

import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core';@Component({selector: 'appparentchild',template: `<h1>title</h1>{{ JerryHelloChange }}<child [childContent] = "parentContent"></child>`
export class ParentChildComponent implements OnInit {public parentContent = 'Jerry 222';constructor() { }get JerryHelloChange(){console.log('change in parent view');return true;}ngOnInit(): void {this.parentContent = '1';let c = setTimeout;setTimeout(() => this.parentContent = '2', 3000);}}@Component({selector: 'child',template: `<h1>This is child</h1><h2>{{ childContent }}</h2><button (click)="onClick()">Click Me to trigger Change</button> <span>{{ childContent }}</span>`
export class ChildComponent{@Input()childContent: string;onClick(){setTimeout(()=>{ console.log('timeout!')}, 3000);}


测试发现,即使onClick本身的逻辑不会触发任何Component数据的改变,change detection仍然会不断触发。


import { Component, OnInit, Input, ChangeDetectionStrategy } from '@angular/core';@Component({selector: 'appparentchild',template: `<h1>title</h1>{{ JerryHelloChange }}<child [childContent] = "parentContent"></child>`,changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class ParentChildComponent implements OnInit {public parentContent = 'Jerry 222';constructor() { }get JerryHelloChange(){console.log('change in parent view');return true;}ngOnInit(): void {this.parentContent = '1';let c = setTimeout;setTimeout(() => {this.parentContent = '2';console.log('change in parent');}, 3000);}}@Component({selector: 'child',template: `<h1>This is child</h1><h2>{{ childContent }}</h2><button (click)="onClick()">Click Me to trigger Change</button> <span>{{ childContent }}</span>`
export class ChildComponent{@Input()childContent: string;onClick(){setTimeout(()=>{ console.log('timeout!')}, 3000);}




Angular 默认的Change detection策略及缺陷相关推荐

  1. 深入理解 Angular 变化检测(change detection)

    引言 本文分享一些讲解Angular Change Detection的文章,并指出其中有意思的内容,以及自己的一些总结和引申. Angular Change Detection Explained ...

  2. [译] 关于Angular的变更检测(Change Detection)你需要知道这些

    原文地址:Everything you need to know about change detection in Angular 如果你像我一样,想对Angular的变更检测机制有一个深入的理解, ...

  3. Angular Change Detection 的学习笔记

    Angular 变化检测机制比 AngularJs 中的等效机制更透明且更易于推理.但是在某些情况下(例如在进行性能优化时),我们确实需要知道幕后发生了什么.因此,让我们通过以下主题深入了解变更检测: ...

  4. 【论文笔记】Hierarchical Paired Channel Fusion Network for Street Scene Change Detection

    论文 论文题目:Hierarchical Paired Channel Fusion Network for Street Scene Change Detection 收录:IEEE Transac ...

  5. 2022年 change detection遥感图像变化检测 论文附代码

    1.Remote Sensing Change Detection using Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models 论文 代码 22-6 动机: 可用于训 ...

  6. 变化检测综述 Deep learning for change detection in remote sensing images: comprehensive review and me

    Deep learning for change detection in remote sensing images: comprehensive review and meta-analysis ...

  7. 论文阅读:SCDNET: A novel convolutional network for semantic change detection in high resolution optical

    SCDNET:一种用于高分辨率光学遥感图像变化检测网络 变化检测 新的网络架构 SCD的局限性 提出的SCDNET架构 网络结构 多尺度空洞卷积模块 注意力机制 LOSS函数 实验 结论 变化检测 变 ...

  8. [Audio processing] Harmonic change detection function (HCDF)

    Harmonic change detection function (HCDF) 是根据 Tonal Centroid (TC)实现的,首先TC如何提取? Step 1. 提取PCP特征 Step ...

  9. 【论文笔记】DR-TANet: Dynamic Receptive Temporal Attention Network for Street Scene Change Detection

    论文 论文题目:DR-TANet: Dynamic Receptive Temporal Attention Network for Street Scene Change Detection 收录: ...


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