
四、一睹EKF2芳容(上接牢记公式,ardupilot EKF2就是纸老虎(四))


















    // Run the EKF equations to estimate at the fusion time horizon if new IMU data is available in the bufferif (runUpdates) {// Predict states using IMU data from the delayed time horizonUpdateStrapdownEquationsNED();// Predict the covariance growthCovariancePrediction();// Update states using  magnetometer dataSelectMagFusion();// Update states using GPS and altimeter dataSelectVelPosFusion();// Update states using range beacon dataSelectRngBcnFusion();// Update states using optical flow dataSelectFlowFusion();// Update states using airspeed dataSelectTasFusion();// Update states using sideslip constraint assumption for fly-forward vehiclesSelectBetaFusion();// Update the filter statusupdateFilterStatus();}


// Update states using  magnetometer data
// 使用电子磁罗盘的数据修正偏航角,通过公式,它有可能也修正俯仰和横滚,但目前还不明确
SelectMagFusion();// Update states using GPS and altimeter data
// 通过GPS、气压计、测距仪修正速度和位置
// Update states using range beacon data
SelectRngBcnFusion();// Update states using optical flow data
SelectFlowFusion();// Update states using airspeed data
SelectTasFusion();// Update states using sideslip constraint assumption for fly-forward vehicles










通过看上述的几个式子,你应该已经知道了, 在这一部分中,确定,求观测矩阵是关键。以使用磁罗盘数据为例。


magMeas = transpose(Tbn)*[magN;magE;magD] + [magX;magY;magZ]; % predicted measurement


% 观测模型
magMeas = transpose(Tbn)*[magN;magE;magD] + [magX;magY;magZ]; % predicted measurement
% 求解观测矩阵,并化简
H_MAG = jacobian(magMeas,stateVector); % measurement Jacobian
% 设置'rotErrX', 'rotErrY', 'rotErrZ'为0
H_MAG = subs(H_MAG, {'rotErrX', 'rotErrY', 'rotErrZ'}, {0,0,0});
[H_MAG,SH_MAG]=OptimiseAlgebra(H_MAG,'SH_MAG');% 求解卡尔曼增益
K_MX = (P*transpose(H_MAG(1,:)))/(H_MAG(1,:)*P*transpose(H_MAG(1,:)) + R_MAG); % Kalman gain vector
K_MY = (P*transpose(H_MAG(2,:)))/(H_MAG(2,:)*P*transpose(H_MAG(2,:)) + R_MAG); % Kalman gain vector
K_MZ = (P*transpose(H_MAG(3,:)))/(H_MAG(3,:)*P*transpose(H_MAG(3,:)) + R_MAG); % Kalman gain vector
[K_MZ,SK_MZ]=OptimiseAlgebra(K_MZ,'SK_MZ');% save equations and reset workspace

通过上述脚本语言就求出了观测矩阵和卡尔曼增益也有了,是磁罗盘测量出来的值,也就求出来了。多了在这儿多说一句,上面带一个 ^(小尖),表示的估计,为什么是估计呢,因为它是又估计值算出来的,所以它也是个估计值。


% define the quaternion rotation vector for the state estimate
estQuat = [q0;q1;q2;q3];% define the attitude error rotation vector, where error = truth - estimate
errRotVec = [rotErrX;rotErrY;rotErrZ];% define the attitude error quaternion using a first order linearisation
errQuat = [1;0.5*errRotVec];% Define the truth quaternion as the estimate + error
truthQuat = QuatMult(estQuat, errQuat);% derive the truth body to nav direction cosine matrix
Tbn = Quat2Tbn(truthQuat);




/** Fuse magnetometer measurements using explicit algebraic equations generated with Matlab symbolic toolbox.* The script file used to generate these and other equations in this filter can be found here:* https://github.com/priseborough/InertialNav/blob/master/derivations/RotationVectorAttitudeParameterisation/GenerateNavFilterEquations.m
void NavEKF2_core::FuseMagnetometer()
{hal.util->perf_begin(_perf_test[1]);// declarationsftype &q0 = mag_state.q0;ftype &q1 = mag_state.q1;ftype &q2 = mag_state.q2;ftype &q3 = mag_state.q3;ftype &magN = mag_state.magN;ftype &magE = mag_state.magE;ftype &magD = mag_state.magD;ftype &magXbias = mag_state.magXbias;ftype &magYbias = mag_state.magYbias;ftype &magZbias = mag_state.magZbias;uint8_t &obsIndex = mag_state.obsIndex;Matrix3f &DCM = mag_state.DCM;Vector3f &MagPred = mag_state.MagPred;ftype &R_MAG = mag_state.R_MAG;ftype *SH_MAG = &mag_state.SH_MAG[0];Vector24 H_MAG;Vector6 SK_MX;Vector6 SK_MY;Vector6 SK_MZ;hal.util->perf_end(_perf_test[1]);// perform sequential fusion of magnetometer measurements.// this assumes that the errors in the different components are// uncorrelated which is not true, however in the absence of covariance// data fit is the only assumption we can make// so we might as well take advantage of the computational efficiencies// associated with sequential fusion// calculate observation jacobians and Kalman gainsif (obsIndex == 0){hal.util->perf_begin(_perf_test[2]);// copy required states to local variable namesq0       = stateStruct.quat[0];q1       = stateStruct.quat[1];q2       = stateStruct.quat[2];q3       = stateStruct.quat[3];magN     = stateStruct.earth_magfield[0];magE     = stateStruct.earth_magfield[1];magD     = stateStruct.earth_magfield[2];magXbias = stateStruct.body_magfield[0];magYbias = stateStruct.body_magfield[1];magZbias = stateStruct.body_magfield[2];// rotate predicted earth components into body axes and calculate// predicted measurementsDCM[0][0] = q0*q0 + q1*q1 - q2*q2 - q3*q3;DCM[0][1] = 2.0f*(q1*q2 + q0*q3);DCM[0][2] = 2.0f*(q1*q3-q0*q2);DCM[1][0] = 2.0f*(q1*q2 - q0*q3);DCM[1][1] = q0*q0 - q1*q1 + q2*q2 - q3*q3;DCM[1][2] = 2.0f*(q2*q3 + q0*q1);DCM[2][0] = 2.0f*(q1*q3 + q0*q2);DCM[2][1] = 2.0f*(q2*q3 - q0*q1);DCM[2][2] = q0*q0 - q1*q1 - q2*q2 + q3*q3;MagPred[0] = DCM[0][0]*magN + DCM[0][1]*magE  + DCM[0][2]*magD + magXbias;MagPred[1] = DCM[1][0]*magN + DCM[1][1]*magE  + DCM[1][2]*magD + magYbias;MagPred[2] = DCM[2][0]*magN + DCM[2][1]*magE  + DCM[2][2]*magD + magZbias;// calculate the measurement innovation for each axisfor (uint8_t i = 0; i<=2; i++) {innovMag[i] = MagPred[i] - magDataDelayed.mag[i];}// scale magnetometer observation error with total angular rate to allow for timing errorsR_MAG = sq(constrain_float(frontend->_magNoise, 0.01f, 0.5f)) + sq(frontend->magVarRateScale*delAngCorrected.length() / imuDataDelayed.delAngDT);// calculate common expressions used to calculate observation jacobians an innovation variance for each componentSH_MAG[0] = sq(q0) - sq(q1) + sq(q2) - sq(q3);SH_MAG[1] = sq(q0) + sq(q1) - sq(q2) - sq(q3);SH_MAG[2] = sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3);SH_MAG[3] = 2.0f*q0*q1 + 2.0f*q2*q3;SH_MAG[4] = 2.0f*q0*q3 + 2.0f*q1*q2;SH_MAG[5] = 2.0f*q0*q2 + 2.0f*q1*q3;SH_MAG[6] = magE*(2.0f*q0*q1 - 2.0f*q2*q3);SH_MAG[7] = 2.0f*q1*q3 - 2.0f*q0*q2;SH_MAG[8] = 2.0f*q0*q3;// Calculate the innovation variance for each axis// X axisvarInnovMag[0] = (P[19][19] + R_MAG - P[1][19]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[16][19]*SH_MAG[1] + P[17][19]*SH_MAG[4] + P[18][19]*SH_MAG[7] + P[2][19]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2)) - (magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5])*(P[19][1] - P[1][1]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[16][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[17][1]*SH_MAG[4] + P[18][1]*SH_MAG[7] + P[2][1]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2))) + SH_MAG[1]*(P[19][16] - P[1][16]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[16][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[17][16]*SH_MAG[4] + P[18][16]*SH_MAG[7] + P[2][16]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2))) + SH_MAG[4]*(P[19][17] - P[1][17]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[16][17]*SH_MAG[1] + P[17][17]*SH_MAG[4] + P[18][17]*SH_MAG[7] + P[2][17]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2))) + SH_MAG[7]*(P[19][18] - P[1][18]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[16][18]*SH_MAG[1] + P[17][18]*SH_MAG[4] + P[18][18]*SH_MAG[7] + P[2][18]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2))) + (magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2))*(P[19][2] - P[1][2]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[16][2]*SH_MAG[1] + P[17][2]*SH_MAG[4] + P[18][2]*SH_MAG[7] + P[2][2]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2))));if (varInnovMag[0] >= R_MAG) {faultStatus.bad_xmag = false;} else {// the calculation is badly conditioned, so we cannot perform fusion on this step// we reset the covariance matrix and try again next measurementCovarianceInit();obsIndex = 1;faultStatus.bad_xmag = true;hal.util->perf_end(_perf_test[2]);return;}// Y axisvarInnovMag[1] = (P[20][20] + R_MAG + P[0][20]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[17][20]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][20]*SH_MAG[3] - (SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2)*(P[20][16] + P[0][16]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[17][16]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][16]*SH_MAG[3] - P[2][16]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1]) - P[16][16]*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2)) - P[2][20]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1]) + (magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5])*(P[20][0] + P[0][0]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[17][0]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][0]*SH_MAG[3] - P[2][0]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1]) - P[16][0]*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2)) + SH_MAG[0]*(P[20][17] + P[0][17]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[17][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][17]*SH_MAG[3] - P[2][17]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1]) - P[16][17]*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2)) + SH_MAG[3]*(P[20][18] + P[0][18]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[17][18]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][18]*SH_MAG[3] - P[2][18]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1]) - P[16][18]*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2)) - P[16][20]*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2) - (magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1])*(P[20][2] + P[0][2]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[17][2]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][2]*SH_MAG[3] - P[2][2]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1]) - P[16][2]*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2)));if (varInnovMag[1] >= R_MAG) {faultStatus.bad_ymag = false;} else {// the calculation is badly conditioned, so we cannot perform fusion on this step// we reset the covariance matrix and try again next measurementCovarianceInit();obsIndex = 2;faultStatus.bad_ymag = true;hal.util->perf_end(_perf_test[2]);return;}// Z axisvarInnovMag[2] = (P[21][21] + R_MAG + P[16][21]*SH_MAG[5] + P[18][21]*SH_MAG[2] - (2.0f*q0*q1 - 2.0f*q2*q3)*(P[21][17] + P[16][17]*SH_MAG[5] + P[18][17]*SH_MAG[2] - P[0][17]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2)) + P[1][17]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1]) - P[17][17]*(2.0f*q0*q1 - 2.0f*q2*q3)) - P[0][21]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2)) + P[1][21]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1]) + SH_MAG[5]*(P[21][16] + P[16][16]*SH_MAG[5] + P[18][16]*SH_MAG[2] - P[0][16]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2)) + P[1][16]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1]) - P[17][16]*(2.0f*q0*q1 - 2.0f*q2*q3)) + SH_MAG[2]*(P[21][18] + P[16][18]*SH_MAG[5] + P[18][18]*SH_MAG[2] - P[0][18]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2)) + P[1][18]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1]) - P[17][18]*(2.0f*q0*q1 - 2.0f*q2*q3)) - (magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2))*(P[21][0] + P[16][0]*SH_MAG[5] + P[18][0]*SH_MAG[2] - P[0][0]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2)) + P[1][0]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1]) - P[17][0]*(2.0f*q0*q1 - 2.0f*q2*q3)) - P[17][21]*(2.0f*q0*q1 - 2.0f*q2*q3) + (magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1])*(P[21][1] + P[16][1]*SH_MAG[5] + P[18][1]*SH_MAG[2] - P[0][1]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2)) + P[1][1]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1]) - P[17][1]*(2.0f*q0*q1 - 2.0f*q2*q3)));if (varInnovMag[2] >= R_MAG) {faultStatus.bad_zmag = false;} else {// the calculation is badly conditioned, so we cannot perform fusion on this step// we reset the covariance matrix and try again next measurementCovarianceInit();obsIndex = 3;faultStatus.bad_zmag = true;hal.util->perf_end(_perf_test[2]);return;}// calculate the innovation test ratiosfor (uint8_t i = 0; i<=2; i++) {magTestRatio[i] = sq(innovMag[i]) / (sq(MAX(0.01f * (float)frontend->_magInnovGate, 1.0f)) * varInnovMag[i]);}// check the last values from all components and set magnetometer health accordinglymagHealth = (magTestRatio[0] < 1.0f && magTestRatio[1] < 1.0f && magTestRatio[2] < 1.0f);// if the magnetometer is unhealthy, do not proceed furtherif (!magHealth) {hal.util->perf_end(_perf_test[2]);return;}for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) H_MAG[i] = 0.0f;H_MAG[1] = SH_MAG[6] - magD*SH_MAG[2] - magN*SH_MAG[5];H_MAG[2] = magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2);H_MAG[16] = SH_MAG[1];H_MAG[17] = SH_MAG[4];H_MAG[18] = SH_MAG[7];H_MAG[19] = 