
重点 (Top highlight)

Design specifications (specs) are guidelines that developers will use to implement a design. Think of an architect providing building blueprints to the construction team. Many designers think of specs as mindless zombie work. They may even recruit a spec monkey (or more junior designer) to do it for them so that they can get on with the ‘real’ design stuff.

设计规范(规格)是开发人员用来实施设计的指南。 想想一个为建筑团队提供建筑蓝图的建筑师。 许多设计师认为规范是无意识的僵尸作品。 他们甚至可以招募专门的猴子(或更多的初级设计师)来为他们做,以便他们可以继续“真正的”设计工作。

However, taking time and care to produce great specs can be fundamental to the success of your project.

但是,花一些时间和精力来制作出色的规格可能会 基本的 确保您的项目成功。

A junior spec monkey hard at work

为什么好的规格很重要? (Why are good specs important?)

Designs are implemented correctly ✅


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