Collection主要是指像Array, ArrayList, List, Dictionary, HashTable这些数据类型,大家平时用的很多。如果一个类中有一个Collection类型的成员,在对这个类进行XML序列化的时候,应该如何处理?应该说在.net当中这是比较简单的,只要建立一个XmlSerializer类就可以帮你自动搞定,不过有的时候你可能需要对自动的序列化过程施加更多的控制,比如XML的结构是实现固定的,你必须按照要求去生成XML结构。





using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.IO;
namespace SerializeCollection
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Program test = new Program();
        public void SerializeDocument(string filename)
            // Creates a new XmlSerializer.
            XmlSerializer s =
            new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyRootClass));
            // Writing the file requires a StreamWriter.
            TextWriter myWriter = new StreamWriter(filename);
            // Creates an instance of the class to serialize. 
            MyRootClass myRootClass = new MyRootClass();
            //create items
            Item item1 = new Item();
            // Sets the objects' properties.
            item1.ItemName = "Widget1";
            item1.ItemCode = "w1";
            item1.ItemPrice = 231;
            item1.ItemQuantity = 3;
            Item item2 = new Item();
            // Sets the objects' properties.
            item2.ItemName = "Widget2";
            item2.ItemCode = "w2";
            item2.ItemPrice = 800;
            item2.ItemQuantity = 2;
            // Sets the class's Items property to the list.
            /* Serializes the class, writes it to disk, and closes 
               the TextWriter. */
            s.Serialize(myWriter, myRootClass);
    // This is the class that will be serialized.
    public class MyRootClass
        public MyRootClass()
            items = new List<Item>();
        private List<Item> items;
        public List<Item> Items
            get { return items; }
            set { items = value; }
    public class Item
        [XmlElement(ElementName = "OrderItem")]
        public string ItemName;
        public string ItemCode;
        public decimal ItemPrice;
        public int ItemQuantity;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<MyRootClass xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">



我们增加一个BookItem类,继承自Item 类。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.IO;
namespace SerializeCollection
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Program test = new Program();
        public void SerializeDocument(string filename)
            // Creates a new XmlSerializer.
            XmlSerializer s =
            new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyRootClass));
            // Writing the file requires a StreamWriter.
            TextWriter myWriter = new StreamWriter(filename);
            // Creates an instance of the class to serialize. 
            MyRootClass myRootClass = new MyRootClass();
            /* Uses a more advanced method of creating an list:
         create instances of the Item and BookItem, where BookItem 
         is derived from Item. */
            Item item1 = new Item();
            // Sets the objects' properties.
            item1.ItemName = "Widget1";
            item1.ItemCode = "w1";
            item1.ItemPrice = 231;
            item1.ItemQuantity = 3;
            BookItem bookItem = new BookItem();
            // Sets the objects' properties.
            bookItem.ItemCode = "w2";
            bookItem.ItemPrice = 123;
            bookItem.ItemQuantity = 7;
            bookItem.ISBN = "34982333";
            bookItem.Title = "Book of Widgets";
            bookItem.Author = "John Smith";
            // Sets the class's Items property to the list.
            /* Serializes the class, writes it to disk, and closes 
               the TextWriter. */
            s.Serialize(myWriter, myRootClass);
    // This is the class that will be serialized.
    public class MyRootClass
        public MyRootClass()
            items = new List<Item>();
        private List<Item> items;
        public List<Item> Items
            get { return items; }
            set { items = value; }
    public class Item
        [XmlElement(ElementName = "OrderItem")]
        public string ItemName;
        public string ItemCode;
        public decimal ItemPrice;
        public int ItemQuantity;

修改代码后,我们再运行,出现如下错误“不应是类型 SerializeCollection.BookItem。使用 XmlInclude 或 SoapInclude 属性静态指定非已知的类型”,看来是系统在做序列化的时候,搞不清楚List中的成员到底是什么类型。这个时候就要使用XmlArrayItem来帮忙了。MyRootClass类的Item成员前加入XmlArrayItem标志。

[XmlArrayItem(ElementName= "Item", 
   Type = typeof(Item),
   Namespace = ""),
   XmlArrayItem(ElementName = "BookItem", 
   IsNullable = true, 
   Type = typeof(BookItem),
   Namespace =]


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.IO;
namespace SerializeCollection
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Program test = new Program();
        public void SerializeDocument(string filename)
            // Creates a new XmlSerializer.
            XmlSerializer s =
            new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyRootClass));
            // Writing the file requires a StreamWriter.
            TextWriter myWriter = new StreamWriter(filename);
            // Creates an instance of the class to serialize. 
            MyRootClass myRootClass = new MyRootClass();
            /* Uses a more advanced method of creating an list:
         create instances of the Item and BookItem, where BookItem 
         is derived from Item. */
            Item item1 = new Item();
            // Sets the objects' properties.
            item1.ItemName = "Widget1";
            item1.ItemCode = "w1";
            item1.ItemPrice = 231;
            item1.ItemQuantity = 3;
            BookItem bookItem = new BookItem();
            // Sets the objects' properties.
            bookItem.ItemCode = "w2";
            bookItem.ItemPrice = 123;
            bookItem.ItemQuantity = 7;
            bookItem.ISBN = "34982333";
            bookItem.Title = "Book of Widgets";
            bookItem.Author = "John Smith";
            // Sets the class's Items property to the list.
            /* Serializes the class, writes it to disk, and closes 
               the TextWriter. */
            s.Serialize(myWriter, myRootClass);
    // This is the class that will be serialized.
    public class MyRootClass
        public MyRootClass()
            items = new List<Item>();
        private List<Item> items;
        public List<Item> Items
            get { return items; }
            set { items = value; }
    public class Item
        [XmlElement(ElementName = "OrderItem")]
        public string ItemName;
        public string ItemCode;
        public decimal ItemPrice;
        public int ItemQuantity;
    public class BookItem : Item
        public string Title;
        public string Author;
        public string ISBN;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<MyRootClass xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><Items><Item xmlns=""><OrderItem>Widget1</OrderItem><ItemCode>w1</ItemCode><ItemPrice>231</ItemPrice><ItemQuantity>3</ItemQuantity></Item><BookItem xmlns=""><ItemCode>w2</ItemCode><ItemPrice>123</ItemPrice><ItemQuantity>7</ItemQuantity><Title>Book of Widgets</Title><Author>John Smith</Author><ISBN>34982333</ISBN></BookItem></Items>



XmlArrayAttribute Class:

对于所有控制XML序列化的Attributes,请参考这里:Attributes That Control XML Serialization


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