一 、open3d可视化中的一些使用

在可视化界面,按下h / H就可以在命令行下看到open3d的一下使用操作:

[Open3D INFO]   -- Mouse view control --
[Open3D INFO]     Left button + drag         : Rotate.
[Open3D INFO]     Ctrl + left button + drag  : Translate.
[Open3D INFO]     Wheel button + drag        : Translate.
[Open3D INFO]     Shift + left button + drag : Roll.
[Open3D INFO]     Wheel                      : Zoom in/out.
[Open3D INFO]
[Open3D INFO]   -- Keyboard view control --
[Open3D INFO]     [/]          : Increase/decrease field of view.
[Open3D INFO]     R            : Reset view point.
[Open3D INFO]     Ctrl/Cmd + C : Copy current view status into the clipboard.
[Open3D INFO]     Ctrl/Cmd + V : Paste view status from clipboard.
[Open3D INFO]
[Open3D INFO]   -- General control --
[Open3D INFO]     Q, Esc       : Exit window.
[Open3D INFO]     H            : Print help message.
[Open3D INFO]     P, PrtScn    : Take a screen capture.
[Open3D INFO]     D            : Take a depth capture.
[Open3D INFO]     O            : Take a capture of current rendering settings.
[Open3D INFO]     Alt + Enter  : Toggle between full screen and windowed mode.
[Open3D INFO]
[Open3D INFO]   -- Render mode control --
[Open3D INFO]     L            : Turn on/off lighting.
[Open3D INFO]     +/-          : Increase/decrease point size.
[Open3D INFO]     Ctrl + +/-   : Increase/decrease width of geometry::LineSet.
[Open3D INFO]     N            : Turn on/off point cloud normal rendering.
[Open3D INFO]     S            : Toggle between mesh flat shading and smooth shading.
[Open3D INFO]     W            : Turn on/off mesh wireframe.
[Open3D INFO]     B            : Turn on/off back face rendering.
[Open3D INFO]     I            : Turn on/off image zoom in interpolation.
[Open3D INFO]     T            : Toggle among image render:
[Open3D INFO]                    no stretch / keep ratio / freely stretch.
[Open3D INFO]
[Open3D INFO]   -- Color control --
[Open3D INFO]     0..4,9       : Set point cloud color option.
[Open3D INFO]                    0 - Default behavior, render point color.
[Open3D INFO]                    1 - Render point color.
[Open3D INFO]                    2 - x coordinate as color.
[Open3D INFO]                    3 - y coordinate as color.
[Open3D INFO]                    4 - z coordinate as color.
[Open3D INFO]                    9 - normal as color.
[Open3D INFO]     Ctrl + 0..4,9: Set mesh color option.
[Open3D INFO]                    0 - Default behavior, render uniform gray color.
[Open3D INFO]                    1 - Render point color.
[Open3D INFO]                    2 - x coordinate as color.
[Open3D INFO]                    3 - y coordinate as color.
[Open3D INFO]                    4 - z coordinate as color.
[Open3D INFO]                    9 - normal as color.
[Open3D INFO]     Shift + 0..4 : Color map options.
[Open3D INFO]                    0 - Gray scale color.
[Open3D INFO]                    1 - JET color map.
[Open3D INFO]                    2 - SUMMER color map.
[Open3D INFO]                    3 - WINTER color map.
[Open3D INFO]                    4 - HOT color map.


  • 鼠标左键+ 拖拽:可以旋转3D图形
  • Ctrl+鼠标左键+拖拽:可以移动3D图形
  • 按下鼠标滚动键 + 拖拽:也是可以移动3D图形
  • Shift + 鼠标左键 + 拖拽:可以翻转3D图形
  • 滚动鼠标滚轮:放大和缩小3D图形


