四巨头 亚马逊

Everyone knew that Amazon entering the game dev industry was going to be a fascinating story one way or another. The burgeoning Amazon Games Studios totally botched their debut earlier this year with Crucible, the copycat hero shooter that was so badly received that it got unreleased and put back into beta. So, it wasn’t looking too good for the conglomerate right out the gate. Luckily, Amazon has been working on two games. Crucible was a multiplayer shooter, relatively tiny in scope compared to the spawling, player-driven MMO world promised by New World. If they can’t manage a 20-minute 8v8 match, they can’t possibly make a world populated by thousands of players and make it fun, right?

Ëveryone知道,亚马逊进入游戏开发行业将是一个引人入胜的故事或那种方式。 新兴的Amazon Games Studios于今年早些时候用模仿者英雄射击游戏Crucible彻底破坏了他们的首次亮相,该游戏广受好评,以至于尚未发行并重新投入测试。 因此,对于刚从大门口出来的这家企业集团来说,看上去并不太好。 幸运的是,亚马逊一直在开发两个游戏。 坩埚是一个多人射击游戏,与《新世界》所承诺的那种由玩家主导的spa嘴的MMO世界相比,范围相对较小 如果他们无法管理20分钟的8v8比赛,那么他们就不可能创造出成千上万名玩家组成的世界并使之变得有趣,对吗?

Well, it turns out that all those players might actually be the key to New World’s success. After all, the reviews for Crucible said that it was, mechanically, a very competent game. It just suffered from having no unique charm to make it stand out from the many (far more interesting) arena shooters in the market. Well, if you can’t create an interesting world yourself, why not build an environment that encourages players to make one for you?

好吧,事实证明,所有这些参与者实际上可能是新世界成功的关键。 毕竟,《 坩埚》的评论说,从机械上讲 ,这是一款非常出色的游戏。 它只是因为没有独特的魅力而无法在市场上的许多(更有趣的)舞台射击游戏中脱颖而出。 好吧,如果您自己不能创造一个有趣的世界,那为什么不建立一个鼓励玩家为您创造一个世界的环境呢?

I was lucky enough to receive a key to the short New World preview that ran through the last half of August. From my brief time with the game (and I’m talking 2–3 days, adult life is hard), it’s clear that a focus on enabling these player interactions may have been the decision that will keep this game’s head above water going forward. Because a lot of the stuff designs by the developers could do with a healthy dollop of imagination. Worst offender first; quests come in just three varieties:

我很幸运地收到了八月下旬进行的简短的新世界预览的密钥。 从我玩游戏的短暂时间(我正在谈论2至3天,成人生活很艰难),很明显,专注于实现这些玩家互动可能是一个决定,它将保持游戏的水准不断前进。 因为开发人员进行的许多工作设计都可以发挥健康的想象力。 罪犯最严重; 任务只有三种:

  • Kill (x) enemies杀死(x)个敌人
  • Open (x) crates at (enemy camp)在(敌人营地)打开(x)个板条箱
  • Do both of the above做到以上两个

It’s a quest pool that even classic World of Warcraft would mock, and I sincerely hope that this limitation does not carry on past the preview because, frankly, it borders on insulting when players are expected to do these quests for tens or hundreds of hours.


Other issues are less embarrassing but just as banal. The world design and art style have an interesting concept — a new continent is spat out of a mysterious maelstrom at the height of the colonial era — but it’s dampened by a typical steel-grey Dark Souls aesthetic and some serious copy-pasting of towns and enemy camps. Combat follows the standard action framework that was also popularized by (swear jar) Dark Souls. Light attack. Heavy attack. Dodge. Block. Parry. Mechanically, it flows beautifully, but it just feels a little obvious.

其他问题不那么尴尬,但同样平庸。 世界设计和艺术风格有一个有趣的概念-在殖民时代的鼎盛时期,一片新大陆被神秘的漩涡喷涌而出-但被典型的钢铁灰色“ 黑暗之魂”美学以及城镇和城镇的一些严重复制粘贴所淹没敌人的营地。 战斗遵循标准的动作框架,该框架也被(发誓的瓶子) Dark Souls所普及。 轻度攻击。 重击。 躲闪。 块。 帕里 从机械上讲,它流动得很漂亮,但感觉却很明显

A little too Assassin’s Souls maybe? Source: Amazon.
也可能是刺客的灵魂吗? 资料来源:亚马逊。

In general, the things that New World does well can often be traced back to genre trailblazers. Classes are non-existent, with all skills instead being learned through practice and specialization, akin to Runescape or The Elder Scrolls. Crafting is surprisingly addictive, but we’ve all ran the crafting loop until our fingers bled over the last ten years.

