every single one of your recommendations follows that exact same formula, people will notice and think it's weird. 不要那样做

When it comes to Recommendations, the more you give, the more you receive (When it comes to Recommendations, the more you give, the more you receive)

When you’ve exhausted your pool of friends, you should start writing recommendations for other people. Make a list of people you had contact with at previous companies or projects and make it a habit to write a recommendation for a new person every day.

When you've exhausted your pool of friends, you should start writing recommendations for other people. Make a list of people you had contact with at previous companies or projects and make it a habit to write a recommendation for a new person every day.

After it’s written, shoot them a similar note saying you wanted to recognize the awesome work they did with a recommendation!

After it's written, shoot them a similar note saying you wanted to recognize the awesome work they did with a recommendation!

How to request a Recommendation on LinkedIn (How to request a Recommendation on LinkedIn)

You can also send recommendation requests to people on the platform. All you need to do is:

You can also send recommendation requests to people on the platform. 您需要做的是:

  1. Go to the person’s LinkedIn profileGo to the person's LinkedIn profile
  2. Click “More” next to the Connect / Follow buttonClick “More” next to the Connect / Follow button
  3. Click “Request a Recommendation”Click “Request a Recommendation”

Then you’ll be asked about your relationship to that person and you can leave a quick note to provide some context:

Then you'll be asked about your relationship to that person and you can leave a quick note to provide some context:

Finally, make it a habit to collect recommendations while the opportunity is still hot:

Finally, make it a habit to collect recommendations while the opportunity is still hot:

  • Leaving your job? Ask people in person.Leaving your job? Ask people in person.
  • Finished a project? Send them the above template.Finished a project? Send them the above template.
  • Had coffee with someone who asked how they can help? You got it!Had coffee with someone who asked how they can help? 你说对了!

If you build this into your professional routine, you’ll rack up recommendations in no time.

If you build this into your professional routine, you'll rack up recommendations in no time.

Tip 13: Make sure your LinkedIn Profile Strength Meter is at All Star status (Tip 13: Make sure your LinkedIn Profile Strength Meter is at All Star status)

When you’re building out your profile, LinkedIn will tell you how well you’re doing with their Profile Strength Meter:

When you're building out your profile, LinkedIn will tell you how well you're doing with their Profile Strength Meter:

LinkedIn profiles have five stages of strength: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert, and All Star. You only need to care about the last one.

LinkedIn profiles have five stages of strength: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert, and All Star. You only need to care about the last one.

Why? Because All Star profiles are 40x more likely to be contacted about job opportunities than any other profile level and they are 18x more likely to show up in search results.

为什么? Because All Star profiles are 40x more likely to be contacted about job opportunities than any other profile level and they are 18x more likely to show up in search results.

The good news for you is that only 51% of LinkedIn users have fully completed profiles so this is an incredibly easy way to stand out. Here’s everything you need to do to qualify for All Star status:

The good news for you is that only 51% of LinkedIn users have fully completed profiles so this is an incredibly easy way to stand out. Here's everything you need to do to qualify for All Star status:

How To Get LinkedIn All Star Status

How To Get LinkedIn All Star Status

  1. Add a high quality LinkedIn profile pictureAdd a high quality LinkedIn profile picture
  2. Use a custom LinkedIn URL (with some variation of first & last name)Use a custom LinkedIn URL (with some variation of first & last name)
  3. Add an up-to-date Industry & LocationAdd an up-to-date Industry & Location
  4. Customize your headline with relevant experience & keywordsCustomize your headline with relevant experience & keywords
  5. Fill out your LinkedIn SummaryFill out your LinkedIn Summary
  6. Add at least three positions (current + two previous) to your Work Experience sectionAdd at least three positions (current + two previous) to your Work Experience section
  7. Add your Education to your profileAdd your Education to your profile
  8. Add at least 5 skills to your profileAdd at least 5 skills to your profile
  9. Connect with 50+ peopleConnect with 50+ people

If your profile meets those criteria, you’ll hit All Star status and significantly improve your visibility on the platform.

If your profile meets those criteria, you'll hit All Star status and significantly improve your visibility on the platform.

Tip 14: The best way to exponentially increase your profile visibility on LinkedIn? Be an active contributor. (Tip 14: The best way to exponentially increase your profile visibility on LinkedIn? Be an active contributor.)

Earlier in this post I shared a screenshot of my LinkedIn profile views, which came in around 14,500 for the past 90 days.

Earlier in this post I shared a screenshot of my LinkedIn profile views, which came in around 14,500 for the past 90 days.

The vast majority of those views didn’t come from searches and profile optimization, they came from people seeing my comments and posts.

The vast majority of those views didn't come from searches and profile optimization, they came from people seeing my comments and posts.

Optimizing your LinkedIn profile for keywords and searches is a must, but the easiest way to accelerate your visibility on LinkedIn is by engaging with the community.

Optimizing your LinkedIn profile for keywords and searches is a must, but the easiest way to accelerate your visibility on LinkedIn is by engaging with the community.