  • r / R:重置视图
  • Ctrl+C:将当前的视图状态复制到剪贴板
  • Ctrl+V:粘贴当前视图的状态


{"class_name" : "ViewTrajectory","interval" : 29,"is_loop" : false,"trajectory" : [{"boundingbox_max" : [ 15.840000152587891, 77.004997253417969, 2.0550000667572021 ],"boundingbox_min" : [ -32.341999053955078, -0.059999999999999998, -2.1480000019073486 ],"field_of_view" : 60.0,"front" : [ -0.29917197347768476, -0.57001121176759129, 0.76523417902280733 ],"lookat" : [ 6.7522963660420237, 29.49152986284853, -10.538585241474523 ],"up" : [ 0.40106739384242224, 0.65256627539464518, 0.64288583886566331 ],"zoom" : 0.45999999999999974}],"version_major" : 1,"version_minor" : 0


[Open3D INFO] – General control –
[Open3D INFO] Q, Esc : Exit window.
[Open3D INFO] H : Print help message.
[Open3D INFO] P, PrtScn : Take a screen capture.
[Open3D INFO] D : Take a depth capture.
[Open3D INFO] O : Take a capture of current rendering settings.
[Open3D INFO] Alt + Enter : Toggle between full screen and windowed mode.
[Open3D INFO]

  • Q或Esc:退出图形显示
  • H:打印帮助信息
  • P或PrtScn:截图当前的视图
  • D:进行深度捕捉
  • O:捕获当前的渲染设置
  • Alt+Enter:在全屏和窗口模式之间切换


  • 0:默认的点云颜色渲染,默认点云被渲染成灰色
  • 1:渲染点云颜色,和0的时候效果一样
  • 2:把x的坐标值作为颜色渲染
  • 3:把y的坐标值作为颜色渲染
  • 4:把z的坐标值作为颜色渲染
  • 9:正常颜色,也是灰色

二、Draw Bounding Boxes on open3D                                      

From <How to draw bounding boxes and update them real time in python>

For visualizing the bounding boxes, you'll have to convert the boxes from

[cx, cy, cz, rot_z, length, width, height] to an array of points that represent the 8 corners of the box.

You can use a function like this, that takes an array containing [x,y,z,h,w,l,r], and returns an [8, 3] matrix that represents the [x, y, z] for each 8 corners of the box:

def box_center_to_corner(box_center):# To returncorner_boxes = np.zeros((8, 3))translation = box[0:3]h, w, l = size[3], size[4], size[5]rotation = box[6]# Create a bounding box outlinebounding_box = np.array([[-l/2, -l/2, l/2, l/2, -l/2, -l/2, l/2, l/2],[w/2, -w/2, -w/2, w/2, w/2, -w/2, -w/2, w/2],[-h/2, -h/2, -h/2, -h/2, h/2, h/2, h/2, h/2]])# Standard 3x3 rotation matrix around the Z axisrotation_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(rotation), -np.sin(rotation), 0.0],[np.sin(rotation), np.cos(rotation), 0.0],[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])# Repeat the [x, y, z] eight timeseight_points = np.tile(translation, (8, 1))# Translate the rotated bounding box by the# original center position to obtain the final boxcorner_box = np.dot(rotation_matrix, bounding_box) + eight_points.transpose()return corner_box.transpose()

Once you've converted your bounding boxes to [8, 3] matrices representing the corners, you can display them in Open3D by using the LineSet object:

# Our lines span from points 0 to 1, 1 to 2, 2 to 3, etc...
lines = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [0, 3],[4, 5], [5, 6], [6, 7], [4, 7],[0, 4], [1, 5], [2, 6], [3, 7]]# Use the same color for all lines
colors = [[1, 0, 0] for _ in range(len(lines))]line_set = o3d.geometry.LineSet()
line_set.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(corner_box)
line_set.lines = o3d.utility.Vector2iVector(lines)
line_set.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(colors)# Create a visualization object and window
vis = o3d.visualization.Visualizer()
vis.create_window()# Display the bounding boxes:

In terms of updating the bounding boxes each time step, refer to the documentation for the Open3D Visualizer object, where there are methods for clearing all geometry (clear_geometries()), clearing a specific geometry (remove_geometry(geometry)), etc.

