
using namespace std;
const int Maxsize = 100;
template<class T>
class SeqList
public:SeqList() {}SeqList(T a[], int n);//~SeqkList() {}int Length();T Get(int i);int Locate(T x);void Insert(int i,T x);T Delete(int i);int Empty();void PrintList();
private:T data[Maxsize];int length;
template<class T>
SeqList<T>::SeqList(T a[], int n)
{if (n > Maxsize){cout << "Error";return;}for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){data[i] = a[i];}length = n;
template<class T>
int SeqList<T>::Empty()
{if (length == 0)cout << "This List is Empty!";
template<class T>
int SeqList<T>::Length()
{return length;
template<class T>
void SeqList<T>::PrintList()
{for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)cout << data[i] << "\t";cout << endl;
template<class T>
T SeqList<T>::Get(int i) {if (i < 1 || i>length) {cout << "search Error!";return 0;}else {cout << data[i - 1];}
template<class T>
int SeqList<T>::Locate(T x) {for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {if (data[i] == x)return i + 1;}return 0;
template<class T>
void SeqList<T>::Insert(int i, T x) {if (length == Maxsize)throw "shangyi!";if (i<1 || i>length)throw "Insert Error!";for (int j = length; j >= i; j--) {data[j] = data[j - 1];}data[i - 1] = x;length++;
template<class T>
T SeqList<T>::Delete(int i) {T x;if (length == 0)throw "xiayi!";if (i<1 || i>length)throw "Delete Error!";for (int j = i; j < length; j++) {data[j - 1] = data[j];}length--;return x;
int main()
{int r[5] = { 1,2,3,4,5 };SeqList<int>L(r, 5);cout << "Now the list's order are:";cout << endl;L.PrintList();try {L.Insert(2, 8);cout<< "Now ,as we operatethe list,and its order are:";L.PrintList();cout << endl;}catch (char* str) { cout << str << endl; }cout << "Now the List's length is:"<< L.Length();cout << endl;cout << "Please input what you Insert'element'value:";int x;cin >> x;int i = L.Locate(x);if (i == 0)cout << "search Error!" << endl;elsecout << "element" << x << "in:" << i << endl;//Searchtry {cout << "input you want to search No.element:";cin >> i;cout << "the No." << i << "element is :" << L.Get(i) << endl;}catch (char* str) { cout << str << endl; }//Deletetry {cout << "Please input what you delete No.element:";cin >> i;x = L.Delete(i);cout << "you delete is:" << x;cout << endl;cout << "Now the order are:";L.PrintList();}catch (char* str) { cout << str << endl; }return 0;


using namespace std;const int Maxsize = 100;class SeqList {
private:int data[Maxsize];int length;
public:// SeqList();SeqList(int data[], int n);~SeqList();int Length();int Get(int i);int Locate(int x);void Insert(int i,int x);int Delete(int i);int Empty();void PrintList();
};//SeqList::SeqList() {}//建立长度为n的顺序表
SeqList::SeqList(int a[], int n) {if (n > Maxsize)throw"参数非法";for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {data[i] = a[i];}length = n;
SeqList::~SeqList() {}int SeqList::Length() {return length;
}int SeqList::Get(int i) {if (i<1 || i>length)throw"查找非法!";else{return data[i - 1];}
int SeqList::Locate(int x) {for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {if (data[i] == x)return x + 1;}return 0;
void SeqList::Insert(int i, int x) {if (i<1 || i>length)throw"插入错误!";if (length == Maxsize)throw"上溢!";for (int j = length; j >= i; j--) {data[j] = data[j - 1];}data[i - 1] = x;length++;
int SeqList::Delete(int i) {int x;//存下被删元素if (i<1 || i>length)throw"删除错误!";if (length == 0)throw"下溢!";x=data[i - 1];for (int j = i; j < length; j++) {data[j-1] = data[j];}length--;return x;
int SeqList::Empty() {if (length == 0)cout << "空表";return 1;
void SeqList::PrintList() {for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)cout << data[i] << "\t";cout << endl;
int main() {int arr[5] = { 1,2,4,5,6 };SeqList L(arr, 5);cout << "线性表的数据为:";L.PrintList();try {L.Insert(2, 8);L.Insert(5, 10);cout << "Now the SeqList's data are:";L.PrintList();}catch (char* str) { cout << str; }cout << "Now the length of the SeqList is:" << L.Length() << endl;cout << "Please input you want to find the data:";int x,i;cin >> x;i = L.Locate(x);if (i == 0)cout << "find false!" << endl;else{cout << "data" << x << "'s location is :" << i << endl;}try {cout << "Please input what you want to find the NO.data:" << endl;cin >> i;cout << "the No." << i << "data'value is:" << L.Get(i);cout << endl;}catch (char* str) {cout << str << endl;}try {cout << "Please input what you want to dalete the No.data'value;";cin >> i;x = L.Delete(i);cout << "your delete data is:" << x << endl;cout << "NOw the SeqList'data are:";L.PrintList();}catch (char* str) { cout << str << endl; }return 0;


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