
幸运的是,我们能够通过围棋服务器拿到很多由人落子后产生的棋盘数据。很多围棋服务器公开了这些数据,这些围棋数据以一种叫Smart Game Format的方式存储,我们可以将其下载下来进行预处理后用于训练我们的神经网络,如此得到的网络,它的落子能力将远远超过上一节我们训练的网络机器人。

我们从当下最流行的围棋服务器下载棋盘数据,这个服务器叫KGS(Kiseido Go Server).在下载数据前,我们先了解具体的数据格式。它是一种文本格式数据,它通常用两个大写字母来表示棋盘属性,例如表示棋盘规格时使用的字母是SZ,然后在后面用大括号来容纳属性对应的数值,对于一个9*9的棋盘而言,对应的描述属性为SZ[9]。



(;FF[4] GM[1] SZ[9] HA[0] KM[6.5] RU[Japanese] RE[W+9.5] ;B[gc];W[cc];B[cg];W[gg];B[hf];W[gf];B[hg];W[hh];B[ge];W[df];B[dg] ;W[eh];B[cf];W[be];B[eg];W[fh];B[de];W[ec];B[fb];W[eb];B[ea];W[da] ;B[fa];W[cb];B[bf];W[fc];B[gb];W[fe];B[gd];W[ig];B[bd];W[he];B[ff] ;W[fg];B[ef];W[hd];B[fd];W[bi];B[bh];W[bc];B[cd];W[dc];B[ac];W[ab] ;B[ad];W[hc];B[ci];W[ed];B[ee];W[dh];B[ch];W[di];B[hb];W[ib];B[ha] ;W[ic];B[dd];W[ia];B[];
TW[aa][ba][bb][ca][db][ei][fi][gh][gi][hf][hg][hi][id][ie][if] [ih][ii]
TB[ae][af][ag][ah][ai][be][bg][bi][ce][df][fe][ga] W[])

其中FF[4]表示数据格式的版本号,有点类似于操作系统版本。GM[1]表示比赛第一盘,HA表示让子,HA[0]表示没有让子。RU[Japanese]表示围棋遵循日本规则,RE[W+9.5]表示白子以9.5分优势获胜,KM[6.5]表示第二落子的人获得6.5分补偿。接下来 以分好分割的就是双方落子方式。最后TW表示的是白子地盘,TB表示黑子占据的地盘。

理解了数据格式后,我们可以通过网址 https://www.u-go.net/gamerecords/


>>>Downloading content/gdrive/My Drive/GO_RECORD/KGS-2006-19-10388-.tar.gz
worker is running
>>>Downloading content/gdrive/My Drive/GO_RECORD/KGS-2005-19-13941-.tar.gz
worker is running
>>>Downloading content/gdrive/My Drive/GO_RECORD/KGS-2004-19-12106-.tar.gz
worker is running
>>>Downloading content/gdrive/My Drive/GO_RECORD/KGS-2003-19-7582-.tar.gz
worker is running
>>>Downloading content/gdrive/My Drive/GO_RECORD/KGS-2002-19-3646-.tar.gz
worker is running
>>>Downloading content/gdrive/My Drive/GO_RECORD/KGS-2001-19-2298-.tar.gz



 "(;GM[1] FF[4] SZ[9];B[ee];W[ef];B[ff])" + \


19  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
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10  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5  .  .  .  . x .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 2  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T
19  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
18  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
17  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
16  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
15  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
14  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
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12  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
11  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
10  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5  .  .  .  . x .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4  .  .  .  . o .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 2  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T
19  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
18  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
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10  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5  .  .  .  . x .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4  .  .  .  . ox .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 2  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T




