
java.util.Properties继承自java.util.Hashtable,从jdk1.1版本开始,Properties的实现基本上就没有什么大的变动。从http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/的jdk7的官方api文档中我们可以看到对Properties类的介绍。Properties class是一个持久化的属性保存对象,可以将属性内容写出到stream中或者从stream中读取属性内容,在底层的Hashtable中,每一对属性的key和value都是按照string类型来保存的。 Properties可以将其他的Properties对象作为默认的值,Properties继承自Hashtable,所以Hashtable的所有方法Properties对象均可以访问。




protected Properties defaults:包含默认values的Properties对象,默认为null。我们在找不到对应key的情况下,就回递归的从这个默认列表中里面来找。


* A property list that contains default values for any keys not

* found in this property list.


* @serial*/

protectedProperties defaults;

Properties property




* Creates an empty property list with no default values.*/

publicProperties() {this(null);


* Creates an empty property list with the specified defaults.


* @param defaults the defaults.*/

publicProperties(Properties defaults) {this.defaults =defaults;


Properties Construction Method




* Searches for the property with the specified key in this property list.

* If the key is not found in this property list, the default property list,

* and its defaults, recursively, are then checked. The method returns

* null if the property is not found.


* @param key the property key.

* @return the value in this property list with the specified key value.

* @see #setProperty

* @see #defaults*/

publicString getProperty(String key) {

Object oval= super.get(key);

String sval= (oval instanceof String) ? (String)oval : null;return ((sval == null) && (defaults != null)) ?defaults.getProperty(key) : sval;



getProperty(String, String):当getProperty(String)方法返回值为null的时候,返回给定的默认值,而不是返回null。


* Searches for the property with the specified key in this property list.

* If the key is not found in this property list, the default property list,

* and its defaults, recursively, are then checked. The method returns the

* default value argument if the property is not found.


* @param key the hashtable key.

* @param defaultValue a default value.


* @return the value in this property list with the specified key value.

* @see #setProperty

* @see #defaults*/

publicString getProperty(String key, String defaultValue) {

String val=getProperty(key);return (val == null) ?defaultValue : val;



load(InputStream):从byte stream中加载key/value键值对,要求所有的key/value键值对是按行存储,同时是用ISO-8859-1编译的。


* Reads a property list (key and element pairs) from the input

* byte stream. The input stream is in a simple line-oriented

* format as specified in

* {@link #load(java.io.Reader) load(Reader)} and is assumed to use

* the ISO 8859-1 character encoding; that is each byte is one Latin1

* character. Characters not in Latin1, and certain special characters,

* are represented in keys and elements using Unicode escapes as defined in

* section 3.3 of

* The Java™ Language Specification.


* The specified stream remains open after this method returns.


* @param inStream the input stream.

* @exception IOException if an error occurred when reading from the

* input stream.

* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the input stream contains a

* malformed Unicode escape sequence.

* @since 1.2*/

public synchronized voidload(InputStream inStream) throws IOException {






* Reads a property list (key and element pairs) from the input

* character stream in a simple line-oriented format.


* Properties are processed in terms of lines. There are two

* kinds of line, natural lines and logical lines.

* A natural line is defined as a line of

* characters that is terminated either by a set of line terminator

* characters (\n or \r or \r\n)

* or by the end of the stream. A natural line may be either a blank line,

* a comment line, or hold all or some of a key-element pair. A logical

* line holds all the data of a key-element pair, which may be spread

* out across several adjacent natural lines by escaping

* the line terminator sequence with a backslash character

* \. Note that a comment line cannot be extended

* in this manner; every natural line that is a comment must have

* its own comment indicator, as described below. Lines are read from

* input until the end of the stream is reached.



* A natural line that contains only white space characters is

* considered blank and is ignored. A comment line has an ASCII

* '#' or '!' as its first non-white

* space character; comment lines are also ignored and do not

* encode key-element information. In addition to line

* terminators, this format considers the characters space

* (' ', '\u0020'), tab

* ('\t', '\u0009'), and form feed

* ('\f', '\u000C') to be white

* space.



