
A smartwatch can be a helpful companion when traveling. Samsung Galaxy smartwatches don’t include native integration with Google Maps. However, you can still get Google Maps turn-by-turn navigation on your Samsung watch.

在旅途中,智能手表可以成为有用的伴侣。 三星Galaxy智能手表不包括与Google Maps的本机集成。 但是,您仍然可以在Samsung手表上获得Google Maps的逐行导航。

Samsung smartwatches don’t come with any Google apps preinstalled, nor are there any official apps in the Galaxy Store. However, just as you can get Google Assistant up and running on a Samsung watch, there are also ways you can use Google Maps.

三星智能手表没有预装任何Google应用程序,Galaxy Store中也没有任何官方应用程序。 但是,就像可以在三星手表上启动并运行Google Assistant一样 ,也可以使用Google Maps。

A handful of apps bring Google Maps integration to Samsung Galaxy Watches. Because watches have small displays, these apps typically focus on turn-by-turn navigation, rather than browsing a map overview. We’ll show you how to get handy instructions on your wrist.

少数应用程序将Google Maps集成带到Samsung Galaxy Watches。 由于手表的显示屏很小,因此这些应用通常专注于逐步导航,而不是浏览地图概览。 我们将向您展示如何轻松掌握手腕上的指示。

导航器专业版 (Navigator Pro)

Install the free Navigator Pro app from the Galaxy Apps Store on your smartwatch.

在您的智能手表上从Galaxy Apps Store安装免费的Navigator Pro应用程序。

You’ll also need the companion app on your Android phone. There aren’t many free options when it comes to Google Maps apps for Samsung watches. Navigation Pro is a quality app with plenty of features and it’s easy to use.

您还需要Android手机上的配套应用。 三星手表的Google Maps应用没有很多免费选择。 Navigation Pro是一款高质量的应用程序,具有许多功能,并且易于使用。

You can purchase and install Navigation Pro from the Play Store for $2.99, at the time of this writing.

在撰写本文时,您可以在Play商店购买和安装Navigation Pro ,价格为$ 2.99。

Open the app on your Android phone. When first launched, you’ll need to give it access to your device’s notifications. This is how the app relays instructions to your watch. Tap “Allow Access.”

在您的Android手机上打开该应用。 首次启动时,您需要授予它访问设备通知的权限。 这是应用程序将指令中继到手表的方式。 点击“允许访问”。

The “Notification Access” settings will open. Toggle the switch for “Navigation Pro.”

“通知访问”设置将打开。 切换“ Navigation Pro”的开关。

Tap “Allow” on the pop-up message.


Navigate back to the Navigation Pro app on your phone if not automatically returned. You’ll now be asked to give the app permission to run in the background. Tap the “Allow” button.

如果未自动返回,请导航回手机上的Navigation Pro应用程序。 现在,系统会要求您授予该应用程序在后台运行的权限。 点击“允许”按钮。

Since we already installed the watch app, we can skip the next screen. Tap the arrow in the bottom right corner to proceed.

由于我们已经安装了watch应用,因此可以跳过下一个屏幕。 点击右下角的箭头继续。

That’s it for the initial set up. To use the app, tap “Start Navigation” to open Google Maps on your phone.

初始设置就是这样。 要使用该应用,请点按“开始导航”以在手机上打开Goog​​le地图。

Find a location and start the turn-by-turn navigation instructions.


Once Google Maps begins navigation on your phone, the instructions will automatically open on your Samsung Galaxy smartwatch. The watch will vibrate whenever you approach an upcoming direction and when a new instruction is given.

Google地图开始在您的手机上导航后,说明将在Samsung Galaxy智能手表上自动打开。 每当您接近下一个方向并发出新的指示时,手表都会振动。

Unfortunately, you can’t start navigation from the watch itself.


To tweak how the app works, open the “Navigation Pro” app on your Android phone and tap the “Settings” in the top-right corner. You can adjust what’s shown on the watch display, voice output if your watch supports it, and other options.

要调整应用程序的工作方式,请在Android手机上打开“ Navigation Pro”应用程序,然后点击右上角的“设置”。 您可以调整手表显示屏上显示的内容,声音输出(如果手表支持)以及其他选项。

很棒的导航器 (Awesome Navigator)

The second option is an app called Awesome Navigator. Do note that it was taken off of the Galaxy Store shortly after this post was published, but the developer is working on bringing it back online.

第二个选项是一个名为Awesome Navigator的应用程序。 请注意,在发布此帖子后不久,它已从Galaxy Store中删除,但开发人员正在努力使其恢复在线状态。

Download the free Awesome Navigator app on your Samsung smartwatch from the Galaxy Store.

从Galaxy Store上的三星智能手表上下载免费的Awesome Navigator应用程序。

You’ll also need the companion app on your Android phone. There aren’t many free options when it comes to Google Maps apps for Samsung watches, but we recommend Awesome Navigator, as it’s reasonably priced and easy to use.

您还需要Android手机上的配套应用。 三星手表的Google Maps应用没有很多免费选择,但是我们建议Awesome Navigator,因为它价格合理且易于使用。

You can purchase and install Awesome Navigator from the Play Store for $1.99, at this writing.

在撰写本文时,您可以从Play商店购买和安装Awesome Navigator ,价格为1.99美元。

Open the “Awesome Navigator” app on your phone. It will need to access your notifications, as that’s how it relays navigation instructions to your watch. Tap “Enable Notification Listener.”

打开手机上的“ Awesome Navigator”应用。 它需要访问您的通知,因为这就是它将导航指令中继到手表的方式。 点击“启用通知监听器”。

This opens the Android “Notification Access” menu. Toggle-On the “Awesome Navigator” option.

这将打开Android的“通知访问”菜单。 切换“ Awesome Navigator”选项。

Tap “Allow” on the pop-up message to give notification access to the app.


Return to the Awesome Navigator app if you’re not automatically redirected. Tap “Got It” to confirm you’ve installed the watch app.

如果您没有自动重定向,请返回至Awesome Navigator应用程序。 点击“了解”以确认您已安装手表应用程序。

Now, to get navigation instructions on your watch, open “Google Maps” on your phone and start navigating to a location.

现在,要在手表上获取导航说明,请在手机上打开“ Google地图”,然后开始导航至某个位置。

This will initiate the app on your Samsung Galaxy smartwatch and display the first instruction. The watch will vibrate whenever you approach an upcoming direction, and when a new instruction is given.

这将在您的Samsung Galaxy智能手表上启动该应用程序并显示第一条说明。 每当您接近即将到来的方向以及发出新的指示时,手表都会振动。

Unfortunately, you can’t start navigation on the watch.


Tap “Settings” in the Awesome Navigator app at any time to tweak what’s shown on your watch, along with other options.

您随时可以在Awesome Navigator应用程序中点击“设置”,以调整手表上显示的内容以及其他选项。


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