import os
import sys
import multiprocessing
import six
from urllib.request import urlopen, urlretrieve#创建下载线程函数
def  worker(url_and_target):try:(url, target_path) = url_and_targetprint('>>>Downloading ' + target_path)urlretrieve(url, target_path)except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):print('Exiting download worker')class KGSDownloader:def __init__(self, kgs_url = 'https://www.u-go.net/gamerecords/', download_page = 'kgs_index.html',data_directory = '/content/gdrive/My Drive/GO_RECORD/'):self.kgs_url = kgs_urlself.download_page = download_pageself.data_directory = data_directory#下载文件信息self.file_info = []#下载数据对应的urlself.urls = []#启动下载页面解析流程self.loading()def  download_files(self):print('begin download')'''根据CPU核数创建下载线程同时下载棋盘数据'''if not os.path.isdir(self.data_directory):os.makedirs(self.data_directory)urls_to_download = []print('file_info: ', self.file_info)for file_info in self.file_info:url = file_info['url']file_name = file_info['filename']#如果文件没有下载过就进行下载print('filename is : ', file_name)if not os.path.isfile(self.data_directory + '/' + file_name):urls_to_download.append((url, self.data_directory + '/' + file_name))cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()#根据CPU核数创建线程池pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes = cores)print('cores: ', cores)try:#将要下载的文件URL分发给每个下载线程print('pool imap: ', urls_to_download)it = pool.imap(worker, urls_to_download)print('it: ', it)for _ in it:pass#关闭线程池防止资源泄露pool.close()pool.join()print('pool imap end')except KeyboardInterrupt:print('>>>Caught KeyboardInterrupt, terminating works')pool.terminate()pool.join()sys.exit(-1)def  create_download_page(self):print('create_download_page: ', )if os.path.isfile(self.download_page):print('>>> Reading download page: ', self.download_page)download_file = open(self.download_page, 'r')download_contents = download_file.read()print('contents: ', download_contents)download_file.close()else:print('>>> Downloading download page')fp = urlopen(self.kgs_url)data = six.text_type(fp.read())fp.close()download_contents = datadownload_file = open(self.download_page, 'w')download_file.write(download_contents)download_file.close()return download_contentsdef  loading(self):'''从html页面中将下载数据的文件名以及对应的url抽取出来'''download_contents = self.create_download_page()print('download contents: ', download_contents)split_page = [item for item in download_contents.split('<a href="') if item.startswith("https://")]for item in split_page:#在html页面源码中,数据下载链接在"Download"字符串前面download_url = item.split('">Download')[0]if download_url.endswith('.tar.gz'):self.urls.append(download_url)'''下载文件名格式如下:KGS-2019_01-19-2095-.tar.gz2019是年份,2095是盘数2015年之前的文件名在年份之后跟着的是'-'而不是'_'这点要注意'''for url in self.urls:filename = os.path.basename(url)split_file_name = filename.split('-')num_games = int(split_file_name[len(split_file_name) - 2])print(filename + ' ' + str(num_games))self.file_info.append({'url': url, 'filename':filename,'num_games' : num_games})downloader = KGSDownloader()



import random
import os'''
'''class  Sampler:def  __init__(self, data_dir = '/content/gdrive/My Drive/GO_RECORD/',num_test_games = 100,cap_year = 2015, seed = 1337):self.data_dir = data_dirself.num_test_games = num_test_gamesself.test_games = []self.train_games = []self.test_folder = 'test_samples.py'self.cap_year = cap_yearrandom.seed(seed)self.compute_test_samples()def  draw_data(self, data_type, num_samples):'''data_type 表明要抽取的数据是训练数据还是测试数据'''if  data_type == 'test':return  self.test_gameselif  data_type == 'train' and num_samples is not None:return self.draw_training_sampels(num_samples)elif  data_type == 'train' and num_samples is None:return self.draw_all_training()raise  ValueError(data_type + ' is not a valid data type')def  draw_samples(self, num_sample_games):available_games = []loader = KGSDownloader(data_directory = self.data_dir)for fileinfo in loader.file_info:filename = fileinfo['filename']year = int(filename.split('-')[1].split('_')[0])if year > self.cap_year:continuenum_games = fileinfo['num_games']for i in range(num_games):available_games.append((filename, i))print('>>>Total number of games used: ' + str(len(available_games)))sample_set = set()while len(sample_set) < num_sample_games:sample = random.choice(available_games)if sample not in sample_set:sample_set.add(sample)print('Drawn ' + str(num_sample_games) + ' samples:' )return list(sample_set)def  draw_training_games(self):'''从下载数据中抽取训练数据,这些数据对应于2014年之后的棋盘记录同时cap_year以后的数据暂时不考虑以便维持训练数据的稳定性'''loader = KGSDownloader(data_directory = self.data_dir)for file_info in loader.file_info:filename = file_info['filename']year = int(filename.split('-')[1].split('_')[0])if  year > self.cap_year:continuenum_games = file_info['num_games']for i in range(num_games):sample = (filename, i)if sample not in self.test_games:self.train_games.append(sample)print('total num training games: ' + str(len(self.train_games)))def  compute_test_samples(self):'''将2014年之前的棋盘数据作为测试数据放置到test_folder文件夹中'''if not os.path.isfile(self.test_folder):test_games = self.draw_samples(self.num_test_games)test_sample_file = open(self.test_folder, 'w')for sample in test_games:test_sample_file.write(str(sample) + '\n')test_sample_file.close()test_sample_file = open(self.test_folder, 'r')sample_contents = test_sample_file.read()test_sample_file.close()for line in sample_contents.split('\n'):if line != "":(filename, index) = eval(line)self.test_games.append((filename, index))def  draw_training_sampels(self, num_sample_games):available_games = []loader = KGSDownloader(data_directory = self.data_dir)for fileinfo in loader.file_info:filename = fileinfo['filename']year = int(filename.split('-')[1].split('_')[0])if year > self.cap_year:continuenum_games = fileinfo['num_games']for i in range(num_games):available_games.append((filename, i))print('total num games: ' + str(len(available_games)))sample_set = set()while len(sample_set) < num_sample_games:#从所有数据中随机选取一个sample = random.choice(available_games)#由于测试数据集都是在2014年之前,因此不属于测试数据集的数据都可以作为训练数据if sample not in self.test_games:sample_set.add(sample)print('Drawn ' + str(num_sample_games) + ' samples:')return list(sample_set)def  draw_all_training(self):available_games = []loader = KGSDownloader(data_directory = self.data_dir)for fileinfo in loader.file_info:filename = fileinfo['filename']year = int(filename.split('-')[1].split('_')[0])if year > self.cap_year:continueif 'num_games' in fileinfo.keys():num_games = fileinfo['num_games']else:continuefor i in range(num_games):available_games.append((filename, i))print('total num games: ' + str(len(available_games)))sample_set = set()for sample in available_games:if sample not in self.test_games:sample_set.add(sample)print('Drawn all samples, ie ' + str(len(sample_set)) + ' samples:')return list(sample_set)