import os
import numpy as np
import struct
import open3d
import math
from Save_KITTI_Format.dataexport import *
def read_bin_velodyne(path):pc_list=[]with open(path,'rb') as f:content=f.read()pc_iter=struct.iter_unpack('ffff',content)for idx,point in enumerate(pc_iter):pc_list.append([point[0],point[1],point[2],point[3]])return np.asarray(pc_list,dtype=np.float32)def pick_points(pcd):print("")print("1) Please pick at least three correspondences using [shift + left click]")print("   Press [shift + right click] to undo point picking")print("2) Afther picking points, press q for close the window")vis = open3d.visualization.VisualizerWithEditing()vis.create_window()vis.add_geometry(pcd)vis.run()  # user picks pointsvis.destroy_window()print("")return vis.get_picked_points()def box_center_to_corner(box):# To returncorner_boxes = np.zeros((8, 3))translation = box[0:3]h, w, l = box[3], box[4], box[5]rotation = box[6]# Create a bounding box outlinebounding_box = np.array([[-l/2, -l/2, l/2, l/2, -l/2, -l/2, l/2, l/2],[w/2, -w/2, -w/2, w/2, w/2, -w/2, -w/2, w/2],[-h/2, -h/2, -h/2, -h/2, h/2, h/2, h/2, h/2]])# Standard 3x3 rotation matrix around the Z axisrotation_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(rotation), -np.sin(rotation), 0.0],[np.sin(rotation), np.cos(rotation), 0.0],[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])# Repeat the [x, y, z] eight timeseight_points = np.tile(translation, (8, 1))# Translate the rotated bounding box by the# original center position to obtain the final boxcorner_box = np.dot(rotation_matrix, bounding_box) + eight_points.transpose()return corner_box.transpose()def main():# root_dir='/media/gac/新加卷/KITTI_win/KITTI/gt_database'# root_dir='/media/gac/新加卷/KITTI_win/Gkitti_test/GkittiTest_gt_database'root_dir='/media/gac/新加卷/KITTI_win/GACdata_2_kitti/GACdata_gt_database'filename = '0_TRUCK_BUS_1.bin'# filename = '0_TRUCK_BUS_2.bin'# root_dir='/media/gac/新加卷/KITTI_win/Gkitti_test/training/velodyne'# filename='000000.bin'#root_dir='/media/gac/新加卷/KITTI_win/GACdata_2_kitti/training/velodyne'filename='003363.bin'path=os.path.join(root_dir, filename)example=read_bin_velodyne(path)print(example)# From numpy to Open3Dpcd = open3d.open3d.geometry.PointCloud()pcd.points= open3d.open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(example[:,0:3])# intensities=example[:,3]# open3d.open3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd])# picked_id_target = pick_points(pcd)"""SHOW 3D Bounding Box on Open3D"""'''box: [x,y,z,h,w,l,r]Box Center: [x, y, z] Box Size: [h,w,l] (h:z_size, w: y_size, l: x_size )+x (r=0)^|(r-->pi/2)    |                                                                +y  <__________|___________-y (r=-pi/2)   ||-x (r=pi)'''KITTI_label=[3.4026522636413574,3.0408647060394287,9.162651062011719,3.3855819702148438,1.8919707536697388,-2.6695749759674072,-1.5188624539691975]box=[KITTI_label[5],-KITTI_label[3],-KITTI_label[4]+KITTI_label[0]/2.0,KITTI_label[0],KITTI_label[1],KITTI_label[2],KITTI_label[6]*(-1)-math.pi/2.0]corner_box=box_center_to_corner(box)lines = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [0, 3],[4, 5], [5, 6], [6, 7], [4, 7],[0, 4], [1, 5], [2, 6], [3, 7]]# Use the same color for all linescolors = [[1, 0, 0] for _ in range(len(lines))]line_set = open3d.geometry.LineSet()line_set.points = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(corner_box)line_set.lines = open3d.utility.Vector2iVector(lines)line_set.colors = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(colors)# open3d.open3d.visualization.draw_geometries([line_set])# # Create a visualization object and windowvis = open3d.visualization.Visualizer()vis.create_window()## # Display the bounding boxes:vis.add_geometry(line_set)open3d.open3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd,line_set])if __name__=="__main__":main()


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