
*_mtinit() - Init multi-thread data bases
*       (1) Call _mtinitlocks to create/open all lock semaphores.
*       (2) Allocate a TLS index to hold pointers to per-thread data
*           structure.
*       NOTES:
*       (1) Only to be called ONCE at startup
*       (2) Must be called BEFORE any mthread requests are made
*       <NONE>
*       returns FALSE on failure
*       <any registers may be modified at init time>
int __cdecl _mtinit (void)
{_ptiddata ptd; /_tiddata结构体的指针#ifdef _M_IX86/** Initialize fiber local storage function pointers.*/HINSTANCE hKernel32 = GetModuleHandleW(L"KERNEL32.DLL");if (hKernel32 == NULL) {_mtterm();return FALSE;       /* fail to load DLL */}gpFlsAlloc = (PFLS_ALLOC_FUNCTION)GetProcAddress(hKernel32,"FlsAlloc");gpFlsGetValue = (PFLS_GETVALUE_FUNCTION)GetProcAddress(hKernel32,"FlsGetValue");gpFlsSetValue = (PFLS_SETVALUE_FUNCTION)GetProcAddress(hKernel32,"FlsSetValue");gpFlsFree = (PFLS_FREE_FUNCTION)GetProcAddress(hKernel32,"FlsFree");if (!gpFlsAlloc || !gpFlsGetValue || !gpFlsSetValue || !gpFlsFree) {gpFlsAlloc = (PFLS_ALLOC_FUNCTION)__crtTlsAlloc;gpFlsGetValue = (PFLS_GETVALUE_FUNCTION)TlsGetValue;gpFlsSetValue = (PFLS_SETVALUE_FUNCTION)TlsSetValue;gpFlsFree = (PFLS_FREE_FUNCTION)TlsFree;   }//填充这几个全局函数指针  Fls系列是纤程的局部储存函数,区别于线程局部储存Tls系列/** Allocate and initialize a TLS index to store FlsGetValue pointer* so that the FLS_* macros can work transparently*/if ( (__getvalueindex = TlsAlloc()) == TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES ||!TlsSetValue(__getvalueindex, (LPVOID)gpFlsGetValue) ) {return FALSE;                                                   //初始化全局线程局部标识__getvalueindex,用来标识FlsGetValue函数的指针}
#endif  /* _M_IX86 */_init_pointers();       /* initialize global function pointers */  初始化一些全局函数的指针#ifdef _M_IX86/** Encode the fiber local storage function pointers*/gpFlsAlloc = (PFLS_ALLOC_FUNCTION) EncodePointer(gpFlsAlloc);gpFlsGetValue = (PFLS_GETVALUE_FUNCTION) EncodePointer(gpFlsGetValue);gpFlsSetValue = (PFLS_SETVALUE_FUNCTION) EncodePointer(gpFlsSetValue);gpFlsFree = (PFLS_FREE_FUNCTION) EncodePointer(gpFlsFree);    //对函数指针加密
#endif  /* _M_IX86 *//** Initialize the mthread lock data base*/if ( !_mtinitlocks() ) {_mtterm();return FALSE;       /* fail to load DLL */    初始化多线程同步时用到的一个结构}/** Allocate a TLS index to maintain pointers to per-thread data*/if ( (__flsindex = FLS_ALLOC(&_freefls)) == FLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES ) {_mtterm();return FALSE;       /* fail to load DLL */   //__flsindex是一个全局的线程局部储存标识,标识每个线程的tiddate}/** Create a per-thread data structure for this (i.e., the startup)* thread.*/if ( ((ptd = _calloc_crt(1, sizeof(struct _tiddata))) == NULL) ||!FLS_SETVALUE(__flsindex, (LPVOID)ptd) )              //为tiddate结构分配对空间          {_mtterm();return FALSE;       /* fail to load DLL */}/** Initialize the per-thread data*/_initptd(ptd,NULL);   //初始化tiddate结构ptd->_tid = GetCurrentThreadId();ptd->_thandle = (uintptr_t)(-1);return TRUE;


*       (1) Call _mtinitlocks to create/open all lock semaphores.
*       (2) Allocate a TLS index to hold pointers to per-thread data
*           structure.



