
T:Believe the Turing Test


F: DFS is quicker than BFS

(False, depend on data)

F: heuristic is admissible function, but A* proven to be optimal .admissible algorithm(可采纳算法。admission容许。admissible 不能形容algorithm,只能形容heuristic function? if h(i) is admissible, then A* is an optimal algorithm )






imply == ‘=>’ S1☀️ s2 beach


用inference rules去证明某式,必须知道用了什么rules,rule名字



== if we will go swimming, it is sunny,




PPT01 AI/turing test/agent/environment

1 What’s Al? Systems Think\Ack like Human\Rational.

2 Rational behavior: Doing the right thing== which is expected to maximize the expected return

3 Most general view of AI: Correct inference/uncertainty handle/resource limitation consideration/cognitive skill

4 Act humanly: The turing test(Problems: 1.not reproducible, constructive, and amenable to mathematics analysis 2. need physical interaction with interrogator and environment)


5 Agent (perceiving its environment through sensors and acting upon that environment through its effectors to maximize progress towards its goals)==a tool for analyzing systems

6 rational action: the action that maximizes the expected value of the performance measure given the percept sequence to date.==Best/optimal

7 agent should be scalable(Perception(sequence) to Action Mapping. f: P* -> A)specifies which actions an agent ought to take at any point in time

not intelligence(not scalable because distance situation is huge)

8 environment type(1 accessible/inaccessible: sensors give access to complete state of environment

2 deterministic/nondeterministic: the next state can be determined based on the current state and the action==not random thing (Deterministic vs. stochastic

If the next state of the environment is completely determined by the current state and the action executed by the agent, then we say the environment is deterministic; otherwise, it is stochastic(随机)
In principle, an agent need not worry about uncertainty in a fully observable, deterministic environment.)

In a deterministic environment any action has a single guaranteed effect , and no failure or
uncertainty . In a non-deterministic environment , the same task performed twice may produce different results or may even fail completely.

3 episodic/non-episodic(sequential) episodic: each perceive and action pairs。IF STAIC MUST EPISODIC

the next episode does not depend on the actions taken in previous episodes 前后并无关联
In sequential environments, on the other hand, the current decision could affect all future decisions.例子:chess and taxi

the quality of action does not depend on the previous episodic and does not effect the next episode – non-episodic: chess

4 static/dynamic (environment changes during deliberation)

5 discrete/continuous(chess vs driving) state == a bunch of deliverable valuables

**9 agent type: **

Reflex: These agents select actions on the basis of the current percept, ignoring the rest of the percept history( just focus on current input to choose action)

State-based:(also consider history data)

goal-based :get maximize progress about goal

utility-based: how well the goal be achieved(other features considered)

learning: learn from mistakes

PPT02-03Problem solving and search Uninformed search

**1 problem type: **

1 single-state problem(ac;de–eg:chess;agent knows everything, can calculate optimal action sequence to reach goal state.)

2 multiple-state problem(inacc;de–walking in dark room;agent doesn’t know the exact state;agent must reason about sequences of the actions and states assumed while working towards goal state)

3 contingency problem(nonde;inac–skater;must use sensors during execution,solution is a tree or policy;)

4 exploration problem(unknown state space–Maze)


3 BFS enqueue node to back of queue(FIFO)

Completeness: Y if b is finite

Time complexity: 1+b+bd=O(bd)

Space complexity: O(b^d)

Optimality: Y(assuming per step cost =1 else not)

4 DFS enqueue node to the front of queue(LIFO)==stack

Completeness: No, fails in infinite state-space(yes if finite state space)

Time complexity: O(b^m) max depth

Space complexity: O(b*d)

Optimality: No

4.1 Depth-limited search

**Implementation: ** Nodes at depth l have no successors.

Complete: Y if cutoff chosen appropriately then it is guaranteed to find a solution.

Optimal: N it does not guarantee to find the least-cost solution

4.2 Iterative deepening search

complete :Y

TIME :b^d


optimality: Y, if step cost=1




Uniform enqueue node queue is ordered by path cost(from root to node) A*just add h(n)

A refinement of the breadth-first strategy:

Breadth-first = uniform-cost with path cost = node depth

Completeness: Y if step cost>0

Time complexity: <=O(b^d) depth of least-cost solution

Space complexity: <=O(b^d)

Optimality: Y (path cost never decrease)

no need to write several goals, just replace it cost



6 Bidirectional search

complete: Yes

time: b^(d/2)




DFS will use m, others just d


problem formulation usually requires abstracting away real-world details to define a state space that can be explored using computer algorithm

once problem is formulated in abstract form, complexity analysis helps us picking out best algorithm to solve problem

variety of uninformed search strategies; difference lies in method used to pick node that will be further expanded

Iterative deepening search only uses linear space and not much more time than other uniformed search strategies

补充 79-81

Complexity: O() and o() measures


when is o(g), it means f is fewer than g much in normal quantification.

PPT 04-05Informed search

Best-first search(greedy search/A* search)

expand most desirable unexpanded node.

1 Greedy search

h(n)= estimate of cost from n to goal()

complete: no(can get stuck in loops)

time: b^m a good heuristic can improve much

space:b^m keep all nodes in memory

optimal: no

2 A search*

f(n) = g(n)+h(n)

h(n)<h* (n) h*(n) ture cost from n to goal

A* is optimal(is also optimal if h(n) is consistent)

A consistent heuristic is thus also always admissible.



complete: Y, unless infinitely many node with f<=f(G)

Time: exponential in [(relative error in h)*(length of solution)]

space: keeps all nodes in memory

optimal: yes


f(n) is increasing when approaching to goal.()

f’(n) = max(g’(n)+h’(n),f(n))

3 hill climbing


4 Simulated annealing algorithm


Genetic algorithm


27(how to design admissible heuristic)

•Admissible heuristics can be derived from the exact solution cost of a relaxed version of the problem.

PPT06-07Game playing


what’s kind of game

Abstraction: to describe a game we must capture every relevant aspect of the game

Accessible environments: such games are characterized by perfect information

Search: game-playing then consists of a search through possible game positions

Unpredictable opponent: introduces uncertainty thus game-playing must deal with contingency problems




how to define ef



run a-B pruning every state time = O(b^(m/2)

a: best choice so far for MAX b: best choice so far for MIN

max if v>=B return v min if v<=a return v #pruning





PPT 47\49+session5重点!!!



PPT08Constraint satisfaction

















PPT09-10Agents that reason logically






definition of entailment、model



soundness(never draw false conclusion/no mistakes)、completeness(it can be proven from KB)









or propositional inference

definition of tautologies



minmax、alpha-beta、constraint satisfaction、AC3出大题、proof of proposition







or propositional inference

definition of tautologies



minmax、alpha-beta、constraint satisfaction、AC3出大题、proof of proposition

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