
This feature allows to record and reenact a previous simulation. All the events happened are registered in the recorder file. There are some high-level queries to trace and study those events.
• Recording
• Simulation playback
o Setting a time factor
• Recorded file
• Queries
o Collisions
o Blocked actors
• Sample Python scripts

All the data is written in a binary file on the server side only. However, the recorder is managed using the carla.Client.
所有数据仅在服务器端以二进制文件形式写入。但是,记录器是使用kara . client管理的。

Actors are updated on every frame according to the data contained in the recorded file. Actors in the current simulation that appear in the recording will be either moved or re-spawned to emulate it. Those that do not appear in the recording will continue their way as if nothing happened.

By the end of the playback, vehicles will be set to autopilot, but pedestrians will stop.
The recorder file includes information regarding many different elements.

• Actors — creation and destruction, bounding and trigger boxes.
• 演员:创建和毁灭(清除),边界(包围)和触发盒子
• Traffic lights — state changes and time settings.
• 交通灯的状态转换和时间设定
• Vehicles — position and orientation, linear and angular velocity, light state, and physics control.
• 车辆的位置和方向、线速度和角速度、车灯状态和物理位置
• Pedestrians — position and orientation, and linear and angular velocity.
• 行人的位置和方向、线速度和角速度,
• Lights — Light states from buildings, streets, and vehicles.
• 灯光:建筑物、街道和车辆灯光的状态

To start recording there is only need for a file name.
Using , / or : characters in the file name will define it as an absolute path. If no path is detailed, the file will be saved in CarlaUE4/Saved.
在文件名中使用\、/或:字符将其定义为绝对路径。如果没有详细的路径,文件将保存在CarlaUE4/ saved中。

By default, the recorder is set to store only the necessary information to play the simulation back. In order to save all the information previously mentioned, the argument additional_data has to be configured when starting the recording.
client.start_recorder("/home/carla/recording01.log", True)
Additional data includes: linear and angular velocity of vehicles and pedestrians, traffic light time settings, execution time, actors’ trigger and bounding boxes, and physics controls for vehicles.
To stop the recording, the call is also straightforward.
As an estimate, 1h recording with 50 traffic lights and 100 vehicles takes around 200MB in size.

Simulation playback(仿真的回放)
A playback can be started at any point during a simulation. Besides the path to the log file, this method needs some parameters.
client.replay_file(“recording01.log”, start, duration, camera)
Parameter Description Notes
start Recording time in seconds to start the simulation at. If positive, time will be considered from the beginning of the recording. If negative, it will be considered from the end.
duration Seconds to playback. 0 is all the recording. By the end of the playback, vehicles will be set to autopilot and pedestrians will stop.
camera ID of the actor that the camera will focus on. Set it to 0 to let the spectator move freely.

Setting a time factor
The time factor will determine the playback speed. It can be changed any moment without stopping the playback.
Parameter Default Fast motion Slow motion
time_factor 1.0 >1.0 <1.0

If time_factor>2.0, the actors’ position interpolation is disabled and just updated. Pedestrians’ animations are not affected by the time factor.
When the time factor is around 20x traffic flow is easily appreciated.

Recorded file
The details of a recording can be retrieved using a simple API call. By default, it only retrieves those frames where an event was registered. Setting the parameter show_all would return all the information for every frame. The specifics on how the data is stored are detailed in the recorder’s reference.
可以使用一个简单的API调用检索记录的详细信息。默认情况下,它只提取/回放记录了事件的那些帧。设置参数show_all将返回每一帧的所有信息。关于数据如何存储的细节在记录器的引用( recorder’s reference)中有详细说明。

Show info for relevant frames

• Opening information. Map, date and time when the simulation was recorded.(打开的信息:当仿真被记录时的地图,日期和时间)
• Frame information. Any event that could happen such as actors spawning or collisions. It contains the actors’ ID and some additional information.
• 帧的信息:任何可能发生的事件,如演员的产生或碰撞。它包含参与者的ID和一些附加信息。
• Closing information. Number of frames and total time recorded.
• 关闭的信息。帧数和总记录时间。
Version: 1
Map: Town05
Date: 02/21/19 10:46:20
Frame 1 at 0 seconds
Create 2190: spectator (0) at (-260, -200, 382.001)
Create 2191: traffic.traffic_light (3) at (4255, 10020, 0)
Create 2192: traffic.traffic_light (3) at (4025, 7860, 0)

Create 2258: traffic.speed_limit.90 (0) at (21651.7, -1347.59, 15)
Create 2259: traffic.speed_limit.90 (0) at (5357, 21457.1, 15)
Frame 2 at 0.0254253 seconds
Create 2276: (1) at (4347.63, -8409.51, 120)
number_of_wheels = 4
object_type =
color = 255,241,0
role_name = autopilot