If you’re only relying on searches and keywords, your presence is going to be limited and the competition is high. There are a finite number of slots on the first page of search results and the chances that your profile shows up as #1 vs. the 250 million other active users is low.

If you're only relying on searches and keywords, your presence is going to be limited and the competition is high. There are a finite number of slots on the first page of search results and the chances that your profile shows up as #1 vs. the 250 million other active users is low.

However, of that same user base, only 1.2% create content (posts, comments, etc.) weekly. Recruiters and employers spend a lot of time on LinkedIn, you’re much more likely to catch their attention by showing up as a comment or post in their feed than by crossing your fingers and hoping you show up in a search result.

However, of that same user base, only 1.2% create content (posts, comments, etc.) weekly. Recruiters and employers spend a lot of time on LinkedIn, you're much more likely to catch their attention by showing up as a comment or post in their feed than by crossing your fingers and hoping you show up in a search result.

Creating content doesn’t have to be hard either. You can do it in less than 10 minutes per day.

Creating content doesn't have to be hard either. You can do it in less than 10 minutes per day.

The 10 minute LinkedIn content strategy that will get you more views (The 10 minute LinkedIn content strategy that will get you more views)

If you’ve never thought about creating content on LinkedIn, getting started can feel overwhelming but it’s actually much easier than you think.

If you've never thought about creating content on LinkedIn, getting started can feel overwhelming but it's actually much easier than you think.

Here’s a quick process you can use to create content that will get you WAY more profile views in less than 10 minutes per day:

Here's a quick process you can use to create content that will get you WAY more profile views in less than 10 minutes per day:

Step 1: Follow The Views

Step 1: Follow The Views

If you want more visibility but don’t have a huge following, you need to go where the views are.

If you want more visibility but don't have a huge following, you need to go where the views are.

I’ll bet you’ve seen those posts from people in your industry with a couple hundred likes and comments. Those posts are racking up tens of thousands of views which means any comments left on them are getting in front of those eyeballs too.

I'll bet you've seen those posts from people in your industry with a couple hundred likes and comments. Those posts are racking up tens of thousands of views which means any comments left on them are getting in front of those eyeballs too.

Check out Devin’s post here:

Check out Devin's post here:

It has 377 reactions, but only 18 comments! This is a huge opportunity to get visibility because this post probably has at least 15,000 views (likely a low-ball estimate) but it doesn’t have a ton of comments which means yours is much more likely to stand out.

It has 377 reactions, but only 18 comments! This is a huge opportunity to get visibility because this post probably has at least 15,000 views (likely a low-ball estimate) but it doesn't have a ton of comments which means yours is much more likely to stand out.

Step 2: Leave A Thoughtful Comment

Step 2: Leave A Thoughtful Comment

The comments section on LinkedIn works like a voting board — the comments with the most reactions, replies, and engagement typically bubble up to the top.

The comments section on LinkedIn works like a voting board — the comments with the most reactions, replies, and engagement typically bubble up to the top.

If you’re the top comment on a post with 20,000 views, you can bet your comment is going to get a decent number of those eyeballs!

If you're the top comment on a post with 20,000 views, you can bet your comment is going to get a decent number of those eyeballs!

Fortunately for us, most people leave fairly low effort comments on posts. Stuff like, “awesome tips,” “love this advice,” “thanks for sharing,” etc. While those are all great, they’re probably not going to make their way to the top.

Fortunately for us, most people leave fairly low effort comments on posts. Stuff like, “awesome tips,” “love this advice,” “thanks for sharing,” etc. While those are all great, they're probably not going to make their way to the top.

Taking a few minutes to draft up a thoughtful comment that asks a question, shares additional advice, sparks debate, or adds to the discussion is far more likely to generate likes and replies.

Taking a few minutes to draft up a thoughtful comment that asks a question, shares additional advice, sparks debate, or adds to the discussion is far more likely to generate likes and replies.

Step 3: Combine For Best Results

Step 3: Combine For Best Results

All you need to do to begin generating more profile views is combine the two ingredients above and make it a daily habit.

All you need to do to begin generating more profile views is combine the two ingredients above and make it a daily habit.

Open up LinkedIn a few times throughout the day and scroll through your feed until you find a post that’s gaining traction.

Open up LinkedIn a few times throughout the day and scroll through your feed until you find a post that's gaining traction.

Once you find one, read it a few times and brainstorm a thoughtful comment that adds to the conversation, then post it.

Once you find one, read it a few times and brainstorm a thoughtful comment that adds to the conversation, then post it.

This shouldn’t take you more than 10 minutes to do and if you rinse and repeat every day, your profile view count will shoot through the roof!

This shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes to do and if you rinse and repeat every day, your profile view count will shoot through the roof!

Pro Tip: The earlier you comment on a post that eventually gains traction, the better. Influencers with big followings on LinkedIn are pretty much guaranteed to have large view counts on their posts so all you need to do are follow them, figure out their posts times, and show up early!

Pro Tip: The earlier you comment on a post that eventually gains traction, the better. Influencers with big followings on LinkedIn are pretty much guaranteed to have large view counts on their posts so all you need to do are follow them, figure out their posts times, and show up early!