1.0f;// calculate Kalman gainSK_MX[0] = 1.0f / varInnovMag[0];SK_MX[1] = magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2);SK_MX[2] = magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5];SK_MX[3] = SH_MAG[7];Kfusion[0] = SK_MX[0]*(P[0][19] + P[0][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[0][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[0][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[0][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[0][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[1] = SK_MX[0]*(P[1][19] + P[1][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[1][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[1][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[1][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[1][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[2] = SK_MX[0]*(P[2][19] + P[2][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[2][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[2][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[2][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[2][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[3] = SK_MX[0]*(P[3][19] + P[3][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[3][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[3][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[3][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[3][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[4] = SK_MX[0]*(P[4][19] + P[4][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[4][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[4][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[4][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[4][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[5] = SK_MX[0]*(P[5][19] + P[5][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[5][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[5][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[5][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[5][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[6] = SK_MX[0]*(P[6][19] + P[6][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[6][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[6][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[6][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[6][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[7] = SK_MX[0]*(P[7][19] + P[7][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[7][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[7][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[7][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[7][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[8] = SK_MX[0]*(P[8][19] + P[8][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[8][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[8][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[8][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[8][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[9] = SK_MX[0]*(P[9][19] + P[9][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[9][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[9][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[9][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[9][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[10] = SK_MX[0]*(P[10][19] + P[10][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[10][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[10][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[10][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[10][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[11] = SK_MX[0]*(P[11][19] + P[11][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[11][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[11][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[11][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[11][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[12] = SK_MX[0]*(P[12][19] + P[12][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[12][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[12][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[12][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[12][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[13] = SK_MX[0]*(P[13][19] + P[13][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[13][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[13][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[13][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[13][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[14] = SK_MX[0]*(P[14][19] + P[14][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[14][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[14][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[14][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[14][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[15] = SK_MX[0]*(P[15][19] + P[15][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[15][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[15][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[15][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[15][18]*SK_MX[3]);// end perf block// zero Kalman gains to inhibit wind state estimationif (!inhibitWindStates) {Kfusion[22] = SK_MX[0]*(P[22][19] + P[22][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[22][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[22][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[22][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[22][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[23] = SK_MX[0]*(P[23][19] + P[23][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[23][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[23][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[23][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[23][18]*SK_MX[3]);} else {Kfusion[22] = 0.0f;Kfusion[23] = 0.0f;}// zero Kalman gains to inhibit magnetic field state estimationif (!inhibitMagStates) {Kfusion[16] = SK_MX[0]*(P[16][19] + P[16][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[16][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[16][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[16][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[16][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[17] = SK_MX[0]*(P[17][19] + P[17][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[17][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[17][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[17][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[17][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[18] = SK_MX[0]*(P[18][19] + P[18][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[18][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[18][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[18][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[18][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[19] = SK_MX[0]*(P[19][19] + P[19][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[19][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[19][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[19][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[19][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[20] = SK_MX[0]*(P[20][19] + P[20][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[20][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[20][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[20][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[20][18]*SK_MX[3]);Kfusion[21] = SK_MX[0]*(P[21][19] + P[21][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[21][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[21][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[21][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[21][18]*SK_MX[3]);} else {for (uint8_t i=16; i<=21; i++) {Kfusion[i] = 0.0f;}}// reset the observation index to 0 (we start by fusing the X measurement)obsIndex = 0;// set flags to indicate to other processes that fusion has been performed and is required on the next frame// this can be used by other fusion processes to avoid fusing on the same frame as this expensive stepmagFusePerformed = true;magFuseRequired = true;hal.util->perf_end(_perf_test[2]);}else if (obsIndex == 1) // we are now fusing the Y measurement{hal.util->perf_begin(_perf_test[3]);// calculate observation jacobiansfor (uint8_t i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) H_MAG[i] = 0.0f;H_MAG[0] = magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5];H_MAG[2] = - magE*SH_MAG[4] - magD*SH_MAG[7] - magN*SH_MAG[1];H_MAG[16] = 2.0f*q1*q2 - SH_MAG[8];H_MAG[17] = SH_MAG[0];H_MAG[18] = SH_MAG[3];H_MAG[20] = 1.0f;// calculate Kalman gainSK_MY[0] = 1.0f / varInnovMag[1];SK_MY[1] = magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1];SK_MY[2] = magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5];SK_MY[3] = SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2;Kfusion[0] = SK_MY[0]*(P[0][20] + P[0][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[0][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[0][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[0][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[0][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[1] = SK_MY[0]*(P[1][20] + P[1][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[1][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[1][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[1][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[1][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[2] = SK_MY[0]*(P[2][20] + P[2][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[2][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[2][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[2][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[2][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[3] = SK_MY[0]*(P[3][20] + P[3][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[3][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[3][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[3][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[3][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[4] = SK_MY[0]*(P[4][20] + P[4][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[4][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[4][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[4][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[4][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[5] = SK_MY[0]*(P[5][20] + P[5][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[5][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[5][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[5][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[5][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[6] = SK_MY[0]*(P[6][20] + P[6][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[6][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[6][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[6][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[6][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[7] = SK_MY[0]*(P[7][20] + P[7][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[7][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[7][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[7][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[7][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[8] = SK_MY[0]*(P[8][20] + P[8][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[8][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[8][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[8][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[8][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[9] = SK_MY[0]*(P[9][20] + P[9][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[9][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[9][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[9][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[9][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[10] = SK_MY[0]*(P[10][20] + P[10][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[10][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[10][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[10][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[10][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[11] = SK_MY[0]*(P[11][20] + P[11][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[11][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[11][