
Medical robotics-Regulatory, ethical, and legal considerations for increasing levels of autonomy [1]
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Authors:Yang G Z, et al.
2017, Science Robotics

The regulatory, ethical, and legal barriers imposed on medical robots necessitate careful consideration of different levels of autonomy, as well as the context for use. For autonomous vehicles, levels of automation for on-road vehicles are defined, yet no such definitions exist for medical robots. To stimulate discussions, we propose six levels of autonomy for medical robotics as one possible framework

Level 0: No autonomy. This level includes tele-operated robots or prosthetic devices that respond to and follow the user’s command.
Level 1: Robot assistance. The robot provides some mechanical guidance or assistance during a task while the human has continuous control of the system.
Level 2: Task autonomy. The robot is autonomous for specific tasks initiated by a human.
Level 3: Conditional autonomy. A system generates task strategies but relies on the human to select from among different strategies orto approve an autonomously selected strategy.
Level 4: High autonomy. The robot can make medical decisions but under the supervision of a qualified doctor.
Level 5: Full autonomy(no human needed). This is a “robotic surgeon” that can perform an entire surgery.

For higher levels of autonomy, the ability of the surgical robotic system to respond to a variety of sensory data will need to be more sophisticated. A key requirement for full autonomy will be technology that replicates the sensorimotor skills of an expert surgeon.With decreasing human oversight and increasing robotic perception, decision-making, and action (the traditional “sense-think-act paradigm”), the risk of malfunction that can cause patient harm will increase. Cybersecurity and privacy are also major issues to consider.

At the higher levels of autonomy (specifically Level 5 and possibly Level 4), the robot is not only a medical device but is also practicing medicine.

One possibility is for the FDA to certify the safety of a surgical robot design but require licensing and/or certification of the robotic surgeon by the medical establishment, as is currently done for human surgeons.

随着医疗机器人技术自主能力的增强,医疗专家的大部分角色将转向诊断和决策。 这种转变可能意味着,随着技术的引入,灵活性和基本手术技能可能会下降,这对培训和认证产生了影响。
As the autonomous capabilities of medical robotics grow, most of the role of the medical specialists will shift toward diagnosis and decision-making. This shift may mean that dexterity and basic surgical skills may decline as the technologies are introduced, with implications for training and accreditation.

对于某些设备和过程,我们已经处于第3级,因此,挑战将在于将应用程序扩展到更复杂的过程和环境。 对于外科手术机器人,级别1到4的一个关键方面是主治医生仍然在很大程度上在控制中。 机器人设备本质上是按照医生的命令去做的,而不同级别的细节则留给自动化系统。 除了不断发展的技术外,对自主机器人的风险承受能力也有望发生变化。 随着无人驾驶汽车(例如自动驾驶汽车)的普及,我们预计医疗应用中自主机器人对风险的接受度也会增加。
We are already at Level 3 for some devices and procedures, and therefore, the challenge will be in broadening the applications to more complex procedures and environments. For surgical robots, one key aspect of Levels 1 to 4 is that the treating physician is still in control to a significant extent. The robotic devices are essentially doing what the physician commands, with varying levels of detail being left to the automated system. Aside from evolving technology, the risk tolerance to autonomous robots is expected to change. As autonomous machines such as self-driving cars become commonplace, we anticipate that acceptance of risk from autonomous robots for medical applications will also increase.

[1]: Yang G Z, Cambias J, Cleary K, et al. Medical robotics—Regulatory, ethical, and legal considerations for increasing levels of autonomy[J]. Science Robotics, 2017, 2(4): 8638.

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