LocalDate类getMonth()方法 (LocalDate Class getMonth() method)

  • getMonth() method is available in java.time package.


  • getMonth() method is used to get the field value month-of-year based on the Month enum.


  • getMonth() method is a non-static method, it is accessible with the class object only and if we try to access the method with the class name then we will get an error.


  • getMonth() method does not throw an exception at the time of getting the month of the year.




    public Month getMonth();



  • None


Return value:


The return type of this method is Month, it returns the value of the month-of-year field.

此方法的返回类型为Month ,它返回年份月份字段的值。



// Java program to demonstrate the example
// of getMonth() method of LocalDate
import java.time.*;
public class GetMonthOfLocalDate {public static void main(String args[]) {// Instantiates two LocalDate
LocalDate l_da1 = LocalDate.parse("2007-04-04");
LocalDate l_da2 = LocalDate.now();
// Display l_da1,l_da2
System.out.println("LocalDate l_da1 and l_da2: ");
System.out.println("l_da1: " + l_da1);
System.out.println("l_da2: " + l_da2);
// Here, this method gets the
// value for the field month-of-year
// by using the Month enum from this
// date l_da1
Month get_val = l_da1.getMonth();
// Display get_val
System.out.println("l_da1.getMonth(): " + get_val);
// Here, this method gets the
// value for the field month-of-year
// by using the Month enum from this
// date l_da2
get_val = l_da2.getMonth();
// Display get_val
System.out.println("l_da2.getMonth(): " + get_val);



LocalDate l_da1 and l_da2:
l_da1: 2007-04-04
l_da2: 2020-05-30l_da1.getMonth(): APRIL
l_da2.getMonth(): MAY

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/java/localdate-getmonth-method-with-example.aspx

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