
Being on the job hunt meant I needed to update my portfolio again. I had a new project to add, but it was under an NDA and I couldn’t say too much about it. Since I’ve never had to figure out how to display an NDA project on my portfolio before, I didn’t know where to start.

寻找工作意味着我需要再次更新我的投资组合。 我有一个要添加的新项目,但是它属于NDA之下,对此我不能说太多。 由于我以前从来没有想过如何在我的投资组合中显示NDA项目,所以我不知道从哪里开始。

While I was still employed, I asked my manager how to talk about my projects on my portfolio since they were under an NDA. She gave me some good tips but I still wanted to do some research on my own as well.

在我仍然受雇的时候,我问我的经理如何谈谈我的投资组合中的项目,因为这些项目属于保密协议之下。 她给了我一些很好的提示,但我仍然想自己做一些研究。

Here are my main takeaways for having an NDA project on your portfolio.


首先研究其他投资组合 (Research other portfolios first)

I did a lot of research by looking at other people’s UX portfolios to find NDA projects and how they presented them. A website that I love to use for portfolio inspiration is: http://cofolios.com/

通过查看其他人的UX产品组合来查找NDA项目以及他们如何介绍它们,我做了很多研究。 我喜欢用来启发作品集的网站是: http : //cofolios.com/

This site has a collection of portfolios from interns at top tech companies. Their portfolios are super impressive and great examples to follow. Another plus to this site is that since they have interned at big companies, at least one of their projects is most likely an NDA project. This is a great opportunity to see how they handled that and what they showed in their portfolio project, if it’s not password protected.

该网站收集了顶尖高科技公司的实习生的投资组合。 他们的投资组合给人留下了深刻的印象,并且是很好的榜样。 该站点的另一个优点是,由于他们曾在大公司实习,因此至少有一个项目很可能是NDA项目。 如果没有密码保护,这是一个很好的机会来查看他们如何处理以及在投资组合项目中显示的内容。

不要用密码保护您的项目 (Don’t password protect your projects)

In my opinion, it’s better not to password protect your projects.


A password adds a barrier for anyone who wants to look at your project. It can be more effective to have a paragraph explaining your project and a picture of your team, instead of an empty screen asking for a password. It can also be risky if your password gets out to anyone other than the hiring manager/recruiter. You can’t be 100% sure what people will do with the information you show them once they enter the password.

密码为任何想要查看您的项目的人增加了障碍。 有一段解释您的项目和您的团队的图片可能会更有效,而不是在空白屏幕上要求输入密码。 如果您的密码泄露给除招聘经理/招聘人员以外的任何人,也可能会有风险。 您不能百分百确定人们在输入密码后会如何处理您显示给他们的信息。

Recently, I came across a job listing saying they wouldn’t even consider an applicant who had a project that was password protected. This can be an extreme case, but it’s still something to keep in mind when applying to jobs.

最近,我遇到一个工作清单,说他们甚至不会考虑拥有受密码保护的项目的申请人。 这可能是一个极端的情况,但在申请工作时仍要牢记。

较短的项目和最少的视觉效果 (Shorter projects and minimal visuals)

I noticed a lot of shorter projects, instead of the longer case studies that you typically see when checking out someone’s portfolio. These NDA projects usually started with a brief overview of what they worked on. I’ve also seen some people post pictures with their team, or from around the office as a way to add more visual elements. That can also help give you a better idea of who they are as a person.

我注意到有很多较短的项目,而不是您通常在查看某人的投资组合时看到的较长的案例研究。 这些NDA项目通常从对其工作的简要概述开始。 我还看到有些人与他们的团队或在办公室周围张贴图片,以添加更多视觉元素。 这也可以帮助您更好地了解自己的身份。

People didn’t include many visuals, if any. Usually, you can’t show visuals unless it’s publicly available online. In some cases, projects haven’t made it to the “shipped” stage yet, which could also include any work you did that got scrapped. But the work you did is still meaningful, so a good way to get around that is to explain the types of work you did.

人们不包括 许多视觉效果(如果有)。 通常,除非在线上公开显示,否则您无法显示视觉效果。 在某些情况下,项目还没有进入“交付”阶段,其中还可能包括您报废的任何工作。 但是您所做的工作仍然有意义,因此解决该问题的一个好方法就是解释您所做的工作类型。

您可以提及的一些事情是 (Some of the things you can mention are)

  • What your role was你的角色是什么
  • What your team structure was like您的团队结构是什么样的
  • What your design process was你的设计过程是什么
  • What your deliverables were你的交付物是什么
  • What you learned or any challenges you faced您学到了什么或面临的任何挑战

Make sure to double-check with your manager before you share numbers or specific details about your project.