* If a logical line is spread across several natural lines, the

* backslash escaping the line terminator sequence, the line

* terminator sequence, and any white space at the start of the

* following line have no affect on the key or element values.

* The remainder of the discussion of key and element parsing

* (when loading) will assume all the characters constituting

* the key and element appear on a single natural line after

* line continuation characters have been removed. Note that

* it is not sufficient to only examine the character

* preceding a line terminator sequence to decide if the line

* terminator is escaped; there must be an odd number of

* contiguous backslashes for the line terminator to be escaped.

* Since the input is processed from left to right, a

* non-zero even number of 2n contiguous backslashes

* before a line terminator (or elsewhere) encodes n

* backslashes after escape processing.



* The key contains all of the characters in the line starting

* with the first non-white space character and up to, but not

* including, the first unescaped '=',

* ':', or white space character other than a line

* terminator. All of these key termination characters may be

* included in the key by escaping them with a preceding backslash

* character; for example,


* \:\=


* would be the two-character key ":=". Line

* terminator characters can be included using \r and

* \n escape sequences. Any white space after the

* key is skipped; if the first non-white space character after

* the key is '=' or ':', then it is

* ignored and any white space characters after it are also

* skipped. All remaining characters on the line become part of

* the associated element string; if there are no remaining

* characters, the element is the empty string

* "". Once the raw character sequences

* constituting the key and element are identified, escape

* processing is performed as described above.



* As an example, each of the following three lines specifies the key

* "Truth" and the associated element value

* "Beauty":



* Truth = Beauty

* Truth:Beauty

* Truth :Beauty


* As another example, the following three lines specify a single

* property:



* fruits apple, banana, pear, \

* cantaloupe, watermelon, \

* kiwi, mango


* The key is "fruits" and the associated element is:



"apple, banana, pear, cantaloupe, watermelon, kiwi, mango"

* Note that a space appears before each \ so that a space

* will appear after each comma in the final result; the \,

* line terminator, and leading white space on the continuation line are

* merely discarded and are not replaced by one or more other

* characters.


* As a third example, the line:





* specifies that the key is "cheeses" and the associated

* element is the empty string "".




* Characters in keys and elements can be represented in escape

* sequences similar to those used for character and string literals

* (see sections 3.3 and 3.10.6 of

* The Java™ Language Specification).


* The differences from the character escape sequences and Unicode

* escapes used for characters and strings are:




Octal escapes are not recognized.



The character sequence \b does not

* represent a backspace character.



The method does not treat a backslash character,

* \, before a non-valid escape character as an

* error; the backslash is silently dropped. For example, in a

* Java string the sequence "\z" would cause a

* compile time error. In contrast, this method silently drops

* the backslash. Therefore, this method treats the two character

* sequence "\b" as equivalent to the single

* character 'b'.



Escapes are not necessary for single and double quotes;

* however, by the rule above, single and double quote characters

* preceded by a backslash still yield single and double quote

* characters, respectively.



Only a single 'u' character is allowed in a Uniocde escape

* sequence.




* The specified stream remains open after this method returns.


* @param reader the input character stream.

* @throws IOException if an error occurred when reading from the

* input stream.

* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a malformed Unicode escape

* appears in the input.

* @since 1.6*/

public synchronized voidload(Reader reader) throws IOException {






* Loads all of the properties represented by the XML document on the

* specified input stream into this properties table.



The XML document must have the following DOCTYPE declaration:


* <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd">


* Furthermore, the document must satisfy the properties DTD described

* above.



The specified stream is closed after this method returns.


* @param in the input stream from which to read the XML document.

* @throws IOException if reading from the specified input stream

* results in an IOException.

* @throws InvalidPropertiesFormatException Data on input stream does not

* constitute a valid XML document with the mandated document type.

* @throws NullPointerException if in is null.

* @see #storeToXML(OutputStream, String, String)

* @since 1.5*/

public synchronized void loadFromXML(InputStream in)

throws IOException, InvalidPropertiesFormatException

{if (in == null)throw newNullPointerException();

XMLUtils.load(this, in);in.close();





* Writes this property list (key and element pairs) in this

* Properties table to the output character stream in a

* format suitable for using the {@link #load(java.io.Reader) load(Reader)}

* method.