import tarfile
import gzip
import glob
import shutil
import os.pathclass GoDataProcessor:def  __init__(self, encoder = 'oneplane', data_directory = '/content/gdrive/My Drive/GO_RECORD'):if encoder == 'oneplane':self.encoder = OnePlaneEncoder(19) self.data_dir = data_directorydef  load_go_data(self, data_type = 'train', num_samples = 1000):#从下载数据中抽取出给定数量的训练数据sampler = Sampler(data_dir = self.data_dir)data = sampler.draw_data(data_type, num_samples)#将选中的文件数据进行解压,index 表示第几盘zip_names = set()indices_by_zip_name = {}for filename, index in data:zip_names.add(filename)if filename not in indices_by_zip_name:indices_by_zip_name[filename] = []indices_by_zip_name[filename].append(index)for zip_name in zip_names:#创建解压后的文件名base_name = zip_name.replace('.tar.gz', '')data_file_name = base_name + data_typeprint('process zip file with name: ', self.data_dir + '/' + data_file_name)print('is file check: ', os.path.isfile(self.data_dir + '/' + data_file_name))#if not os.path.isfile(self.data_dir + '/' + data_file_name):self.process_zip(zip_name, data_file_name, indices_by_zip_name[zip_name])#将数据描述的棋盘转为为上一节描述的编码和对应的落子features_and_labels = self.consolidate_games(data_type, data)return  features_and_labelsdef  process_zip(self, zip_file_name, data_file_name, game_list):#先把数据文件解压出来tar_file = self.unzip_data(zip_file_name)zip_file = tarfile.open(self.data_dir + '/' + tar_file)#获得.tar.gz解压后文件夹中所有文件的名字集合name_list = zip_file.getnames()#这里得到当前棋盘总共下了多少步棋,game_list对应的是第几盘比赛total_examples = self.num_total_examples(zip_file, game_list, name_list)#shape = [19. 19]shape = self.encoder.shape()#feature_shape 是数组,每个元素是[19,19]二维向量feature_shape = np.insert(shape, 0, np.asarray([total_examples]))features = np.zeros(feature_shape)#lables是一维数组,每个元素对应落子位置labels = np.zeros((total_examples, ))print('process_zip with features len: ', len(features))features_len = len(features)counter = 0for index in game_list:name = name_list[index + 1]if not name.endswith('.sgf'):raise ValueError(name + ' is not a valid sgf')sgf_content = zip_file.extractfile(name).read()sgf = Sgf_game.from_string(sgf_content)'''水平高的一方可能会让子,于是另一方可直接连续落子,我们先处理这种情况'''game_state, first_move_done = self.get_handicap(sgf)for item in sgf.main_sequence_iter():#依次将落子步骤读取出来color, move_tuple = item.get_move()point = Noneif color is not None:if move_tuple is not None:row, col = move_tuplepoint = Point(row + 1, col + 1)move = Move.play(point)else:move = Move.pass_turn()if  first_move_done and point is not None:#如果有让子,那么把对方落子后的棋盘当做训练数据,然后另一方落子方式当做训练标签features[counter] = self.encoder.encode(game_state)labels[counter] = self.encoder.encode_point(point)counter += 1#先按照落子步骤形成棋盘,下一次读取落子时它就会变成训练数据game_state = game_state.apply_move(move)first_move_done = Truefeature_file_base = self.data_dir + '/' + data_file_name + '_features_%d'label_file_base = self.data_dir + '/' + data_file_name + '_label_%d'#我们将加工好的数据存储成文件chunk = 0chunksize = 1024#每1024条记录当做一个chunk,每一个chunk单独存储while features.shape[0] >= chunksize:feature_file = feature_file_base % chunklabel_file = label_file_base % chunkchunk += 1current_features, features = features[:chunksize], features[chunksize:]current_labels, labels = labels[:chunksize], labels[chunksize:]np.save(feature_file, current_features)np.save(label_file, current_labels)def  unzip_data(self, zip_file_name):#.tar.gz文件经过了两层压缩,首先解压gz压缩this_gz = gzip.open(self.data_dir + '/' + zip_file_name)#去掉尾部的.gz后缀tar_file = zip_file_name[0:-3]#创建.tar文件,将解压后gz压缩后的内容拷贝到该文件this_tar = open(self.data_dir + '/' + tar_file, 'wb')shutil.copyfileobj(this_gz, this_tar)return tar_filedef num_total_examples(self, zip_file, game_list, name_list):'''#根据棋盘描述文件中的落子次数推算出训练数据的长度,每一次落子前的棋盘会成为训练数据,落子则对应训练标签,一旦落子后形成的棋盘就会成为新的训练数据'''total_examples = 0for index in game_list:name = name_list[index + 1]if name.endswith('.sgf'):#zip_file对应解压后的tar文件,其中包含很多.sgf文件,这里把指定的sgf文件内容读取出来sfg_content = zip_file.extractfile(name).read()sgf = Sgf_game.from_string(sfg_content)game_state, first_move_done = self.get_handicap(sgf)num_moves = 0for item in sgf.main_sequence_iter():color, move = item.get_move()if color is not None:if first_move_done:num_moves += 1first_move_done = Truetotal_examples = total_examples + num_moveselse:raise ValueError(name + ' is not a valid sgf')return total_examples@staticmethoddef  get_handicap(sgf):#将让子时对应的落子摆到棋盘上go_board = Board(19, 19)first_move_done = Falsemove = Nonegame_state = GameState.new_game(19)if sgf.get_handicap() is not None and sgf.get_handicap() != 0:for setup in sgf.get_root().get_setup_stones():for move in setup:row, col = movego_board.place_stone(Player.black, Point(row + 1, col + 1))first_move_done = Truegame_state = GameState(go_board, Player.white, None, move)return game_state, first_move_done#前面我们把数据存储成多个小段,这里我们把多个小段读入内存合作一个整体def  consolidate_games(self, data_type, samples):files_needed = set(file_name for file_name , index in samples)file_names = []for zip_file_name in files_needed:file_name = zip_file_name.replace('.tar.gz', '') + data_typefile_names.append(file_name)feature_list = []label_list = []for file_name in file_names:file_prefix = file_name.replace('.tar.gz', '')base = self.data_dir + '/' + file_prefix + '_features_*.npy'print('consolidate with file: ', base)for feature_file in glob.glob(base):label_file = feature_file.replace('features', 'labels')x = np.load(feature_file)y = np.load(label_file)x = x.astype('float32')y = to_categorical(y.astype(int), 19 * 19)feature_list.append(x)label_list.append(y)features = np.concatenate(feature_list, axis = 0)labels = np.concatenate(label_list, axis = 0)np.save('{}/features_{}.npy'.format(self.data_dir, data_type), features)np.save('{}/labels_{}.npy'.format(self.data_dir, data_type), labels)return features, labels


