
  • C# 脚本化
  • 使用 CodeDom
  • Roslyn
  • Microsoft Roslyn vs. CodeDom
  • 第三方工具库
  • 实现方式
  • 样例展示

C# 脚本化

.NET 编译平台介绍:

使用 CodeDom

CodeDOM 提供表示多种常见源代码元素的类型。 可以设计一个程序,它使用 CodeDOM 元素生成源代码模型来组合对象图。 对于支持的编程语言,可使用 CodeDOM 代码生成器将此对象图呈现为源代码。 还可使用 CodeDOM 将源代码编译为二进制程序集。

CodeDOM 的常见用途包括:

  • 模板化代码生成:生成适用于 ASP.NET、XML Web 服务客户端代理、代码向导、设计器或其他代码发出机制的代码。
  • 动态编译:支持一种或多种语言的代码编译。



Roslyn为开源C#和Visual Basic编译器提供了丰富的代码分析API。 它支持使用Visual Studio使用的相同API构建代码分析工具


Microsoft Roslyn vs. CodeDom

关于 RoslynCodeDom 不同可以参考地址:




CS-Script允许无缝切换底层编译技术,而不会影响代码库。 目前支持的编译器是Mono,Roslyn和CodeDOM


参见接口 IEvaluator.cs 。具体实现在注释中有介绍

    public interface IEvaluator{/// <summary>/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to compile script with debug symbols./// <para>Note, affect of setting <c>DebugBuild</c> will always depend on the compiler implementation:/// <list type="bullet">///    <item><term>CodeDom</term><description>Fully supports. Generates debugging symbols (script can be debugged) and defines <c>DEBUG</c> and <c>TRACE</c> conditional symbols</description> </item>///    <item><term>Mono</term><description>Partially supports. Defines <c>DEBUG</c> and <c>TRACE</c> conditional symbols</description> </item>///    <item><term>Roslyn</term><description>Doesn't supports at all.</description> </item>/// </list>/// </para>/// </summary>/// <value><c>true</c> if 'debug build'; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value>bool? DebugBuild { get; set; }/// <summary>/// Gets or sets the flag indicating if the script code should be analyzed and the assemblies/// that the script depend on (via '//css_...' and 'using ...' directives) should be referenced./// </summary>/// <value></value>bool DisableReferencingFromCode { get; set; }/// <summary>/// Evaluates (compiles) C# code (script). The C# code is a typical C# code containing a single or multiple class definition(s)./// </summary>/// <example>///<code>/// Assembly asm = CSScript.Evaluator///                        .CompileCode(@"using System;///                                       public class Script///                                       {///                                           public int Sum(int a, int b)///                                           {///                                               return a+b;///                                           }///                                       }");////// dynamic script =  asm.CreateObject("*");/// var result = script.Sum(7, 3);/// </code>/// </example>/// <param name="scriptText">The C# script text.</param>/// <returns>The compiled assembly.</returns>Assembly CompileCode(string scriptText);/// <summary>/// Wraps C# code fragment into auto-generated class (type name <c>DynamicClass</c>) and evaluates it./// <para>/// This method is a logical equivalent of <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.IEvaluator.CompileCode"/> but is allows you to define/// your script class by specifying class method instead of whole class declaration.</para>/// </summary>/// <example>///<code>/// dynamic script = CSScript.Evaluator///                          .CompileCode(@"int Sum(int a, int b)///                                         {///                                             return a+b;///                                         }")///                          .CreateObject("*");////// var result = script.Sum(7, 3);/// </code>/// </example>/// <param name="code">The C# code.</param>/// <returns>The compiled assembly.</returns>Assembly CompileMethod(string code);/// <summary>/// Wraps C# code fragment into auto-generated class (type name <c>DynamicClass</c>), evaluates it and loads the class to the current AppDomain./// <para>Returns non-typed <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.MethodDelegate"/> for class-less style of invoking.</para>/// </summary>/// <example>/// <code>/// var log = CSScript.Evaluator///                   .CreateDelegate(@"void Log(string message)///                                     {///                                         Console.WriteLine(message);///                                     }");////// log("Test message");/// </code>/// </example>/// <param name="code">The C# code.</param>/// <returns> The instance of a 'duck typed' <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.MethodDelegate"/></returns>MethodDelegate CreateDelegate(string code);/// <summary>/// Wraps C# code fragment into auto-generated class (type name <c>DynamicClass</c>), evaluates it and loads the class to the current AppDomain./// <para>Returns typed <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.MethodDelegate{T}"/> for class-less style of invoking.</para>/// </summary>/// <typeparam name="T">The delegate return type.</typeparam>/// <example>/// <code>/// var product = CSScript.Evaluator///                       .CreateDelegate&lt;int&gt;(@"int Product(int a, int b)///                                             {///                                                 return a * b;///                                             }");////// int result = product(3, 2);/// </code>/// </example>/// <param name="code">The C# code.