* Properties from the defaults table of this Properties

* table (if any) are not written out by this method.


* If the comments argument is not null, then an ASCII #

* character, the comments string, and a line separator are first written

* to the output stream. Thus, the comments can serve as an

* identifying comment. Any one of a line feed ('\n'), a carriage

* return ('\r'), or a carriage return followed immediately by a line feed

* in comments is replaced by a line separator generated by the Writer

* and if the next character in comments is not character # or

* character ! then an ASCII # is written out

* after that line separator.


* Next, a comment line is always written, consisting of an ASCII

* # character, the current date and time (as if produced

* by the toString method of Date for the

* current time), and a line separator as generated by the Writer.


* Then every entry in this Properties table is

* written out, one per line. For each entry the key string is

* written, then an ASCII =, then the associated

* element string. For the key, all space characters are

* written with a preceding \ character. For the

* element, leading space characters, but not embedded or trailing

* space characters, are written with a preceding \

* character. The key and element characters #,

* !, =, and : are written

* with a preceding backslash to ensure that they are properly loaded.


* After the entries have been written, the output stream is flushed.

* The output stream remains open after this method returns.



* @param writer an output character stream writer.

* @param comments a description of the property list.

* @exception IOException if writing this property list to the specified

* output stream throws an IOException.

* @exception ClassCastException if this Properties object

* contains any keys or values that are not Strings.

* @exception NullPointerException if writer is null.

* @since 1.6*/

public voidstore(Writer writer, String comments)

throws IOException


store0((writer instanceof BufferedWriter)?(BufferedWriter)writer




* Writes this property list (key and element pairs) in this

* Properties table to the output stream in a format suitable

* for loading into a Properties table using the

* {@link #load(InputStream) load(InputStream)} method.


* Properties from the defaults table of this Properties

* table (if any) are not written out by this method.


* This method outputs the comments, properties keys and values in

* the same format as specified in

* {@link #store(java.io.Writer, java.lang.String) store(Writer)},

* with the following differences:



The stream is written using the ISO 8859-1 character encoding.



Characters not in Latin-1 in the comments are written as

* \uxxxx for their appropriate unicode

* hexadecimal value xxxx.



Characters less than \u0020 and characters greater

* than \u007E in property keys or values are written

* as \uxxxx for the appropriate hexadecimal

* value xxxx.



* After the entries have been written, the output stream is flushed.

* The output stream remains open after this method returns.


* @param out an output stream.

* @param comments a description of the property list.

* @exception IOException if writing this property list to the specified

* output stream throws an IOException.

* @exception ClassCastException if this Properties object

* contains any keys or values that are not Strings.

* @exception NullPointerException if out is null.

* @since 1.2*/

public void store(OutputStream out, String comments)

throws IOException


store0(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out, "8859_1")),




storeToXML(OutputSteam, comment, encoding):写出到xml文件中。


* Emits an XML document representing all of the properties contained

* in this table, using the specified encoding.



The XML document will have the following DOCTYPE declaration:


* <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd">




If the specified comment is null then no comment

* will be stored in the document.



The specified stream remains open after this method returns.


* @param os the output stream on which to emit the XML document.

* @param comment a description of the property list, or null

* if no comment is desired.

* @param encoding the name of a supported


* character encoding


* @throws IOException if writing to the specified output stream

* results in an IOException.

* @throws NullPointerException if os is null,

* or if encoding is null.

* @throws ClassCastException if this Properties object

* contains any keys or values that are not

* Strings.