Tip 15: How to find anyone's email address using the info from their LinkedIn profile (Tip 15: How to find anyone’s email address using the info from their LinkedIn profile)

If you had to boil down LinkedIn’s ethos to a single word, it would be “connection.”

If you had to boil down LinkedIn's ethos to a single word, it would be “connection.”

While it’s awesome to connect with people on the platform, you’re going to want to take some of these conversations offline. Getting on the phone or meeting in person is where the real magic happens and the real relationships are built.

While it's awesome to connect with people on the platform, you're going to want to take some of these conversations offline. Getting on the phone or meeting in person is where the real magic happens and the real relationships are built.

LinkedIn is growing, but email is still the most common method of communication in the professional world and my data shows that email still leads to better response rates.

LinkedIn is growing, but email is still the most common method of communication in the professional world and my data shows that email still leads to better response rates.

But in order to email someone, you need their address. Here’s how to find it:

But in order to email someone, you need their address. Here's how to find it:

  1. Take note of the person’s full name (first and last)Take note of the person's full name (first and last)
  2. Find a link their company’s homepage (e.g. Microsoft would be a link their company's homepage (eg Microsoft would be
  3. Go to

    Go to

  4. Under the Product tab go to Email FinderUnder the Product tab go to Email Finder
  5. Enter your contact’s full name and their company URL, then hit search!Enter your contact's full name and their company URL, then hit search!

Hunter should give you their professional email address along with a confidence score. Here’s Elon’s:

Hunter should give you their professional email address along with a confidence score. Here's Elon's:

Next, you’re going to want to head to to verify that the email really exists.

Next, you're going to want to head to to verify that the email really exists.

If it does, you’re in business! That address leads right to the person you want to connect with. Just remember to make the outreach about them and don’t forget to follow up if you don’t hear back in 5 business days.

If it does, you're in business! That address leads right to the person you want to connect with. Just remember to make the outreach about them and don't forget to follow up if you don't hear back in 5 business days.

Final LinkedIn Profile Tips & Takeaways (Final LinkedIn Profile Tips & Takeaways)

Whew, we just covered a hell of a lot in just 15 LinkedIn profile tips. You should have a pretty solid idea of what changes and updates you need to make to your profile!

Whew, we just covered a hell of a lot in just 15 LinkedIn profile tips. You should have a pretty solid idea of what changes and updates you need to make to your profile!

To help summarize, here’s a quick breakdown of the key takeaways:

To help summarize, here's a quick breakdown of the key takeaways:

  1. The more info you add to your profile, the more visibility you’re going to get — reaching All Star status is a great first goalThe more info you add to your profile, the more visibility you're going to get — reaching All Star status is a great first goal
  2. Understanding the major keywords that apply to your target roles/industries is important, you may want to start with getting clear on thoseUnderstanding the major keywords that apply to your target roles/industries is important, you may want to start with getting clear on those
  3. Your LinkedIn profile is a sales page, not a summary so make sure you write your copy and include content with that in mindYour LinkedIn profile is a sales page, not a summary so make sure you write your copy and include content with that in mind
  4. The best way to maximize your visibility is to become an active contributor – start by following people you like and regularly leaving commentsThe best way to maximize your visibility is to become an active contributor – start by following people you like and regularly leaving comments

That’s it for now, but not forever. I’ll be adding more LinkedIn profile tips to this post as LinkedIn makes changes to their algorithm, the profile layout, and their platform in general.

That's it for now, but not forever. I'll be adding more LinkedIn profile tips to this post as LinkedIn makes changes to their algorithm, the profile layout, and their platform in general.

Want the inside info on landing a dream job without connections, without “experience,” & without applying online? (Want the inside info on landing a dream job without connections, without “experience,” & without applying online?)

Click here to get the 5 free strategies that my students have used to land jobs at Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and more without applying online.





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    当开始一个新的 Python 项目时,大家很容易一头扎进去就开始编码.其实花一点时间选择优秀的库,整合进项目将为以后的开发节省大量时间,并带来更快乐的编码体验. 在理想世界中,所有开发人员的关系是相互 ...

  6. linkedin 架构_投票:您如何使用LinkedIn?

    linkedin 架构 Business social network LinkedIn announced that they've turned on their OpenSocial-power ...

  7. python如何编写爬虫_如何实现一个Python爬虫框架

    image 这篇文章的题目有点大,但这并不是说我自觉对Python爬虫这块有多大见解,我只不过是想将自己的一些经验付诸于笔,对于如何写一个爬虫框架,我想一步一步地结合具体代码来讲述如何从零开始编写一个 ...

  8. python建立数据库并搜索_如何建立一个简单的数据库,可供人在网络上进行搜索?...

    看题主的需求,应该是一个非常典型的web应用. 以我的经验,大概可以分三块来做.分别是接入,逻辑和存储. 接入就是你说的,"别人在网络上输入一个网址".这里的"网址&qu ...

  9. c++飞扬的小鸟游戏_通过建立一个飞扬的鸟游戏来学习从头开始

    c++飞扬的小鸟游戏 Learn how to use Scratch 3.0 by building a flappy bird game in this course developed by W ...


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