</param>/// <returns> The instance of a typed <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.MethodDelegate{T}"/></returns>MethodDelegate<T> CreateDelegate<T>(string code);/// <summary>/// Analyses the script code and returns set of locations for the assemblies referenced from the code with CS-Script directives (//css_ref)./// </summary>/// <param name="code">The script code.</param>/// <param name="searchDirs">The assembly search/probing directories.</param>/// <returns>Array of the referenced assemblies</returns>string[] GetReferencedAssemblies(string code, params string[] searchDirs);/// <summary>/// Returns set of referenced assemblies./// <para>/// Notre: the set of assemblies is cleared on Reset./// </para>/// </summary>/// <returns></returns>Assembly[] GetReferencedAssemblies();/// <summary>/// Evaluates and loads C# code to the current AppDomain. Returns instance of the first class defined in the code./// </summary>/// <example>The following is the simple example of the LoadCode usage:///<code>/// dynamic script = CSScript.Evaluator///                          .LoadCode(@"using System;///                                      public class Script///                                      {///                                          public int Sum(int a, int b)///                                          {///                                              return a+b;///                                          }///                                      }");/// int result = script.Sum(1, 2);/// </code>/// </example>/// <param name="scriptText">The C# script text.</param>/// <param name="args">The non default constructor arguments.</param>/// <returns>Instance of the class defined in the script.</returns>object LoadCode(string scriptText, params object[] args);/// <summary>/// Evaluates and loads C# code to the current AppDomain. Returns instance of the first class defined in the code./// After initializing the class instance it is aligned to the interface specified by the parameter <c>T</c>./// <para><c>Note:</c> Because the interface alignment is a duck typing implementation the script class doesn't have to/// inherit from <c>T</c>.</para>/// </summary>/// <example>The following is the simple example of the interface alignment:///<code>/// public interface ICalc/// {///     int Sum(int a, int b);/// }/// ..../// ICalc calc = CSScript.Evaluator///                      .LoadCode&lt;ICalc&gt;(@"using System;///                                         public class Script///                                         {///                                             public int Sum(int a, int b)///                                             {///                                                 return a+b;///                                             }///                                         }");/// int result = calc.Sum(1, 2);/// </code>/// </example>/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the interface type the script class instance should be aligned to.</typeparam>/// <param name="scriptText">The C# script text.</param>/// <param name="args">The non default type <c>T</c> constructor arguments.</param>/// <returns>Aligned to the <c>T</c> interface instance of the class defined in the script.</returns>T LoadCode<T>(string scriptText, params object[] args) where T : class;/// <summary>/// Wraps C# code fragment into auto-generated class (type name <c>DynamicClass</c>), evaluates it and loads/// the class to the current AppDomain./// <para>Returns instance of <c>T</c> delegate for the first method in the auto-generated class.</para>/// </summary>///  <example>/// <code>/// var Product = CSScript.Evaluator///                       .LoadDelegate&lt;Func&lt;int, int, int&gt;&gt;(///                                   @"int Product(int a, int b)///                                     {///                                         return a * b;///                                     }");////// int result = Product(3, 2);/// </code>/// </example>/// <param name="code">The C# code.</param>/// <returns>Instance of <c>T</c> delegate.</returns>T LoadDelegate<T>(string code) where T : class;/// <summary>/// Evaluates and loads C# code from the specified file to the current AppDomain. Returns instance of the first/// class defined in the script file./// </summary>/// <example>The following is the simple example of the interface alignment:///<code>/// dynamic script = CSScript.Evaluator///                          .LoadFile("calc.cs");////// int result = script.Sum(1, 2);/// </code>/// </example>/// <param name="scriptFile">The C# script file.</param>/// <returns>Instance of the class defined in the script file.</returns>object LoadFile(string scriptFile);/// <summary>/// Evaluates and loads C# code from the specified file to the current AppDomain. Returns instance of the first/// class defined in the script file./// After initializing the class instance it is aligned to the interface specified by the parameter <c>T</c>./// <para><c>Note:</c> the script class does not have to inherit from the <c>T</c> parameter as the proxy type/// will be generated anyway.