* @see #loadFromXML(InputStream)

* @since 1.5*/

public voidstoreToXML(OutputStream os, String comment, String encoding)

throws IOException

{if (os == null)throw newNullPointerException();

XMLUtils.save(this, os, comment, encoding);







# this iscomment



key3 : vlaue3

key4 : value4

# the valueis 'value4', because the Properties only trim the space of the split charset before and after.

# key5=value5

#this iserror, the key not start with the space.

key6 value7

Properties Text File


classLineReader {/**

* 根据字节流创建LineReader对象


* @param inStream

* 属性键值对对应的字节流对象*/

publicLineReader(InputStream inStream) {this.inStream =inStream;

inByteBuf= new byte[8192];


* 根据字符流创建LineReader对象


* @param reader

* 属性键值对对应的字符流对象*/

publicLineReader(Reader reader) {this.reader =reader;

inCharBuf= new char[8192];

}//字节流缓冲区, 大小为8192个字节

byte[] inByteBuf;//字符流缓冲区,大小为8192个字符

char[] inCharBuf;//当前行信息的缓冲区,大小为1024个字符

char[] lineBuf = new char[1024];//读取一行数据时候的实际读取大小

int inLimit = 0;//读取的时候指向当前字符位置

int inOff = 0;//字节流对象

InputStream inStream;//字符流对象

Reader reader;/**

* 读取一行,将行信息保存到{@link lineBuf}对象中,并返回实际的字符个数


* @return 实际读取的字符个数

* @throws IOException*/

intreadLine() throws IOException {//总的字符长度

int len = 0;//当前字符

char c = 0;

boolean skipWhiteSpace= true;

boolean isCommentLine= false;

boolean isNewLine= true;

boolean appendedLineBegin= false;

boolean precedingBackslash= false;

boolean skipLF= false;while (true) {if (inOff >=inLimit) {//读取一行数据,并返回这一行的实际读取大小

inLimit = (inStream == null) ?reader.read(inCharBuf) : inStream.read(inByteBuf);

inOff= 0;//如果没有读取到数据,那么就直接结束读取操作

if (inLimit <= 0) {//如果当前长度为0或者是改行是注释,那么就返回-1。否则返回len的值。

if (len == 0 ||isCommentLine) {return -1;




if (inStream != null) {//The line below is equivalent to calling a ISO8859-1 decoder.//字节流是根据ISO8859-1进行编码的,所以在这里进行解码操作。

c = (char) (0xff & inByteBuf[inOff++]);


c= inCharBuf[inOff++];


if(skipLF) {

skipLF= false;if (c == '\n') {continue;



if(skipWhiteSpace) {if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\f') {continue;

}if (!appendedLineBegin && (c == '\r' || c == '\n')) {continue;


skipWhiteSpace= false;

appendedLineBegin= false;


if(isNewLine) {

isNewLine= false;//如果当前字符是#或者是!,那么表示该行是一个注释行

if (c == '#' || c == '!') {

isCommentLine= true;continue;



if (c != '\n' && c != '\r') {//当前字符不是换行符号

lineBuf[len++] = c;//将当前字符写入到行信息缓冲区中,并将len自增加1.//如果len的长度大于行信息缓冲区的大小,那么对lineBuf进行扩容,扩容大小为原来的两倍,最大为Integer.MAX_VALUE

if (len ==lineBuf.length) {int newLength = lineBuf.length * 2;if (newLength < 0) {


}char[] buf = new char[newLength];

System.arraycopy(lineBuf,0, buf, 0, lineBuf.length);


}//是否是转义字符//flip the preceding backslash flag

if (c == '\\') {

precedingBackslash= !precedingBackslash;


precedingBackslash= false;


}else{//reached EOL

if (isCommentLine || len == 0) {//如果这一行是注释行,或者是当前长度为0,那么进行clean操作。

isCommentLine = false;

isNewLine= true;

skipWhiteSpace= true;

len= 0;continue;


if (inOff >=inLimit) {

inLimit= (inStream == null) ?reader.read(inCharBuf) : inStream.read(inByteBuf);

inOff= 0;if (inLimit <= 0) {returnlen;



if(precedingBackslash) {//如果是,那么表示是另起一行,进行属性的定义,len要自减少1.

