
Virtual phone systems and CRM need little introduction to anyone active in the business world. A look at a range of recent studies indicates that close to 40% of American businesses make at least partial use of VoIP today. The CRM software market is also growing rapidly with estimates that it will be bringing in an astonishing $80 billion in revenues in five years time. What do these two technologies share in common?

虚拟电话系统和CRM几乎不需要向从事商业活动的任何人介绍。 对一系列近期研究的观察表明,如今将近40%的美国企业至少部分使用了VoIP。 CRM软件市场也正在快速增长,据估计,它将在五年内带来惊人的800亿美元收入。 这两种技术有什么共同点?

欣赏VoIP和CRM之间的自然亲和力 (Appreciating the Natural Affinity between VoIP and CRM)

The key appeals of VoIP, or internet phone systems, to the business world, come from the significant reductions in telecom equipment installation and maintenance costs, combined with the flexibility that incoming call forwarding and other advanced telecom features provide.


The impetus for the increasing use of CRM comes from recognition of the importance of effective management and use of customer data to increase sales and improve client service. While the VoIP and CRM objectives at first glance appear to differ, a closer look shows a great deal of common ground between them.

越来越多地使用CRM的动力来自对有效管理和使用客户数据对增加销售和改善客户服务的重要性的认识。 乍一看,VoIP和CRM的目标似乎有所不同,但仔细观察可以发现它们之间有很多共同点。

VoIP和CRM融合的地方 (Where VoIP and CRM Converge)

From their different perspectives, effective VoIP and CRM systems give businesses the tools to deliver real improvements in customer service that differentiate them from their competitors. For example, through use of VoIP incoming call forwarding and setting call schedules, firms can make sure that each customer call is quickly taken by the employee best suited to handle their query.

从他们的不同角度来看,有效的VoIP和CRM系统为企业提供了实现客户服务真正改善的工具,从而使他们有别于竞争对手。 例如,通过使用VoIP传入呼叫转移和设置呼叫时间表,公司可以确保最适合处理其查询的员工Swift接听每个客户呼叫。

Recording of customer calls is another way in which VoIP provides firms with a valuable tool to improve their customer interactions. The CRM systems also play key roles in enhancing the caller experience and making the employee’s job that much easier by placing details of the customer’s previous dealings at the fingertips of the representative.

记录客户电话是VoIP为公司提供有价值的工具来改善其客户互动的另一种方式。 CRM系统在将呼叫者的指尖放在客户之前的交易细节上,在增强呼叫者体验并简化员工工作方面也起着关键作用。

It is obvious that both VoIP and CRM have much to contribute to the business’s success, and it is also easy to see how they can complement each other. Although many companies may operate both systems independently it is hard to understand how this is justified from an efficiency perspective when they can be most effectively combined.

显而易见,VoIP和CRM都对企业的成功做出了巨大贡献,而且很容易看出它们如何相互补充。 尽管许多公司可能会独立运行两个系统,但从效率角度看,当可以最有效地组合它们时,很难理解这是合理的。

整合VoIP和CRM系统的优势 (The Advantages of Integrating VoIP and CRM Systems)

The pooling of resources between VoIP and CRM enables businesses to avoid duplicating resources, and it aids them to take full control over client communications throughout the sales process. Experience shows how this can dramatically boost client call to sale conversion rates. The idea of combining these two systems is becoming so popular that you can now even find internet phone system providers offering their customers free integrated VoIP and CRM packages.

VoIP和CRM之间的资源池使企业能够避免重复资源,并帮助他们在整个销售过程中完全控制客户通信。 经验表明,这可以如何极大地提高客户的销售转化率。 结合这两种系统的想法变得越来越流行,您现在甚至可以找到为他们的客户提供免费的集成VoIP和CRM软件包的互联网电话系统提供商。

This integration operates on various levels, but a few examples are more than sufficient to reveal the rich potential. When the customer calls, the VoIP system automatic attendant feature quickly guides them to the appropriate department or representative. Even if this person is away from their desk, the call is transferred to their smartphone. When the representative answers the call, a virtual card pops up with all the information they need to give a personalized service that is most likely to nurture client loyalty. The caller is notified that their call is recorded for training purposes and with the aid of this data the team can evaluate the representative’s performance and learn valuable lessons.

这种集成在不同的层次上进行,但是仅举几个例子就足以揭示其丰富的潜力。 当客户打来电话时,VoIP系统的自动值班人员功能会Swift将他们引导至适当的部门或代表。 即使此人不在办公桌旁,呼叫也会转移到他们的智能手机。 当代表接听电话时,会弹出虚拟卡,其中包含他们提供个性化服务所需的所有信息,这些个性化服务最有可能培养客户的忠诚度。 呼叫者会收到通知,告知他们的呼叫已记录为培训目的,借助此数据,团队可以评估代表的表现并学习宝贵的经验教训。

While most users of VoIP and CRM may not have yet realized it is possible to seamlessly integrate them, no doubt news of the gains from such integrations will influence many more firms to take up this option.


翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/zadarma/blog/478430/



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