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[11][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[11][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[12] = SK_MY[0]*(P[12][20] + P[12][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[12][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[12][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[12][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[12][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[13] = SK_MY[0]*(P[13][20] + P[13][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[13][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[13][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[13][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[13][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[14] = SK_MY[0]*(P[14][20] + P[14][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[14][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[14][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[14][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[14][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[15] = SK_MY[0]*(P[15][20] + P[15][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[15][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[15][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[15][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[15][16]*SK_MY[3]);// zero Kalman gains to inhibit wind state estimationif (!inhibitWindStates) {Kfusion[22] = SK_MY[0]*(P[22][20] + P[22][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[22][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[22][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[22][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[22][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[23] = SK_MY[0]*(P[23][20] + P[23][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[23][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[23][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[23][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[23][16]*SK_MY[3]);} else {Kfusion[22] = 0.0f;Kfusion[23] = 0.0f;}// zero Kalman gains to inhibit magnetic field state estimationif (!inhibitMagStates) {Kfusion[16] = SK_MY[0]*(P[16][20] + P[16][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[16][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[16][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[16][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[16][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[17] = SK_MY[0]*(P[17][20] + P[17][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[17][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[17][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[17][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[17][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[18] = SK_MY[0]*(P[18][20] + P[18][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[18][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[18][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[18][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[19] = SK_MY[0]*(P[19][20] + P[19][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[19][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[19][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[19][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[19][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[20] = SK_MY[0]*(P[20][20] + P[20][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[20][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[20][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[20][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[20][16]*SK_MY[3]);Kfusion[21] = SK_MY[0]*(P[21][20] + P[21][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[21][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[21][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[21][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[21][16]*SK_MY[3]);} else {for (uint8_t i=16; i<=21; i++) {Kfusion[i] = 0.0f;}}// set flags to indicate to other processes that fusion has been performede and is required on the next frame// this can be used by other fusion processes to avoid fusing on the same frame as this expensive stepmagFusePerformed = true;magFuseRequired = true;hal.util->perf_end(_perf_test[3]);}else if (obsIndex == 2) // we are now fusing the Z measurement{hal.util->perf_begin(_perf_test[4]);// calculate observation jacobiansfor (uint8_t i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) H_MAG[i] = 0.0f;H_MAG[0] = magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2) - magD*SH_MAG[3] - magE*SH_MAG[0];H_MAG[1] = magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1];H_MAG[16] = SH_MAG[5];H_MAG[17] = 2.0f*q2*q3 - 2.0f*q0*q1;H_MAG[18] = SH_MAG[2];H_MAG[21] = 1.0f;// calculate Kalman gainSK_MZ[0] = 1.0f / varInnovMag[2];SK_MZ[1] = magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2.0f*q1*q2);SK_MZ[2] = magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1];SK_MZ[3] = 2.0f*q0*q1 - 2.0f*q2*q3;Kfusion[0] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[0][21] + P[0][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[0][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[0][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[0][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[0][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[1] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[1][21] + P[1][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[1][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[1][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[1][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[1][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[2] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[2][21] + P[2][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[2][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[2][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[2][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[2][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[3] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[3][21] + P[3][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[3][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[3][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