len -= 1;//skip the leading whitespace characters in following line

skipWhiteSpace = true;

appendedLineBegin= true;

precedingBackslash= false;if (c == '\r') {

skipLF= true;










private voidload0(LineReader lr) throws IOException {char[] convtBuf = new char[1024];//读取的字符总数





boolean hasSep;//是否是转义字符

boolean precedingBackslash;while ((limit = lr.readLine()) >= 0) {

c= 0;//key的长度

keyLen = 0;//value的起始位置默认为limit

valueStart =limit;//

hasSep = false;

precedingBackslash= false;//如果key的长度小于总的字符长度,那么就进入循环

while (keyLen

c =lr.lineBuf[keyLen];//如果当前字符是=或者是:,而且前一个字符不是转义字符,那么就表示key的描述已经结束

if ((c == '=' || c == ':') && !precedingBackslash) {//指定value的起始位置为当前keyLen的下一个位置

valueStart = keyLen + 1;//并且指定,去除空格

hasSep = true;break;

}else if ((c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\f') && !precedingBackslash) {//如果当前字符是空格类字符,而且前一个字符不是转义字符,那么表示key的描述已经结束//指定value的起始位置为当前位置的下一个位置

valueStart = keyLen + 1;break;


if (c == '\\') {

precedingBackslash= !precedingBackslash;


precedingBackslash= false;




while (valueStart

c =lr.lineBuf[valueStart];//判断当前字符是否是空格类字符,达到去空格的效果

if (c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\f') {//当前字符不是空格类字符,而且当前字符为=或者是:,并在此之前没有出现过=或者:字符。//那么value的起始位置继续往后移动。

if (!hasSep && (c == '=' || c == ':')) {

hasSep= true;







String key = loadConvert(lr.lineBuf, 0, keyLen, convtBuf);//读取value

String value = loadConvert(lr.lineBuf, valueStart, limit -valueStart, convtBuf);//包括key/value

put(key, value);













Properties XML File




private voidstore0(BufferedWriter bw, String comments, boolean escUnicode) throws IOException {if (comments != null) {//写出注释, 如果是中文注释,那么转化成为8859-1的字符

writeComments(bw, comments);


bw.write("#" + newDate().toString());//新起一行


synchronized (this) {for (Enumeration e =keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {

String key=(String) e.nextElement();

String val= (String) get(key);//针对空格进行转义,并根据是否需要进行8859-1编码

key = saveConvert(key, true, escUnicode);/** No need to escape embedded and trailing spaces for value,

* hence pass false to flag.*/


val = saveConvert(val, false, escUnicode);//写出key/value键值对

bw.write(key + "=" +val);










package com.gerry.bd.properties.jdk;

import java.io.FileNotFoundException;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;

import java.io.IOException;

import java.io.InputStream;

import java.io.OutputStream;

import java.util.Properties;

import java.util.Set;/**

* 操作jdk自身操作属性配置文件的Properties类。

* jdk1.7文档地址:http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/

* java.util.Properties继承自HashTable,最主要的子类是Provider


* @author jsliuming


public classPropertiesApp {public static voidmain(String[] args) {

InputStream input= null;//第一种,使用ClassLoad的方法获取InputStram对象。

input = PropertiesApp.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("propertiesApp.properties");//第二种,直接使用Class的方法来获取InputStream对象。必须加'/'表示在classpath路径下,如果不加的话,那么获取的是PropertiesApp这个类所在package下的文件。

input = PropertiesApp.class.getResourceAsStream("/propertiesApp.properties");

OutputStream os= null;try{

os= new FileOutputStream("storePropertiesApp.xml");

}catch(FileNotFoundException e1) {


Properties prop = newProperties();try{//第二步:加载属性, 不会自动关闭input输入流。


String value1 = prop.getProperty("key1");

String value5= prop.getProperty("key5");

String value7= prop.getProperty("key7", "defaultvalue");

System.out.println("[key1:" + value1 + "],[key5:" + value5 + "],[key7:" + value7 + "]");

Set keys =prop.stringPropertyNames();

System.out.println("全部的key/value属性:");for(String key : keys) {

System.out.println("[" + key + "][" + prop.getProperty(key) + "]");


prop.setProperty("key7", "value7");//第五步:保存成文件

prop.storeToXML(os, "comments");

}catch(IOException e) {


}finally{if(input != null) {try{


}catch(IOException e) {//ignore


}if (os != null) {try{


}catch(IOException e) {//ignore











[key4][value4 ]






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  10. java中北大学ppt总结+课后习题第二章(小宇特详解)

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