class DataGenerator:'''创建一个数据抽取水泵,按照网络需要每次从数据池中抽取一小部分数据用于网络训练'''def  __init__(self, data_directory, samples):self.data_directory = data_directory#samples表示要抽取的数据量self.samples = samplesself.files = set(file_name for file_name, index in samples)def  get_num_samples(self, batch_size = 128, num_classes = 19 * 19):'''为了加快数据读取速度,我们’按需‘抽取数据而不是一下子读取大量数据'''if  self.num_samples is not None:return  self.num_sampleselse:self.num_samples = 0for X, y in self._generate(batch_size = batch_size, num_classes = num_classes):self.num_samples += X.shape[0]return  self.num_samplesdef  _generate(self, batch_size, num_classes):for zip_file_name in self.files:file_name = zip_file_name.replace('.tar.gz', '') + 'train'base = self.data_director + '/' + file_name + '_features_*.npy'for feature_file in glob.glob(base):label_file = feature_file.replace('features', 'labels')x = np.load(feature_file)y = np.load(label_file)x = x.astype('float32')y = to_categorical(y.astype(int), num_classes)while x.shape[0] >= batch_size:x_batch, x = x[:batch_size], x[batch_size:]y_batch, y = y[:batch_size], y[batch_size:]yield x_batch, y_batchdef  generate(self, batch_size = 128, num_classes = 19 * 19):while  True:for item in self._generate(batch_size, num_classes):yield  item