[3][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[3][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[4] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[4][21] + P[4][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[4][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[4][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[4][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[4][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[5] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[5][21] + P[5][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[5][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[5][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[5][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[5][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[6] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[6][21] + P[6][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[6][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[6][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[6][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[6][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[7] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[7][21] + P[7][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[7][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[7][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[7][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[7][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[8] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[8][21] + P[8][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[8][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[8][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[8][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[8][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[9] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[9][21] + P[9][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[9][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[9][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[9][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[9][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[10] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[10][21] + P[10][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[10][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[10][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[10][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[10][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[11] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[11][21] + P[11][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[11][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[11][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[11][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[11][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[12] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[12][21] + P[12][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[12][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[12][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[12][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[12][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[13] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[13][21] + P[13][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[13][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[13][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[13][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[13][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[14] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[14][21] + P[14][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[14][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[14][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[14][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[14][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[15] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[15][21] + P[15][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[15][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[15][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[15][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[15][17]*SK_MZ[3]);// zero Kalman gains to inhibit wind state estimationif (!inhibitWindStates) {Kfusion[22] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[22][21] + P[22][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[22][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[22][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[22][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[22][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[23] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[23][21] + P[23][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[23][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[23][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[23][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[23][17]*SK_MZ[3]);} else {Kfusion[22] = 0.0f;Kfusion[23] = 0.0f;}// zero Kalman gains to inhibit magnetic field state estimationif (!inhibitMagStates) {Kfusion[16] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[16][21] + P[16][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[16][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[16][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[16][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[16][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[17] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[17][21] + P[17][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[17][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[17][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[17][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[17][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[18] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[18][21] + P[18][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[18][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[18][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[18][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[18][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[19] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[19][21] + P[19][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[19][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[19][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[19][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[19][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[20] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[20][21] + P[20][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[20][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[20][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[20][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[20][17]*SK_MZ[3]);Kfusion[21] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[21][21] + P[21][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[21][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[21][0]*SK_MZ[1] + P[21][1]*SK_MZ[2] - P[21][17]*SK_MZ[3]);} else {for (uint8_t i=16; i<=21; i++) {Kfusion[i] = 0.0f;}}// set flags to indicate to other processes that fusion has been performede and is required on the next frame// this can be used by other fusion processes to avoid fusing on the same frame as this expensive stepmagFusePerformed = true;magFuseRequired = false;hal.util->perf_end(_perf_test[4]);}hal.util->perf_begin(_perf_test[5]);// correct the covariance P = (I - K*H)*P// take advantage of the empty columns in KH to reduce the// number of operationsfor (unsigned i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) {for (unsigned j = 0; j<=2; j++) {KH[i][j] = Kfusion[i] * H_MAG[j];}for (unsigned j = 3; j<=15; j++) {KH[i][j] = 0.0f;}for (unsigned j = 16; j<=21; j++) {KH[i][j] = Kfusion[i] * H_MAG[j];}for (unsigned j = 22; j<=23; j++) {KH[i][j] = 0.0f;}}for (unsigned j = 0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) {for (unsigned i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) {ftype res = 0;res += KH[i][0] * P[0][j];res += KH[i][1] * P[1][j];res += KH[i][2] * P[2][j];res += KH[i][16] * P[16][j];res += KH[i][17] * P[17][j];res += KH[i][18] * P[18][j];res += KH[i][19] * P[19][j];res += KH[i][20] * P[20][j];res += KH[i][21] * P[21][j];KHP[i][j] = res;}}// Check that we are not going to drive any variances negative and skip the update if sobool healthyFusion = true;for (uint8_t i= 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) {if (KHP[i][i] > P[i][i]) {healthyFusion = false;}}if (healthyFusion) {// update the covariance matrixfor (uint8_t i= 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) {for (uint8_t j= 0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) {P[i][j] = P[i][j] - KHP[i][j];}}// force the covariance matrix to be symmetrical and limit the variances to prevent ill-condiioning.ForceSymmetry();ConstrainVariances();// update the states// zero the attitude error state - by definition it is assumed to be zero before each observaton fusionstateStruct.angErr.zero();// correct the state vectorfor (uint8_t j= 0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) {statesArray[j] = statesArray[j] - Kfusion[j] * innovMag[obsIndex];}// the first 3 states represent the angular misalignment vector. This is// is used to correct the estimated quaternion on the current time stepstateStruct.quat.rotate(stateStruct.angErr);} else {// record bad axisif (obsIndex == 0) {faultStatus.bad_xmag = true;} else if (obsIndex == 1) {faultStatus.bad_ymag = true;} else if (obsIndex == 2) {faultStatus.bad_zmag = true;}CovarianceInit();hal.util->perf_end(_perf_test[5]);return;}hal.util->perf_end(_perf_test[5]);}


%% derive equations for fusion of 321 sequence yaw measurement
load('StatePrediction.mat');% Calculate the yaw (first rotation) angle from the 321 rotation sequence
angMeas = atan(Tbn(2,1)/Tbn(1,1));
H_YAW321 = jacobian(angMeas,stateVector); % measurement Jacobian
H_YAW321 = subs(H_YAW321, {'rotErrX', 'rotErrY', 'rotErrZ'}, {0,0,0});
H_YAW321 = simplify(H_YAW321);
fix_c_code('calcH_YAW321.c');% reset workspace
clear all;
reset(symengine);%% derive equations for fusion of 312 sequence yaw measurement
load('StatePrediction.mat');% Calculate the yaw (first rotation) angle from an Euler 312 sequence
angMeas = atan(-Tbn(1,2)/Tbn(2,2));
H_YAW312 = jacobian(angMeas,stateVector); % measurement Jacobianclea
H_YAW312 = subs(H_YAW312, {'rotErrX', 'rotErrY', 'rotErrZ'}, {0,0,0});
H_YAW312 = simplify(H_YAW312);
fix_c_code('calcH_YAW312.c');% reset workspace
clear all;


/** Fuse magnetic heading measurement using explicit algebraic equations generated with Matlab symbolic toolbox.* The script file used to generate these and other equations in this filter can be found here:* https://github.com/priseborough/InertialNav/blob/master/derivations/RotationVectorAttitudeParameterisation/GenerateNavFilterEquations.m* This fusion method only modifies the orientation, does not require use of the magnetic field states and is computationally cheaper.* It is suitable for use when the external magnetic field environment is disturbed (eg close to metal structures, on ground).* It is not as robust to magnetometer failures.* It is not suitable for operation where the horizontal magnetic field strength is weak (within 30 degrees latitude of the the magnetic poles)
void NavEKF2_core::fuseEulerYaw()
{float q0 = stateStruct.quat[0];float q1 = stateStruct.quat[1];float q2 = stateStruct.quat[2];float q3 = stateStruct.quat[3];// compass measurement error variance (rad^2)const float R_YAW = sq(frontend->_yawNoise);// calculate observation jacobian, predicted yaw and zero yaw body to earth rotation matrix// determine if a 321 or 312 Euler sequence is bestfloat predicted_yaw;float measured_yaw;float H_YAW[3];Matrix3f Tbn_zeroYaw;if (fabsf(prevTnb[0][2]) < fabsf(prevTnb[1][2])) {// calculate observation jacobian when we are observing the first rotation in a 321 sequencefloat t2 = q0*q0;float t3 = q1*q1;float t4 = q2*q2;float t5 = q3*q3;float t6 = t2+t3-t4-t5;float t7 = q0*q3*2.0f;float t8 = q1*q2*2.0f;float t9 = t7+t8;float t10 = sq(t6);if (t10 > 1e-6f) {t10 = 1.0f / t10;} else {return;}float t11 = t9*t9;float t12 = t10*t11;float t13 = t12+1.0f;float t14;if (fabsf(t13) > 1e-3f) {t14 = 1.0f/t13;} else {return;}float t15 = 1.0f/t6;H_YAW[0] = 0.0f;H_YAW[1] = t14*(t15*(q0*q1*2.0f-q2*q3*2.0f)+t9*t10*(q0*q2*2.0f+q1*q3*2.0f));H_YAW[2] = t14*(t15*(t2-t3+t4-t5)+t9*t10*(t7-t8));// calculate predicted and measured yaw angleVector3f