Apple officially unveiled iOS 10 and macOS Sierra during its WWDC keynote yesterday, but you don’t have to wait until the fall to get the new wallpapers.

Apple昨天在WWDC主题演讲中正式发布了iOS 10和macOS Sierra,但您不必等到秋天就可以获得新壁纸。

Apple always brings a new default wallpaper to its new versions of iOS and macOS, and it’s something that many users look forward to besides the new features. While the wallpapers generally aren’t available until the new versions of iOS and macOS are released, they can usually be found by other means for anyone who wants them.

Apple始终为其新版本的iOS和macOS带来新的默认墙纸,这是许多用户期待的新功能。 尽管通常只有在发布新版本的iOS和macOS之后才能使用这些壁纸,但通常可以通过其他方式为需要它们的人找到它们。

iOS 10壁纸 (iOS 10 Wallpaper)

This iOS 10 wallpaper will work on all iOS devices except for the 12.9″ iPad Pro. If you have any other iPad or an iPhone, you can download the appropriate wallpaper below.

此iOS 10壁纸可在除12.9英寸iPad Pro之外的所有iOS设备上使用。 如果您有其他iPad或iPhone,则可以在下面下载适当的墙纸。

  • All iPads (except 12.9″ iPad Pro): Download

    所有iPad(12.9英寸iPad Pro除外):下载

  • iPhone 6s Plus & iPhone 6 Plus: Download

    iPhone 6s Plus和iPhone 6 Plus:下载

  • All other iPhones: Download


To change the wallpaper on your iPhone or iPad, you’ll first need to move it from your computer to your iOS device. After that, start by tapping on the Settings app.

要更改iPhone或iPad上的墙纸,首先需要将其从计算机移至iOS设备。 之后,请先点击“设置”应用。

Scroll down and tap on “Wallpaper”.


Select “Choose a New Wallpaper”.


Toward the bottom, tap on “All Photos”.


Select a photo that you want to use as your wallpaper.


Tap “Set” down at the bottom.


When the pop-up appears, you can choose which screen you want the wallpaper to be on. Once you choose, the new wallpaper will officially be activated.

出现弹出窗口时,您可以选择要打开墙纸的屏幕。 选择后,新墙纸将被正式激活。

macOS Sierra壁纸 (macOS Sierra Wallpaper)

The wallpaper for the new version of macOS can be found on Apple’s website, although it’s a bit hidden and slightly out of the public’s view. This high-resolution version is big enough that it will even work on the newer 5K iMacs.

可以在Apple网站上找到新版macOS的壁纸,尽管它有些隐蔽,但在公众看来并不明显。 高分辨率版本足够大,甚至可以在较新的5K iMac上运行。

You can download the wallpaper here from us directly. It’s the 5K version, but it will automatically adapt to whatever resolution you have set up on your own Mac computer.

您可以直接从我们这里下载壁纸。 它是5K版本,但是它将自动适应您在自己的Mac计算机上设置的任何分辨率。

To change the wallpaper on your Mac, start by moving the downloaded wallpaper image into the “Pictures” folder, which can be found by clicking on your home folder that has your name.

要在Mac上更改墙纸,请先将下载的墙纸图像移到“ Pictures”文件夹中,该文件夹可通过单击具有您名字的主文件夹来找到。

Next, open up System Preferences, which is likely already in your Dock, but if not, it can be found in the “Applications” folder.


From there, click on “Desktop & Screensaver”.


In the sidebar on the left-hand size, click on “Folders”.


The new wallpaper will appear in the window to the right. Go ahead and click on it. When you do this, your wallpaper will automatically change.

新墙纸将出现在右侧窗口中。 继续并单击它。 执行此操作时,墙纸将自动更改。

Depending on the aspect ratio of your display, you may want to adjust how the wallpaper is laid out by clicking on the drop-down menu above the wallpaper thumbnail and messing with the various layouts until the wallpaper looks good on your screen.


After that, you can exit out of System Preferences and enjoy your new wallpaper!



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