import tarfile
import gzip
import glob
import shutil
import os.path
import numpy as npdef  worker(jobinfo):#工作线程try:'''实例化GoDataProcessor,调用它的process_zip解压给定压缩文件,同时解析sgf文件,将它们转换为棋盘编码,这个过程可以使用多线程加速'''clazz, encoder, zip_file, data_file_name, game_list = jobinfoclazz(encoder=encoder).process_zip(zip_file, data_file_name, game_list)except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):raise  Exception('>>> Exiting child process.')class GoDataProcessor:def  __init__(self, encoder = 'oneplane', data_directory = '/content/gdrive/My Drive/GO_RECORD'):if encoder == 'oneplane':self.encoder = OnePlaneEncoder(19) self.encoder_string = encoderself.data_dir = data_directorydef  load_go_data(self, data_type = 'train', num_samples = 1000,use_generator = False):#从下载数据中抽取出给定数量的训练数据sampler = Sampler(data_dir = self.data_dir)data = sampler.draw_data(data_type, num_samples)#启动线程池self.map_to_workers(data_type, data)if use_generator:#将解析后的数据分批次喂给网络generator = DataGenerator(self.data_dir, data)return generatorelse:#按照老方式一下子将所有数据推给网络features_and_labels = self.consolidate_games(data_type, data)return  features_and_labelsdef  process_zip(self, zip_file_name, data_file_name, game_list):#先把数据文件解压出来tar_file = self.unzip_data(zip_file_name)zip_file = tarfile.open(self.data_dir + '/' + tar_file)#获得.tar.gz解压后文件夹中所有文件的名字集合name_list = zip_file.getnames()#这里得到当前棋盘总共下了多少步棋,game_list对应的是第几盘比赛total_examples = self.num_total_examples(zip_file, game_list, name_list)#shape = [19. 19]shape = self.encoder.shape()#feature_shape 是数组,每个元素是[19,19]二维向量feature_shape = np.insert(shape, 0, np.asarray([total_examples]))features = np.zeros(feature_shape)#lables是一维数组,每个元素对应落子位置labels = np.zeros((total_examples, ))print('process_zip with features len: ', len(features))features_len = len(features)counter = 0for index in game_list:name = name_list[index + 1]if not name.endswith('.sgf'):raise ValueError(name + ' is not a valid sgf')sgf_content = zip_file.extractfile(name).read()sgf = Sgf_game.from_string(sgf_content)'''水平高的一方可能会让子,于是另一方可直接连续落子,我们先处理这种情况'''game_state, first_move_done = self.get_handicap(sgf)for item in sgf.main_sequence_iter():#依次将落子步骤读取出来color, move_tuple = item.get_move()point = Noneif color is not None:if move_tuple is not None:row, col = move_tuplepoint = Point(row + 1, col + 1)move = Move.play(point)else:move = Move.pass_turn()if  first_move_done and point is not None:#如果有让子,那么把对方落子后的棋盘当做训练数据,然后另一方落子方式当做训练标签features[counter] = self.encoder.encode(game_state)labels[counter] = self.encoder.encode_point(point)counter += 1#先按照落子步骤形成棋盘,下一次读取落子时它就会变成训练数据game_state = game_state.apply_move(move)first_move_done = Truefeature_file_base = self.data_dir + '/' + data_file_name + '_features_%d'label_file_base = self.data_dir + '/' + data_file_name + '_label_%d'#我们将加工好的数据存储成文件chunk = 0chunksize = 1024#每1024条记录当做一个chunk,每一个chunk单独存储while features.shape[0] >= chunksize:feature_file = feature_file_base % chunklabel_file = label_file_base % chunkchunk += 1current_features, features = features[:chunksize], features[chunksize:]current_labels, labels = labels[:chunksize], labels[chunksize:]np.save(feature_file, current_features)np.save(label_file, current_labels)def  