1 Verilog语言要素

1.2 标识符-关键字-属性

1.2.1 标识符(Identifier)


  1. An identifier is used to give an object a unique name so it can be referenced.
  2. An identifier is either a simple identifier or an escaped identifier. – 转义标识符不常用
  3. A sample identifier shall be any sequence of letters, digits, dollar signs ($), and underscore characters (_).
  4. The first character of a simple identifier shall not be a digit or $; it can be a letter or an underscore.
  5. A name following the $ is interpreted as a system task or a system function.
  6. Identifiers shall be case sensitive.
  7. 标识符(identifier)是由任意字母、数字和下划线(_)组成的字符序列;标识符的第一个字符必须是字母或者下划线;
  8. Verilog的标识符是大小写敏感的,即字符相同而大小写不同的两个标识符是不同的。

1.2.2 关键字(Keyword)


  1. Keywords are predefined nonescaped identifiers that are used to define the language constructs.
  2. A Verilog HDL keyword preceded by an escape character is not interpreted as a keyword.
  3. All keywords are defined in lowercase only.
  4. 关键字是Verilog中预留的用于定义语言结构的特殊标识符,如assign、always等;
  5. Verilog中关键字不能大写;
  6. Verilog中关键字不能转义。

1.2.3 属性(Attribute)


  1. Attributes are used to control the operation or behavior of tools . – 控制仿真工具或开发工具的操作/行为
  2. An attribute_instance can appear in the Verilog description as a prefix attached to a declaration, a module item, a statement, or a port connection. – 可以是前缀
  3. It can appear as a suffix to an operator or a Verilog function name in an expression. – 可以是后缀
  4. If a value is not specifically assigned to the attribute, then its value shall be 1.
  5. Nesting of attribute instances is disallowed. – 不允许嵌套

    例1:The following example shows how to attach attributes to a case statement.!

    例2:To attach an attribute to a module definition.

    例3:To attach an attribute to a module instantiation.

    例4:To attach an attribute to a reg declaration.

    例5:To attach an attribute to an operator. – 后缀

    例6:To attach an attribute to a Verilog function call. – 后缀

    例7:To attach an attribute to a conditional operator. – 后缀


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