Portable Wi-Fi hotspots on your Android phone are great, because hotel Wi-Fi usually isn’t, but toggling that hotspot on and off is a pain. Here are several easy ways to add a hotspot widget to your home screen.

您的Android手机上的便携式Wi-Fi热点很棒,因为酒店的Wi-Fi通常不是,但是要切换该热点的开关很痛苦。 这是将热点窗口小部件添加到主屏幕的几种简单方法。

Chances are pretty good you’ll need to create a portable hotspot on your Android smartphone at one time or another. Aside from the previously mentioned problems with hotel Wi-Fi, there are just places that (gulp!) still don’t have Wi-Fi access. It’s never a big deal until you’ve got work to do on your laptop, at which point, a portable hotspot is the way to go.

您很有可能需要一次或一次在Android智能手机上创建一个便携式热点。 除了前面提到的酒店Wi-Fi问题外,还有一些地方(大呼小叫!)仍然没有Wi-Fi接入。 除非您需要在笔记本电脑上完成工作,否则这没什么大不了的,这时,便携式热点便是解决之道。

Sadly, Android doesn’t make it necessarily easy to enable your hotspot. There’s no dedicated hotspot button or shortcut option. If you’re doing it the way most others do it, then you have to dig into the settings to turn it on.

遗憾的是,Android不一定很容易启用您的热点。 没有专用的热点按钮或快捷方式选项。 如果您以大多数其他人的方式进行操作,则必须深入设置才能将其打开。

You can do this in five steps, which is a lot, especially if you have to remember how to get there each time: open the app drawer then tap “Settings” -> “More” -> “Tethering & portable hotspot” -> “Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot”.

您可以分五个步骤进行操作,这很多,特别是如果您每次都必须记住如何到达的话:打开应用程序抽屉,然后点按“设置”->“更多”->“网络共享和便携式热点”-> “便携式Wi-Fi热点”。

This is awkward and inconvenient. We use hotspots just often enough that we need a better way, so here are four.

这很尴尬且不方便。 我们经常使用热点,因此我们需要更好的方法,因此这里有四个。

通过设置小部件添加更短的路线 (Add a Shorter Route Via the Settings Widget)

This isn’t the most perfect way to do it but it cuts down on a few steps. The Settings widget is available as a default Android widget, so it should be available on your system.

这不是最完美的方法,但是它减少了一些步骤。 “设置”小部件可作为默认的Android小部件使用,因此在您的系统上应可用。

You can choose a shortcut to settings categories, once of which is “tethering & portable hotspot”.


Now you’ll have a new shortcut named, appropriately, “Tethering & portable hotspot” on your home screen.


When you tap it, it will open right to the settings page.


This will reduce the steps to turn your portable hotspot by three, to two.


尝试切换文件夹小部件 (Try the Toggle Folder Widget)

Another widget, another way, but unlike the settings widget, this one gives you more options. The “toggle folder” widget let’s you create a folder of toggles on your home screen, of which one is the ability to simply turn your portable hotspot on and off.

另一个小部件,另一种方式,但与设置小部件不同,此小部件为您提供了更多选项。 使用“ toggle folder”小部件,您可以在主屏幕上创建一个切换文件夹,其中一个功能就是简单地打开和关闭便携式热点。

The toggle folder widget will probably be one of the last of your widget selections.


Give your toggle folder a clever name, or not, and choose a button color, a theme, a background – it’s completely up to you.


When you’re finished however, tap “Done.”


The widget will be placed on your home screen, tap it, and you can add stuff.


Now we’ve got two ways to quickly turn a portable hotspot on and off.

And, one of the options in the first group of toggles will be “Hotspot (Wifi)”. Tap that to add it to the toggle folder.

并且,第一组切换中的一个选项是“热点(Wifi)”。 点击该按钮将其添加到切换文件夹。

Now, you have a button that let’s you toggle your portable hotspot, plus it tells you if it’s on or off, which you can just as easily determine from the notification bar.