</para>/// </summary>/// <example>The following is the simple example of the interface alignment:///<code>/// public interface ICalc/// {///     int Sum(int a, int b);/// }/// ..../// ICalc calc = CSScript.Evaluator///                      .LoadFile&lt;ICalc&gt;("calc.cs");////// int result = calc.Sum(1, 2);/// </code>/// </example>/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the interface type the script class instance should be aligned to.</typeparam>/// <param name="scriptFile">The C# script text.</param>/// <returns>Aligned to the <c>T</c> interface instance of the class defined in the script file.</returns>T LoadFile<T>(string scriptFile) where T : class;/// <summary>/// Wraps C# code fragment into auto-generated class (type name <c>DynamicClass</c>), evaluates it and loads/// the class to the current AppDomain./// </summary>/// <example>The following is the simple example of the LoadMethod usage:/// <code>/// dynamic script = CSScript.Evaluator///                          .LoadMethod(@"int Product(int a, int b)///                                        {///                                            return a * b;///                                        }");////// int result = script.Product(3, 2);/// </code>/// </example>/// <param name="code">The C# script text.</param>/// <returns>Instance of the first class defined in the script.</returns>object LoadMethod(string code);/// <summary>/// Wraps C# code fragment into auto-generated class (type name <c>DynamicClass</c>), evaluates it and loads/// the class to the current AppDomain./// <para>/// After initializing the class instance it is aligned to the interface specified by the parameter <c>T</c>./// </para>/// </summary>/// <example>The following is the simple example of the interface alignment:/// <code>/// public interface ICalc/// {///     int Sum(int a, int b);///     int Div(int a, int b);/// }/// ..../// ICalc script = CSScript.Evaluator///                        .LoadMethod&lt;ICalc&gt;(@"public int Sum(int a, int b)///                                             {///                                                 return a + b;///                                             }///                                             public int Div(int a, int b)///                                             {///                                                 return a/b;///                                             }");/// int result = script.Div(15, 3);/// </code>/// </example>/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the interface type the script class instance should be aligned to.</typeparam>/// <param name="code">The C# script text.</param>/// <returns>Aligned to the <c>T</c> interface instance of the auto-generated class defined in the script.</returns>T LoadMethod<T>(string code) where T : class;/// <summary>/// References the assemblies from the script code./// <para>The method analyses and tries to resolve CS-Script directives (e.g. '//css_ref') and 'used' namespaces based on the/// optional search directories.</para>/// </summary>/// <param name="code">The script code.</param>/// <param name="searchDirs">The assembly search/probing directories.</param>/// <returns>The instance of the <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.IEvaluator"/> to allow  fluent interface.</returns>IEvaluator ReferenceAssembliesFromCode(string code, params string[] searchDirs);/// <summary>/// References the given assembly by the assembly path./// <para>It is safe to call this method multiple times for the same assembly. If the assembly already referenced it will not/// be referenced again.</para>/// </summary>/// <param name="assembly">The path to the assembly file.</param>/// <returns>The instance of the <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.IEvaluator"/> to allow  fluent interface.</returns>IEvaluator ReferenceAssembly(string assembly);/// <summary>/// References the given assembly./// <para>It is safe to call this method multiple times/// for the same assembly. If the assembly already referenced it will not/// be referenced again./// </para>/// </summary>/// <param name="assembly">The assembly instance.</param>/// <returns>The instance of the <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.IEvaluator"/> to allow  fluent interface.</returns>IEvaluator ReferenceAssembly(Assembly assembly);/// <summary>/// References the name of the assembly by its partial name./// <para>Note that the referenced assembly will be loaded into the host AppDomain in order to resolve assembly partial name.</para>/// <para>It is an equivalent of <c>Evaluator.ReferenceAssembly(Assembly.LoadWithPartialName(assemblyPartialName))</c></para>/// </summary>/// <param name="assemblyPartialName">Partial name of the assembly.</param>/// <returns>The instance of the <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.IEvaluator"/> to allow  fluent interface.</returns>IEvaluator ReferenceAssemblyByName(string assemblyPartialName);/// <summary>/// References the assembly by the given namespace it implements./// </summary>/// <param name="namespace">The namespace.</param>/// <param name="resolved">Set to <c>true</c> if the namespace was successfully resolved (found) and/// the reference was added; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</param>/// <returns>The instance of the <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.IEvaluator"/> to allow  fluent interface.