
• Job Summary
A career in Information Technology, within Internal Firm Services, will provide you with the opportunity to support our core business functions by deploying applications that enable our people to work more efficiently and deliver the highest levels of service to our clients. You’ll focus on managing the design and implementation of technology infrastructure within PwC, developing and enhancing both client and internal facing applications within PwC, and providing technology tools that help create a competitive advantage for the Firm to drive strategic business growth.

Our Information Technology Development team helps develop and supports internal information technology systems and applications for use by all staff levels. You’ll help our team develop programmes and applications that cater to PwC’s strategic technology needs using your knowledge of technical domains of application.
•Equipped with one or more back-end programming language/tool, including but not limited to php, java, scala, go, node.js, python etc.
•Experienced with relational database, NoSQL, with the ability of database design and optimization. E.g. Mysql, MongoDB etc. We are recruiting creative talents from junior level to expert level with passion and knowledge to build fast, modern, and responsive mobile and web based applications backed with block chain, data science and AI. The successful candidate will work collaboratively in a highly motivated team, and there are incredible opportunities to learn and grow. The scope of the work includes,
•Work closely with customer to understand their needs.
•Design and architect future proof solutions.
•Develop, test, deploy, monitor and troubleshooting the platform and solutions.
•Develop tools to facilitate work e.g. automated testing, performance monitoring, resiliency analysis, etc.
•Research and prototype new ideas.
•Collaborate across boundaries with peers and business partners in an agile style.
•Contribute to a culture of innovation and teamwork.

Reporting structure & key relationships
•Reporting to OFS- Digital Solution Director
•Maintains strong working relationships with various internal digital teams
•Maintains strong working relationships with clients and team members.


Full stack capability for web development is ideal, and as a successful candidate, you must be familiar with one or more of below technologies, as well as passion to become a full stack engineer.
•Deep understanding in JavaScript/CSS/HTML5. Experienced in one or more front end framework/toolkit, including but not limited to React, Angular JS, Bootstrap, jQuery, Webpack etc.
•Deep understanding in micro service, REST and its related concept. Hands-on experience
•Familiar with git and Jenkins and has rich experience in CI/CD. Also be familiar with modern IT infrastructure like docker, openstack etc., and hands on experience in scripting tool e.g. python. Know the automation technology like ansible, salt, puppet.
•A strong understanding of web security and defensive programming techniques. Experienced in conducting threat analysis and security review for the design.
All candidates should
•Aspire to learn new skills
•Mindset of understanding the real business needs, generating designs to satisfy current and future customer needs.

Any questions feel free to cantact me via


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