euler321;stateStruct.quat.to_euler(euler321.x, euler321.y, euler321.z);predicted_yaw = euler321.z;if (use_compass() && yawAlignComplete && magStateInitComplete) {// Use measured mag components rotated into earth frame to measure yawTbn_zeroYaw.from_euler(euler321.x, euler321.y, 0.0f);Vector3f magMeasNED = Tbn_zeroYaw*magDataDelayed.mag;measured_yaw = wrap_PI(-atan2f(magMeasNED.y, magMeasNED.x) + _ahrs->get_compass()->get_declination());} else if (extNavUsedForYaw) {// Get the yaw angle  from the external vision dataextNavDataDelayed.quat.to_euler(euler321.x, euler321.y, euler321.z);measured_yaw =  euler321.z;} else {// no data so use predicted to prevent unconstrained variance growthmeasured_yaw = predicted_yaw;}} else {// calculate observaton jacobian when we are observing a rotation in a 312 sequencefloat t2 = q0*q0;float t3 = q1*q1;float t4 = q2*q2;float t5 = q3*q3;float t6 = t2-t3+t4-t5;float t7 = q0*q3*2.0f;float t10 = q1*q2*2.0f;float t8 = t7-t10;float t9 = sq(t6);if (t9 > 1e-6f) {t9 = 1.0f/t9;} else {return;}float t11 = t8*t8;float t12 = t9*t11;float t13 = t12+1.0f;float t14;if (fabsf(t13) > 1e-3f) {t14 = 1.0f/t13;} else {return;}float t15 = 1.0f/t6;H_YAW[0] = -t14*(t15*(q0*q2*2.0+q1*q3*2.0)-t8*t9*(q0*q1*2.0-q2*q3*2.0));H_YAW[1] = 0.0f;H_YAW[2] = t14*(t15*(t2+t3-t4-t5)+t8*t9*(t7+t10));// calculate predicted and measured yaw angleVector3f euler312 = stateStruct.quat.to_vector312();predicted_yaw = euler312.z;if (use_compass() && yawAlignComplete && magStateInitComplete) {// Use measured mag components rotated into earth frame to measure yawTbn_zeroYaw.from_euler312(euler312.x, euler312.y, 0.0f);Vector3f magMeasNED = Tbn_zeroYaw*magDataDelayed.mag;measured_yaw = wrap_PI(-atan2f(magMeasNED.y, magMeasNED.x) + _ahrs->get_compass()->get_declination());} else if (extNavUsedForYaw) {// Get the yaw angle  from the external vision dataeuler312 = extNavDataDelayed.quat.to_vector312();measured_yaw =  euler312.z;} else {// no data so use predicted to prevent unconstrained variance growthmeasured_yaw = predicted_yaw;}}// Calculate the innovationfloat innovation = wrap_PI(predicted_yaw - measured_yaw);// Copy raw value to output variable used for data logginginnovYaw = innovation;// Calculate innovation variance and Kalman gains, taking advantage of the fact that only the first 3 elements in H are non zerofloat PH[3];float varInnov = R_YAW;for (uint8_t rowIndex=0; rowIndex<=2; rowIndex++) {PH[rowIndex] = 0.0f;for (uint8_t colIndex=0; colIndex<=2; colIndex++) {PH[rowIndex] += P[rowIndex][colIndex]*H_YAW[colIndex];}varInnov += H_YAW[rowIndex]*PH[rowIndex];}float varInnovInv;if (varInnov >= R_YAW) {varInnovInv = 1.0f / varInnov;// output numerical health statusfaultStatus.bad_yaw = false;} else {// the calculation is badly conditioned, so we cannot perform fusion on this step// we reset the covariance matrix and try again next measurementCovarianceInit();// output numerical health statusfaultStatus.bad_yaw = true;return;}// calculate Kalman gainfor (uint8_t rowIndex=0; rowIndex<=stateIndexLim; rowIndex++) {Kfusion[rowIndex] = 0.0f;for (uint8_t colIndex=0; colIndex<=2; colIndex++) {Kfusion[rowIndex] += P[rowIndex][colIndex]*H_YAW[colIndex];}Kfusion[rowIndex] *= varInnovInv;}// calculate the innovation test ratioyawTestRatio = sq(innovation) / (sq(MAX(0.01f * (float)frontend->_yawInnovGate, 1.0f)) * varInnov);// Declare the magnetometer unhealthy if the innovation test failsif (yawTestRatio > 1.0f) {magHealth = false;// On the ground a large innovation could be due to large initial gyro bias or magnetic interference from nearby objects// If we are flying, then it is more likely due to a magnetometer fault and we should not fuse the dataif (inFlight) {return;}} else {magHealth = true;}// limit the innovation so that initial corrections are not too largeif (innovation > 0.5f) {innovation = 0.5f;} else if (innovation < -0.5f) {innovation = -0.5f;}// correct the covariance using P = P - K*H*P taking advantage of the fact that only the first 3 elements in H are non zero// calculate K*H*Pfor (uint8_t row = 0; row <= stateIndexLim; row++) {for (uint8_t column = 0; column <= 2; column++) {KH[row][column] = Kfusion[row] * H_YAW[column];}}for (uint8_t row = 0; row <= stateIndexLim; row++) {for (uint8_t column = 0; column <= stateIndexLim; column++) {float tmp = KH[row][0] * P[0][column];tmp += KH[row][1] * P[1][column];tmp += KH[row][2] * P[2][column];KHP[row][column] = tmp;}}// Check that we are not going to drive any variances negative and skip the update if sobool healthyFusion = true;for (uint8_t i= 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) {if (KHP[i][i] > P[i][i]) {healthyFusion = false;}}if (healthyFusion) {// update the covariance matrixfor (uint8_t i= 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) {for (uint8_t j= 0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) {P[i][j] = P[i][j] - KHP[i][j];}}// force the covariance matrix to be symmetrical and limit the variances to prevent ill-condiioning.ForceSymmetry();ConstrainVariances();// zero the attitude error state - by definition it is assumed to be zero before each observaton fusionstateStruct.angErr.zero();// correct the state vectorfor (uint8_t i=0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) {statesArray[i] -= Kfusion[i] * innovation;}// the first 3 states represent the angular misalignment vector. This is// is used to correct the estimated quaternion on the current time stepstateStruct.quat.rotate(stateStruct.angErr);// record fusion eventfaultStatus.bad_yaw = false;lastYawTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;} else {// record fusion numerical health statusfaultStatus.bad_yaw = true;}


对于 观测模型的选择,是和你的测量数据直接相关的,磁罗盘是这样,通过GPS、气压计、测距仪修正速度、位置就不是这样了。因为GPS、气压计、测距仪锁测量的位置信息、速度信息、都是北东地坐标系下的,而状态向量中的这些信息也是北东地坐标系下的,他们是直接观测的,所以观测模型可以忽略,也就是GPS、气压计、测距仪修正速度、位置时,观测矩阵是单位矩阵。

写道这里,算是将EKF2对照这EKF理论梳理了一部分,对于使用空速计、光流传感器、等其他传感器修正状态向量的代码,我也没有仔细的看过,所以我也就不再讲解了(以免误人子弟),但修正的过程肯定都是上面我所得这些。GenerateNavFilterEquations.m脚本中的其他内容就是在算我没说的那几个传感器修正状态向量时所使用的观测矩阵、卡尔曼增益等。GenerateNavFilterEquations.m中还有一些内容是将这些公式计算生成C代码的,这个通过函数的名字可以看出来。我所讲的这些,都是基于ardupilot 3.5.2版本的。在这个版本中EKF还有个升级版的实现EKF3,我不大清楚之后的版本,EKF3有没有改动,目前ardupilot的最新版本为3.6.4-rc1,如果想要了解EKF3,我建议在这个版本或更新的版本上了解。EKF3所使用的脚本名字还没有变GenerateNavFilterEquations.m,但来源变了。这里有一些关于EKF3相关的介绍文档。





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