我如何在投资组合中添加NDA项目 (How I added an NDA project on my portfolio)

In my case, a lot of the features I worked on haven’t shipped yet, so I didn’t have many visuals I could show. After asking my manager, I learned that I could only show what I worked on in a 1:1 or 1:few interview setting where I would be presenting my work. Showing anything visual or having an in-depth explanation is something I wouldn’t be able to have on my portfolio.

就我而言,我所使用的许多功能尚未交付,因此我没有太多可以显示的视觉效果。 在问了我的经理之后,我了解到我只能在1:1或1:很少的面试环境中展示我的工作,在那里我将展示我的工作。 我无法在投资组合中显示任何视觉效果或进行深入的解释。

How I approached this on my portfolio was to explain an overview of what I worked on and what my work process was. Explaining my work process would also show hiring managers and recruiters how I worked with other designers. It could also show how I partnered with other disciplines like engineers and data scientists.

我如何在自己的投资组合中处理此问题,是为了概述我的工作以及工作流程。 解释我的工作流程还将向招聘经理和招聘人员展示我如何与其他设计师合作。 它还可以说明我如何与工程师和数据科学家等其他学科合作。

I took findings from user research we had done and explained how I used that to update the copy I was writing for the product. I didn’t get into any specific details about the research other than the research type. This can be a great way to show the type of research you did, and explain how you used those findings to inform your work.

我从我们所做的用户研究中获得了发现,并解释了如何使用它来更新我为产品编写的副本。 除了研究类型之外,我没有涉及该研究的任何具体细节。 这可能是显示您所做研究类型的好方法,并解释您如何使用这些发现为您的工作提供信息。

I did add some visual elements because I didn’t want to have a lot of text. I added an image of the product from the official marketing website, which is available to the public. Instead of making a text list of the type of work I did, I turned it into a visual element by adding color using Adobe Xd.

我确实添加了一些视觉元素,因为我不想有太多文本。 我从官方营销网站上添加了产品图片,该图片可供公众使用。 通过使用Adobe Xd添加颜色,我将其变成了视觉元素,而不是列出我所做工作的文本列表。

一些其他技巧 (Some additional tips)

Talk to your manager about how you could present your work on your portfolio. What are the things you can show/talk about? They’ll have the best knowledge of how to go about your portfolio for your specific company or project.

与您的经理谈谈如何在投资组合中展示您的工作。 您可以展示/谈论什么? 他们将最了解如何为您的特定公司或项目处理您的投资组合。

For visuals — usually you won’t be able to post any visual designs of work that isn’t public yet. This can be difficult, especially if the project you worked on never got shipped. My advice would be to double-check what visuals are public. You can go on the product yourself as a “customer” and see if you can use any of the visuals from there. Also check out the marketing website for your product and you can use any useful images they have.

对于视觉效果-通常,您将无法发布尚未公开的任何视觉设计作品。 这可能很难,尤其是如果您所从事的项目从未交付。 我的建议是仔细检查哪些视觉效果是公开的。 您可以以“客户”身份继续使用该产品,并查看是否可以从那里使用任何视觉效果。 另外,请访问您产品的营销网站,您可以使用它们拥有的任何有用图像。

Any NDA project you add to your portfolio should explain the basics and leave the recruiter wanting more. Hopefully, that means they’ll be reaching out to you about a potential design opportunity. Once you’re in the interview process, you should be able to talk about your project more in-depth and show any visuals you couldn’t show on your portfolio.

您添加到投资组合中的任何NDA项目都应说明基本知识,而招聘人员则需要更多。 希望这意味着他们将就潜在的设计机会与您联系。 一旦进入面试过程,您就应该能够更深入地谈论您的项目,并展示您无法在投资组合中显示的任何视觉效果。

Bay Area Black Designers: a professional development community for Black people who are digital designers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. By joining together in community, members share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development, resources, feedback, support, and resilience. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in.海湾地区黑人设计师 :一个专业的黑人开发社区,他们是旧金山湾区的数字设计师和研究人员。 通过在社区中团结起来,成员可以共享灵感,联系,同伴指导,专业发展,资源,反馈,支持和韧性。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/how-to-add-an-nda-project-to-your-portfolio-d2932684be01




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