一般而言, 新世界做得好的事情通常可以追溯到体裁开拓者。 班级不存在,所有技能都可以通过练习和专门知识来学习,类似于RunescapeElder Scrolls 。 手工制作令人上瘾,但是在过去的十年中,我们所有人都经历了手工制作循环,直到手指流血为止。

OK, so that’s the bad stuff out of the way. Which is good, because, despite all that, this game pulled me in like no MMO has done for a very, very long time. It also reminded me of what separates the upper pantheon of MMOs from the rest, it reminded me of why I fell in love with World of Warcraft despite it being one of the most tedious games of all time. New World gives players a sandbox that encourages them to build friendships and collaborations.

好,那是不好的东西。 很好,因为尽管如此,该游戏还是吸引了我,就像MMO在很长一段时间内都没有做过一样。 这也让我想起了MMO上万神殿与其他神殿之间有什么区别,它使我想起为什么我爱上了《魔兽世界》,尽管它是有史以来最繁琐的游戏之一。 新世界为玩家提供了一个沙盒,鼓励他们建立友谊和协作。

The faction system might be fairly limited to far, but everyone knew the names of the big guilds that ran the settlements across the map. Thanks to guilds setting tax rates, you quickly learn which banners, draped across the town entrance, meant that prices would be steeper in this part of the world. Players stopped me outside encampments and asked if I wanted to team up for quests. These are small additions, but they make this uninspired little world feel so tangible compared to the LFG menus of many other modern MMOs.

派系系统可能仅限于远方,但每个人都知道在地图上运行定居点的大公会的名称。 多亏行会设定税率,您才能Swift了解到悬挂在城镇入口处的旗帜,这意味着在世界上这个地区的价格会更高。 玩家在营地外拦住我,问我是否想组队完成任务。 这些都是很小的补充,但与许多其他现代MMO的LFG菜单相比,它们使这个无灵感的小世界变得如此真实。

So it’s a plucky little beast, but it’s got a long way to go if Amazon plans to flesh out these mechanics into something greater than a passing novelty. And I assume they do if we are to believe the theory that these games exist to demonstrate the strength of Amazon’s servers to investors. I hope the preview I played doesn’t represent the extent Amazon is willing to take this player-driven world because it’s got some tough competition if that’s the case.

因此,这是一只顽皮的小野兽,但是如果亚马逊计划将这些机制充实到比过去的新颖性更大的领域,还有很长的路要走。 而且,如果我们要相信存在这些游戏的理论可以向投资者展示亚马逊服务器的实力,那么我认为它们确实可以做到。 我希望我玩过的预告片不代表亚马逊愿意接受这个以玩家为主导的世界的程度,因为在这种情况下,竞争会很艰难。

Source: Amazon.

The MMO market is infamously difficult to break into, but Amazon does appear to have a precise strategy. With no raids and a subpar questing system (at least thus far), New World clearly isn’t designed to compete with PvE-focused games like WoW or Guild Wars 2. The warring factions and world PvP suggest a target audience more akin to Asian MMOs like Archeage or Black Desert Online. There is definitely room to improve the sandbox that these games provide, but New World will have to step up its game if Ashes of Creation lives up to its promised levels of a player-driven economy. While it might impress now, it may have come a little too late to a genre that’s about to make a substantial generational leap.

众所周知,MMO市场很难打入,但亚马逊确实有一个精确的策略。 由于没有突袭和出色的查询系统(至少到目前为止),“ 新大陆”显然不旨在与专注于PvE的游戏(如《 魔兽世界》或《 激战2 》)竞争交战派系和世界PvP建议目标受众更像亚洲人诸如ArcheageBlack Desert Online等MMO。 这些游戏提供的沙箱肯定有改进的空间,但是如果《 创世神》无法达到其以玩家为主导的经济承诺水平,那么新大陆将不得不提高自己的游戏水平 。 虽然现在可能会给人留下深刻的印象,但对于要在一代人中实现重大飞跃的流派来说,可能为时已晚。

Honestly, I find myself with a surprising bundle of affection for this game after just a few short days with it. It’s not perfect — far from it — but it’s got an endearing determination. The game doesn’t release properly for a while yet (“Spring 2021”), so I hope Amazon keeps building on the ideas they have leading up to release and beyond. Let’s hope this new world isn’t swallowed back into the maelstrom before we can explore it properly.

老实说,短短几天后,我对这款游戏产生了令人惊讶的喜爱。 它不是完美的-远非如此-但是它有一个可爱的决心。 该游戏暂时无法正确发布(“ 2021年Spring”),因此我希望亚马逊继续在他们引领发布及以后的构想的基础上继续发展。 让我们希望这个新世界在我们进行适当探索之前不会被吞没在漩涡中。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/can-tech-giant-amazon-compete-in-the-crowded-mmo-space-fdcd78adb1e1

四巨头 亚马逊



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