</returns>IEvaluator TryReferenceAssemblyByNamespace(string @namespace, out bool resolved);/// <summary>/// References the assembly by the given namespace it implements./// <para>Adds assembly reference if the namespace was successfully resolved (found) and, otherwise does nothing</para>/// </summary>/// <param name="namespace">The namespace.</param>/// <returns>The instance of the <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.IEvaluator"/> to allow  fluent interface.</returns>IEvaluator ReferenceAssemblyByNamespace(string @namespace);/// <summary>/// References the assembly by the object, which belongs to this assembly./// <para>It is safe to call this method multiple times/// for the same assembly. If the assembly already referenced it will not/// be referenced again./// </para>/// </summary>/// <param name="obj">The object, which belongs to the assembly to be referenced.</param>/// <returns>The instance of the <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.IEvaluator"/> to allow  fluent interface.</returns>IEvaluator ReferenceAssemblyOf(object obj);/// <summary>/// References the assembly by the object, which belongs to this assembly./// <para>It is safe to call this method multiple times/// for the same assembly. If the assembly already referenced it will not/// be referenced again./// </para>/// </summary>/// <typeparam name="T">The type which is implemented in the assembly to be referenced.</typeparam>/// <returns>The instance of the <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.IEvaluator"/> to allow  fluent interface.</returns>IEvaluator ReferenceAssemblyOf<T>();/// <summary>/// References the assemblies the are already loaded into the current <c>AppDomain</c>./// </summary>/// <param name="assemblies">The type of assemblies to be referenced.</param>/// <returns>The instance of the <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.IEvaluator"/> to allow  fluent interface.</returns>
#if net35IEvaluator ReferenceDomainAssemblies(DomainAssemblies assemblies);
#elseIEvaluator ReferenceDomainAssemblies(DomainAssemblies assemblies = DomainAssemblies.AllStaticNonGAC);#endif#if net35/// <summary>/// References the assemblies the are already loaded into the current <c>AppDomain</c>./// <para>This method is an equivalent of <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.IEvaluator.ReferenceDomainAssemblies"/>/// with the hard codded <c>DomainAssemblies.AllStaticNonGAC</c> input parameter./// </para>/// </summary>/// <returns>The instance of the <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.IEvaluator"/> to allow  fluent interface.</returns>IEvaluator ReferenceDomainAssemblies();
#endif/// <summary>/// Resets Evaluator./// <para>/// Resetting means clearing all referenced assemblies, recreating evaluation infrastructure (e.g. compiler setting)/// and reconnection to or recreation of the underlying compiling services./// </para>/// <para>Optionally the default current AppDomain assemblies can be referenced automatically with/// <paramref name="referenceDomainAssemblies"/>.</para>/// </summary>/// <param name="referenceDomainAssemblies">if set to <c>true</c> the default assemblies of the current AppDomain/// will be referenced (see <see cref="ReferenceDomainAssemblies(DomainAssemblies)"/> method)./// </param>/// <returns>The freshly initialized instance of the <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.IEvaluator"/>.</returns>IEvaluator Reset(bool referenceDomainAssemblies = true);/// <summary>/// Clones the parent <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.IEvaluator"/>./// <para>/// This method returns a freshly initialized copy of the <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.IEvaluator"/>./// The cloning 'depth' can be controlled by the <paramref name="copyRefAssemblies"/>./// </para>/// <para>/// This method is a convenient technique when multiple <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.IEvaluator"/> instances/// are required (e.g. for concurrent script evaluation)./// </para>/// </summary>/// <param name="copyRefAssemblies">if set to <c>true</c> all referenced assemblies from the parent <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.IEvaluator"/>/// will be referenced in the cloned copy.</param>/// <returns>The freshly initialized instance of the <see cref="CSScriptLibrary.IEvaluator"/>.</returns>/// <example>///<code>/// var eval1 = CSScript.Evaluator.Clone();/// var eval2 = CSScript.Evaluator.Clone();////// var sub = eval1.LoadDelegate&lt;Func&lt;int, int, int&gt;&gt;(///                            @"int Sub(int a, int b) {///                                  return a - b;///                              }");////// var sum = eval2.LoadDelegate&lt;Func&lt;int, int, int&gt;&gt;(///                            @"int Sub(int a, int b) {///                                  return a + b;///                              }");////// var result = sum(7, sub(4,2));/// </code>/// </example>IEvaluator Clone(bool copyRefAssemblies = true);}


源码链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1hGTA_ma2C3PAvdtaxnSg_g
提取码: v8jn

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