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In one of my previous jobs, I had really interesting debates with the CEO regarding whether we should spend more time improving the way our app looks and feels. ‘How could he not care that the design is outdated?! It’s used by millions of people and it could easily be improved!’.

在我以前的工作之一中,我与CEO进行了非常有趣的辩论,涉及我们是否应该花更多的时间来改善应用程序的外观和感觉。 '他怎么能不在乎设计已经过时?! 它已被数百万人使用,并且可以轻松进行改进!

He didn’t budge, he was positive that the company is prioritizing the real things that move the business, focusing mostly on high growth moves.


I was bummed that my design skills didn’t matter much to him. I’m passionate about both UX and visual design and I don’t want to spend my life working for companies who only want to use a small part of my skills.

我为自己的设计技能对他没有多大帮助而感到难过。 我对用户体验和视觉设计都充满热情,我不想为那些只希望使用我的一小部分技能的公司工作。

Despite that, I was able to view his points — I couldn’t prove him wrong, the company was growing and while our users complained about many things, none of them said ‘it’s too ugly for me’.


价值>美学 (Value > Aesthetics)

The CEO had some points right. If the product gives enough value, there is no need for beautiful aesthetics. Companies like Amazon or Reddit are perfect examples of that.

首席执行官提出了一些正确的观点。 如果产品具有足够的价值,则无需美观。 像Amazon或Reddit这样的公司就是最好的例子。

Furthermore, If the product is beautiful but doesn’t give enough value, the product will fail. Nobody would use a product that has the aesthetics of the hottest shots on Dribbble if it’s not very functional or missing some key features.

此外,如果产品漂亮但不能提供足够的价值,则该产品将失败。 如果功能不完善或缺少某些关键功能,则没人会使用具有Dribbble上最热门镜头美感的产品。

But he wasn’t entirely right. Beautiful products have value points that are hard to recognize when every micro decision is being A/B tested, but are extremely impactful for the organization.

但是他并不完全正确。 漂亮的产品具有无法在对每个微观决策进行A / B测试时识别的价值点,但对组织而言却极具影响力。

美学说你是谁 (Aesthetics say who you are)

Facebook’s recent redesign

Aesthetics in product design is similar to the visual appearance in real life. It’s important that we dress nice, take a haircut or wear deodorant for work if we want to impress someone and make them comfortable with us. It doesn’t change the value we can give to other people. It does change how receptive people are when they listen to you, and how they remember you later. It won’t change the things you say, but the way others feel about you before, during, and after you’re saying those things.

产品设计中的美学与现实生活中的视觉外观相似。 如果我们想给某人留下深刻的印象并使他们对我们感到满意,重要的是我们要着装优美,理发或穿着除臭剂。 它不会改变我们可以给他人的价值。 确实会改变人们在听您时的接受程度,以及他们以后如何记住您。 它不会改变您说的话,但会改变您在说这些话之前,之中和之后他人对您的感觉。

美学帮助您应对竞争 (Aesthetics help you against your competition)

While it’s really hard to create an equal competitor to Amazon, it’s not always the case. Often different companies are competing in the same field, all of them giving pretty much the same value for pretty much the same price.

虽然要与亚马逊建立平等的竞争者确实很困难,但并非总是如此。 通常,不同的公司都在同一领域竞争,它们都以几乎相同的价格提供几乎相同的价值。

Think about companies that are really successful at what they’re doing — Slack, Medium, and Mailchimp. None of them invented a new market. Team chat, blogging, and email marketing software existed long before them. Still, they somehow managed to become the first name people think about when looking for a solution in that market. All of them also created a unique visual language that is full of personality.

考虑一下在自己的工作上真正成功的公司-Slack,Medium和Mailchimp。 他们都没有发明新的市场。 团队聊天,博客和电子邮件营销软件早就存在。 尽管如此,他们还是设法成为人们在该市场中寻找解决方案时想到的名字。 他们还创造了一种充满个性的独特视觉语言。

美学增加数字 (Aesthetics increase numbers)

Even though value and messaging are usually the most crucial elements for a company to grow, having the right visuals at the right time could convince more people to purchase what you offer. A pricing screen, for example, is the place where people decide on purchasing your product or not. A clean design in a pricing screen helps make the messages clear and readable, and it could result in a very significant increase in conversion.

尽管价值和消息传递通常是公司成长的最关键要素,但在正确的时间拥有正确的视觉效果仍可以说服更多的人购买您所提供的产品。 例如, 定价屏幕是人们决定是否购买您的产品的地方。 定价屏幕中的整洁设计有助于使消息清晰易读,并且可以大大提高转化率。


In the product teams I’ve worked it, the most common thing for people to debate about is the prioritization of development tasks. Many team members (often the ambitious ones) want to promote ideas they think would help the company grow, and it’s not always clear about which path is the right one.

在我工作过的产品团队中,人们最常争论的是开发任务的优先级。 许多团队成员(通常是雄心勃勃的团队成员)想推广他们认为可以帮助公司发展的想法,但始终不清楚哪种方法是正确的方法。

Sometimes making things in your product more beautiful is a great idea, but when promoting such an idea, you need to answer ‘Why is it important for us right now?’. Inexperienced designers usually answer something along the lines of ‘because it could look so much better!!’. This would convince nobody but their fellow bad designers.

有时使产品中的物品更漂亮是一个好主意,但是在推广这样的主意时,您需要回答“为什么现在对我们很重要?”。 经验不足的设计师通常会回答一些问题,“因为看起来好多了!”。 这只会说服他们的坏设计师。

Try to be mindful of your company’s goals, and think about how great design could lead your company to greatness, and you will succeed. Aesthetics alone can’t build a product, but building a product with bad aesthetics would often be much harder.

尝试牢记公司的目标,并思考出色的设计如何使您的公司走向卓越,然后您就会成功。 唯有美学无法制造产品,但是要打造美学不佳的产品通常会困难得多。

Thanks for reading! If you’d like to get more content from me, you can follow me here: Medium, Dribbble, Twitter.

谢谢阅读! 如果您想从我这里获取更多内容,可以在这里关注我: Medium , Dribbble , Twitter 。

Bay Area Black Designers: a professional development community for Black people who are digital designers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. Being designers from an underestimated group, BABD members know what it feels like to be “the only one” on their design teams. By joining together in community, members share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development, resources, feedback, support, and resilience. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in.海湾地区黑人设计师 :一个专业的黑人开发社区,他们是旧金山湾区的数字设计师和研究人员。 作为来自一个被低估的团队的设计师,BABD的成员知道成为设计团队中“唯一的一个”的感觉。 通过在社区中团结起来,成员可以共享灵感,联系,同伴指导,专业发展,资源,反馈,支持和韧性。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/the-importance-of-aesthetics-in-product-design-a617c23a5092




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