genymotion是一款号称速度最快性能最好的android模拟器,它基于Oracle VM VirtualBox。支持GPS、重力感应、光、温度等诸多传感器;支持OpenGL 3D加速;电池电量模拟;能够运行在windows、linux、mac系统下;并提供的有eclipse下的插件,可以支持在eclipse下进行应用开发测试。


在网站上点击sign up按钮开始进行注册。









安装完成后在桌面上会发现genymotion命令行工具图标:Genymotion Shell;genymotion程序图标:Genymotion:Genymotion;以及虚拟机Oracle VM VirtualBox的图标。









设置android SDK目录






安兔兔测得在同一台电脑上同是Nexus 480X800的虚拟设备genymotion分值高达13836,而测试得到的google模拟器只有区区953,genymotion在各项参数上均表现好不少。


启动eclipse,选择Help->Install New Software菜单








第一次启动genymotion插件需要填入genymotion的安装目录:C:\Program Files\Genymobile\Genymotion



在eclipse下的工程项目上单击鼠标右键,在弹出的菜单里选择Run as->Run Configurations.

在Run Configurations对话框选择下面的选项即可


(五)genymotion shell命令行工具

可在genymotion shell下输入相关指令获取一些信息或者设置一些参数之类

genymotion shell支持的命令行如下所示:

Command line options

  • -h Print help
  • -r ip_address Connect to specific Genymotion Virtual Device
  • -c "command" Execute the given command in genyshell environment and return
  • -f file Execute the content of the file. Each command per line

Available commands

  • battery getmode
    Return the current battery mode of the selected virtual device. The mode can only be:

    • host: The virtual battery reflect the host battery (if exists)
    • manual: In this mode, you can set the level and status battery values
  • battery setmode
    Set the battery mode. The mode can only be:

    • host: The virtual battery reflect the host battery (if exists)
    • manual: In this mode, you can set the level and status battery values
  • battery getlevel
    Return the current battery amount of power. The value can only be between 0% and 100%.
    If the battery mode is "host", the returned value is the host value.
  • battery setlevel
    Set the current battery amount of power. The value can only be between 0% and 100%.
    Set the battery level force the "manual" mode: if the last mode was "host", then it's turned to "manual"
  • battery getstatus
    Return the current battery status. There are 4 possible status:

    • Discharging: The power supply is disconnected and the battery is discharging.
    • Charging: The power supply is connected and the battery is charging.
    • Full: The battery is full.
    • Unknown: Sometimes, the battery status cannot be established, it happens when there is no host battery.
  • battery setstatus
    Set the current battery status. There are 4 possible status:

    • Discharging: The power supply is disconnected and the battery is discharging.
    • Charging: The power supply is connected and the battery is charging.
    • Full: The battery is full.
    • Unknown: Sometimes, the battery status cannot be established, it happens when there is no host battery.
  • devices list
    List available Genymotion virtual devices and provides details like current states or IP address.
  • devices ping
    Send a ping message to check if virtual device if responding
  • devices refresh
    Refresh Genymotion virtual device list. Use it to keep the list up-to-date.
  • devices select
    Select the Genymotion virtual device you want to interact with.
  • devices show
    List available Genymotion virtual devices and provides details like current states or IP address
  • gps activate
    Activate the GPS sensor (if not already activated)
  • gps desactivate
    Desactivate the GPS sensor (if activated)
  • gps getlatitude
    Return the actual latitude (if GPS is activated AND already has a latitude) or 0
  • gps setlatitude
    Set latitude (and activate GPS if not allready activated)
  • gps getlongitude
    Return the actual longitude (if GPS is activated AND allready has a longitude) or 0
  • gps setlongitude
    Set longitude (and activate GPS if not allready activated)
  • gps getaltitude
    Return the actual altitude (if GPS is activated AND allready has a altitude) or 0
  • gps setaltitude
    Set altitude (and activate GPS if not allready activated)
  • gps getaccuracy
    Return the actual accuracy in meters (if GPS is activated AND allready has a accuracy) or 0
  • gps setaccuracy
    Set accuracy (and activate GPS if not allready activated)
  • gps getorientation
    Return the actual orientation in meters (if GPS is activated AND allready has a orientation) or 0
  • gps setorientation
    Set orientation (and activate GPS if not allready activated)
  • android version
    Return the Android version of the selected virtual device
  • build number
    Return the genymotion shell build number
  • help
    Prompt the help.
  • pause
    Pause execution (in number of seconds).
  • version
    Return GenyShell version.
  • exit or quit
    Close Genymotion Shell.

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