The cool thing about the toggle folder is you can add more toggles, apps, or even custom items. Check out our article if you would like to learn more about adding and customizing toggle folders.

关于切换文件夹的一个很酷的事情是您可以添加更多的切换按钮,应用程序甚至自定义项目。 如果您想了解有关添加和自定义切换文件夹的更多信息,请查看我们的文章。

尝试第三方小部件 (Try a Third Party Widget)

The previous two methods both require two steps to turn your portable hotspot on and off. We tried but failed to find a standard Android way to do this in one go, so we had to consult the Play Store.

前两种方法都需要两个步骤才能打开和关闭便携式热点。 我们尝试了一次但没有找到一次标准的Android方法来执行此操作的方法,因此我们不得不咨询Play商店。

If you do a search for “hotspot widget,” you’ll see that there’s quite a few to choose from.


We tried WiFi Hotspot Widget and it works as intended. We don’t recommend this over one or the other, so find one that best works for you and your device.

我们尝试了WiFi Hotspot Widget,它可以按预期工作。 我们不建议您在其他任何一项上使用,因此请找到最适合您和您的设备的一种。

When you tap the widget on your home screen, it immediately turns your portable hotspot on and glows blue. Tap it again and it turns it off – simple, painless, and only one step.

当您点击主屏幕上的小部件时,它会立即打开您的便携式热点并发出蓝色光。 再次轻按它即可将其关闭-简单,轻松且仅一步。

So there you have three simple ways to dramatically shorten the steps needed to turn your hotspot on and off.


奖励方法:使用氰基莫德 (Bonus Method: Use Cyanogenmod)

We love Cyanogenmod because there’s just so much you can do; stuff you probably don’t know about unless you really play around with it. This includes adding toggles to the Quick Settings panel on the notification drawer, one of which is your portable hotspot.

我们爱Cyanogenmod,因为您可以做很多事情; 除非您真的玩弄它,否则您可能不知道这些东西。 这包括将切换添加到通知抽屉上的“快速设置”面板,其中之一是您的便携式热点。

To do this, first open the settings and navigate to the Personalization section, then tap “Notification drawer.”


On the next screen, tap “Quick Settings panel.”


And on the next screen, tap “Tiles and layout.”


You’re going to see your toggle tiles arrayed in a grid. You can press and hold tiles to drag and reorder, or drop them onto “Delete” to remove them.

您将看到将切换瓦片排列在网格中。 您可以按住图块进行拖动和重新排序,也可以将它们放到“删除”中以将其删除。

Tap “Add” and you will be asked to choose a tile. You can add whatever you want, but the one we’re looking for is at the bottom. Tap “Wi-Fi AP” to add it to the Quick Settings panel.

点按“添加”,将要求您选择一个磁贴。 您可以添加任何所需的内容,但是我们正在寻找的内容位于底部。 点击“ Wi-Fi AP”将其添加到“快速设置”面板中。

Now, when you pull the Quick Settings down, you’ll have the option to turn your hotspot on or off.


In many ways, this is most efficient and preferable way of doing this, because it doesn’t take up a spot on your home screen and it’s in a logical place, among other settings.


So, there you have it, three basic ways to add a hotspot shortcut using basic Android, plus one bonus way using Cyanogenmod Android. Hopefully you’ll find at least one of these method useful, or maybe you have another way.

因此,您已经掌握了使用基本的Android添加热点快捷方式的三种基本方法,以及使用Cyanogenmod Android的一种奖励方法。 希望您会发现其中至少一种有用的方法,或者您可能还有另一种方法。

Let’s hear from you now in our discussion forum. If you have any comments or questions, please make them known.

让我们现在在我们的论坛中听听您的意见。 如果您有任何意见或疑问,请告知他们。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/211317/how-to-add-a-hotspot-shortcut-to-the-android-home-screen/


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