Frame 2350 at 60.2805 seconds
Destroy 2276
Frame 2351 at 60.3057 seconds
Destroy 2277

Frames: 2354
Duration: 60.3753 seconds

Vehicles must have a collision detector attached to record collisions. These can be queried, using arguments to filter the type of the actors involved in the collisions. For example, h identifies actors whose role_name = hero, usually assigned to vehicles managed by the user. There is a specific set of actor types available for the query.
车辆上必须要附加一个碰撞检测器以对碰撞情况进行记录。可以通过使用参数来过滤冲突中涉及的参与者的类型来查询这些内容。例如,h代表role_name = hero,这一角色。通常分配给由用户管理的车辆。查询中有一组特定的参与者类型。
• h = Hero
• v = Vehicle
• w = Walker
• t = Traffic light
• o = Other
• a = Any

The script assigns role_name = hero for the ego vehicle.
manual_control.py脚本中将role_name = hero分配为自主车辆。
The collision query requires two flags to filter the collisions. The following example would show collisions between vehicles, and any other object.
print(client.show_recorder_collisions(“recording01.log”, “v”, “a”))
The output summarizes time of the collision, and type, ID and description of the actors involved.

Version: 1
Map: Town05
Date: 02/19/19 15:36:08

Time  Types     Id Actor 1                                      Id Actor 216   v v     122 vehicle.yamaha.yzf                     118 vehicle.dodge_charger.police27   v o     122 vehicle.yamaha.yzf                       0

Frames: 790
Duration: 46 seconds
As it is the hero or ego vehicle who registers the collision, this will always be Actor 1.
The collision can be reenacted by using the recorder and setting it seconds before the event.
client.replay_file(“col2.log”, 13, 0, 122)
In this case, the playback showed this.
Blocked actors(被堵塞的演员)
Detects vehicles that where stucked during the recording. An actor is considered blocked if it does not move a minimum distance in a certain time. This definition is made by the user during the query.
print(client.show_recorder_actors_blocked(“recording01.log”, min_time, min_distance))
Parameter Description Default
min_time Minimum seconds to move min_distance. 30secs.
min_distance Minimum centimeters to move to not be considered blocked. 10cm.

Sometimes vehicles are stopped at traffic lights for longer than expected.
The following example considers that vehicles are blocked when moving less than 1 meter during 60 seconds.
client.show_recorder_actors_blocked(“col3.log”, 60, 100)
The output is sorted by duration, which states how long it took to stop being “blocked” and move the min_distance.
Version: 1
Map: Town05
Date: 02/19/19 15:45:01
Time Id Actor Duration
36 173 336
75 214 vehicle.chevrolet.impala 295
302 143 67
Frames: 6985
Duration: 374 seconds
The vehicle 173 was stopped for 336 seconds at time 36 seconds. Reenact the simulation a few seconds before the second 36 to check it out.
client.replay_file(“col3.log”, 34, 0, 173)

Sample python scripts(简单的Python脚本)
Some of the provided scripts in PythonAPI/examples facilitate the use of the recorder.
• starts the recording. The duration of the recording can be set, and actors can be spawned at the beginning of it.
• start_record .py开始记录。可以设置记录的持续时间,并且可以在开始时生成参与者。

Parameter Description
-f Filename.
-n (optional) Vehicles to spawn. Default is 10.
-t (optional) Duration of the recording.

• starts the playback of a recording. Starting time, duration, and actor to follow can be set.
• start_replaying.py开始记录的回放。可以设置启动时间、持续时间和要跟随的演员。

Parameter Description
-f Filename.
-s (optional) Starting time. Default is 10.
-d (optional) Duration. Default is all.
-c (optional) IDof the actor to follow.

• shows all the information in the recording file. By default, it only shows frames where an event is recorded. However, all of them can be shown.
• show_recorder_file_info.py显示记录文件中的所有信息。默认情况下,它只显示记录事件的帧。然而,所有这些都可以显示出来。

Parameter Description
-f Filename.
-s (optional) Flag to show all details.

• shows recorded collisions between two flags of actors of types A and B. -t = vv would show all collisions between vehicles.
• show_recorder_collision .py显示A类和b类演员的两个标志之间记录的碰撞 -t = vv 显示所有车辆之间的碰撞。

Parameter Description
-f Filename.
-t Flags of the actors involved.
h = hero
v = vehicle
w = walker
t = traffic light
o = other
a = any

• lists vehicles considered blocked. Actors are considered blocked when not moving a minimum distance in a certain time.
• show_recorder_actors_block .py列出被阻塞的车辆。当演员在一段时间内移动不到最小距离时,就会被认为是被挡住了。

Parameter Description
-f Filename.
-t (optional) Time to move -d before being considered blocked.
-d (optional) Distance to move to not be considered blocked.

Now it is time to experiment for a while. Use the recorder to playback a simulation, trace back events, make changes to see new outcomes.


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