nexus nexus3

Unlike other tablets, the Nexus 7’s home screen is locked in portrait mode by default. If you’re using an app in landscape mode and hit the home button, you’ll have to flip your tablet around to read the home screen.

与其他平板电脑不同,默认情况下,Nexus 7的主屏幕被锁定为纵向模式。 如果您在横向模式下使用应用程序并按下主屏幕按钮,则必须翻转平板电脑才能阅读主屏幕。

Google thinks locking the home screen to portrait mode is a smart idea – and they may be right. But this is Android, and you’re free to disagree with Google and customize your device without any jailbreaking required.

Google认为将主屏幕锁定为纵向模式是一个聪明的主意-可能是正确的。 但这是Android,您可以自由地与Google意见分歧并自定义设备,而无需进行任何越狱操作。

切换屏幕方向锁定 (Toggle Screen Orientation Lock)

The Nexus 7 ships with the screen orientation lock enabled, so all apps will be in portrait mode – no matter how you tilt your screen.

Nexus 7随附启用了屏幕方向锁定,因此无论您如何倾斜屏幕,所有应用程序都将处于纵向模式。

To enable landscape mode, you’ll have to disable the screen orientation lock feature. Pull down the notification tray at the top of the screen and tap the lock-shaped icon to the right of the date to unlock the screen orientation.

要启用横向模式,您必须禁用屏幕方向锁定功能。 下拉屏幕顶部的通知托盘,然后点击日期右侧的锁形图标以解锁屏幕方向。

使用旋转储物柜或终极旋转控制 (Use Rotation Locker or Ultimate Rotation Control)

Even after disabling the system-wide screen orientation lock, the home screen will be locked to portrait mode. Howeve,r you can use an app to enable landscape orientation in the Nexus 7’s built-in home screen.

即使禁用了系统范围的屏幕方向锁定,主屏幕也将锁定为纵向模式。 但是,您可以使用应用在Nexus 7的内置主屏幕中启用横向显示。

Install Rotation Locker from Google Play – it’s free. After you do, you can launch the app and tap Landscape to force the home screen and all other apps into landscape mode.

从Google Play安装Rotation Locker ,这是免费的。 完成后,您可以启动应用程序并点击横向以强制主屏幕和所有其他应用进入横向模式。

Another option is Ultimate Rotation Control – it’s more powerful than Rotation Locker, but the free version only offers a seven-day trial — the full version will set you back about $3. Still, that could be a good use of the $25 Google Play credit you received with your the Nexus 7.

另一个选择是Ultimate Rotation Control ( 终极旋转控制) –它比Rotation Locker(旋转储物柜)更强大,但免费版本仅提供7天的试用期-完整版本将使您花费3美元。 不过,这可以很好地利用您从Nexus 7获得的$ 25 Google Play赠送金额。

With Ultimate Rotation Control, you can set the rotation mode to “Forced Auto” and “App Only” – this will let you force the homescreen to auto-rotate without forcing other apps, such as games that require a specific orientation, to automatically rotate.

使用终极旋转控制,您可以将旋转模式设置为“强制自动”和“仅应用程序” –这将使您可以强制主屏幕自动旋转,而无需强制其他应用程序(例如需要特定方向的游戏)自动旋转。

安装自定义启动器 (Install Custom Launchers)

Like other Android devices, the Nexus 7 supports third-party launchers that can replace its home screen. Many third-party launchers are available in Google Play, and quite a few of them will support landscape mode.

与其他Android设备一样,Nexus 7支持可替换其主屏幕的第三方启动器。 Google Play提供了许多第三方启动器,其中有很多将支持横向模式。

One great launcher that supports landscape mode is Holo Launcher, which is available for free on Google Play. After installing Holo Launcher (or any other launcher), tap the Home button and you’ll be prompted to select your launcher.

Holo Launcher是一种支持横向模式的出色启动器 ,可在Google Play上免费使用。 安装Holo Launcher(或其他任何启动器)后,点击“主页”按钮,系统将提示您选择启动器。

You’ll notice that Holo Launcher – along with many other launchers – will automatically change orientations when you rotate your screen. No tricks required!

您会注意到,当您旋转屏幕时,Holo启动器以及许多其他启动器会自动更改方向。 无需技巧!


nexus nexus3

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