unzip_data(self, zip_file_name):#.tar.gz文件经过了两层压缩,首先解压gz压缩this_gz = gzip.open(self.data_dir + '/' + zip_file_name)#去掉尾部的.gz后缀tar_file = zip_file_name[0:-3]#创建.tar文件,将解压后gz压缩后的内容拷贝到该文件this_tar = open(self.data_dir + '/' + tar_file, 'wb')shutil.copyfileobj(this_gz, this_tar)return tar_filedef num_total_examples(self, zip_file, game_list, name_list):'''#根据棋盘描述文件中的落子次数推算出训练数据的长度,每一次落子前的棋盘会成为训练数据,落子则对应训练标签,一旦落子后形成的棋盘就会成为新的训练数据'''total_examples = 0for index in game_list:name = name_list[index + 1]if name.endswith('.sgf'):#zip_file对应解压后的tar文件,其中包含很多.sgf文件,这里把指定的sgf文件内容读取出来sfg_content = zip_file.extractfile(name).read()sgf = Sgf_game.from_string(sfg_content)game_state, first_move_done = self.get_handicap(sgf)num_moves = 0for item in sgf.main_sequence_iter():color, move = item.get_move()if color is not None:if first_move_done:num_moves += 1first_move_done = Truetotal_examples = total_examples + num_moveselse:raise ValueError(name + ' is not a valid sgf')return total_examples@staticmethoddef  get_handicap(sgf):#将让子时对应的落子摆到棋盘上go_board = Board(19, 19)first_move_done = Falsemove = Nonegame_state = GameState.new_game(19)if sgf.get_handicap() is not None and sgf.get_handicap() != 0:for setup in sgf.get_root().get_setup_stones():for move in setup:row, col = movego_board.place_stone(Player.black, Point(row + 1, col + 1))first_move_done = Truegame_state = GameState(go_board, Player.white, None, move)return game_state, first_move_done#前面我们把数据存储成多个小段,这里我们把多个小段读入内存合作一个整体def  consolidate_games(self, data_type, samples):files_needed = set(file_name for file_name , index in samples)file_names = []for zip_file_name in files_needed:file_name = zip_file_name.replace('.tar.gz', '') + data_typefile_names.append(file_name)feature_list = []label_list = []for file_name in file_names:file_prefix = file_name.replace('.tar.gz', '')base = self.data_dir + '/' + file_prefix + '_features_*.npy'print('consolidate with file: ', base)for feature_file in glob.glob(base):label_file = feature_file.replace('features', 'labels')x = np.load(feature_file)y = np.load(label_file)x = x.astype('float32')y = to_categorical(y.astype(int), 19 * 19)feature_list.append(x)label_list.append(y)features = np.concatenate(feature_list, axis = 0)labels = np.concatenate(label_list, axis = 0)np.save('{}/features_{}.npy'.format(self.data_dir, data_type), features)np.save('{}/labels_{}.npy'.format(self.data_dir, data_type), labels)return features, labelsdef  map_to_workers(self, data_type, samples):#将选中的文件数据进行解压,index 表示第几盘zip_names = set()indices_by_zip_name = {}for filename, index in samples:zip_names.add(filename)if filename not in indices_by_zip_name:indices_by_zip_name[filename] = []indices_by_zip_name[filename].append(index)zips_to_process = []for zip_name in zip_names:#创建解压后的文件名base_name = zip_name.replace('.tar.gz', '')data_file_name = base_name + data_typezips_to_process.append((self.__class__, self.encoder_string, zip_name,data_file_name, indices_by_zip_name[zip_name]))cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes = cores)p = pool.map_async(worker, zips_to_process)try:_ = p.get()except KeyboardInterrupt:pool.terminate()pool.join()sys.exit(-1)






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