首先  _ptiddata ptd;这里是一个结构体的指针 typedef struct _tiddata * _ptiddata;



/* Structure for each thread's data */struct _tiddata {unsigned long   _tid;       /* thread ID */uintptr_t _thandle;         /* thread handle */int     _terrno;            /* errno value */unsigned long   _tdoserrno; /* _doserrno value */unsigned int    _fpds;      /* Floating Point data segment */unsigned long   _holdrand;  /* rand() seed value */char *      _token;         /* ptr to strtok() token */wchar_t *   _wtoken;        /* ptr to wcstok() token */unsigned char * _mtoken;    /* ptr to _mbstok() token *//* following pointers get malloc'd at runtime */char *      _errmsg;        /* ptr to strerror()/_strerror() buff */wchar_t *   _werrmsg;       /* ptr to _wcserror()/__wcserror() buff */char *      _namebuf0;      /* ptr to tmpnam() buffer */wchar_t *   _wnamebuf0;     /* ptr to _wtmpnam() buffer */char *      _namebuf1;      /* ptr to tmpfile() buffer */wchar_t *   _wnamebuf1;     /* ptr to _wtmpfile() buffer */char *      _asctimebuf;    /* ptr to asctime() buffer */wchar_t *   _wasctimebuf;   /* ptr to _wasctime() buffer */void *      _gmtimebuf;     /* ptr to gmtime() structure */char *      _cvtbuf;        /* ptr to ecvt()/fcvt buffer */unsigned char _con_ch_buf[MB_LEN_MAX];/* ptr to putch() buffer */unsigned short _ch_buf_used;   /* if the _con_ch_buf is used *//* following fields are needed by _beginthread code */void *      _initaddr;      /* initial user thread address */void *      _initarg;       /* initial user thread argument *//* following three fields are needed to support signal handling and* runtime errors */void *      _pxcptacttab;   /* ptr to exception-action table */void *      _tpxcptinfoptrs; /* ptr to exception info pointers */int         _tfpecode;      /* float point exception code *//* pointer to the copy of the multibyte character information used by* the thread */pthreadmbcinfo  ptmbcinfo;/* pointer to the copy of the locale informaton used by the thead */pthreadlocinfo  ptlocinfo;int         _ownlocale;     /* if 1, this thread owns its own locale *//* following field is needed by NLG routines */unsigned long   _NLG_dwCode;/** Per-Thread data needed by C++ Exception Handling*/void *      _terminate;     /* terminate() routine */void *      _unexpected;    /* unexpected() routine */void *      _translator;    /* S.E. translator */void *      _purecall;      /* called when pure virtual happens */void *      _curexception;  /* current exception */void *      _curcontext;    /* current exception context */int         _ProcessingThrow; /* for uncaught_exception */void *              _curexcspec;    /* for handling exceptions thrown from std::unexpected */
#if defined (_M_IA64) || defined (_M_AMD64)void *      _pExitContext;void *      _pUnwindContext;void *      _pFrameInfoChain;unsigned __int64    _ImageBase;
#if defined (_M_IA64)unsigned __int64    _TargetGp;
#endif  /* defined (_M_IA64) */unsigned __int64    _ThrowImageBase;void *      _pForeignException;
#elif defined (_M_IX86)void *      _pFrameInfoChain;
#endif  /* defined (_M_IX86) */_setloc_struct _setloc_data;void *      _reserved1;     /* nothing */void *      _reserved2;     /* nothing */void *      _reserved3;     /* nothing */
#ifdef _M_IX86void *      _reserved4;     /* nothing */void *      _reserved5;     /* nothing */
#endif  /* _M_IX86 */int _cxxReThrow;        /* Set to True if it's a rethrown C++ Exception */unsigned long __initDomain;     /* initial domain used by _beginthread[ex] for managed function */
};typedef struct _tiddata * _ptiddata;



下面开始一点一点的来看_mtinit 做了哪些工作

首先 初始化纤程本地存储 相关的几个函数指针

gpFlsAlloc   gpFlsGetValue  gpFlsSetValue  gpFlsFree    因为这一系列函数在VISTA 和Server 2003及之后才支持,因此定义了在宏#ifdef _M_IX86内,在32位系统中从kernel32.dll中动态获取函数地址,并且加密该函数指针

        gpFlsAlloc = (PFLS_ALLOC_FUNCTION) EncodePointer(gpFlsAlloc);gpFlsGetValue = (PFLS_GETVALUE_FUNCTION) EncodePointer(gpFlsGetValue);gpFlsSetValue = (PFLS_SETVALUE_FUNCTION) EncodePointer(gpFlsSetValue);gpFlsFree = (PFLS_FREE_FUNCTION) EncodePointer(gpFlsFree); 


#ifdef _M_IX86extern PFLS_ALLOC_FUNCTION gpFlsAlloc;
extern PFLS_FREE_FUNCTION gpFlsFree;#define FLS_ALLOC(callback)  (((PFLS_ALLOC_FUNCTION) DecodePointer(gpFlsAlloc))(callback))
#define FLS_GETVALUE    ((PFLS_GETVALUE_FUNCTION)TlsGetValue(__getvalueindex))
#define FLS_SETVALUE(index, value) (((PFLS_SETVALUE_FUNCTION) DecodePointer(gpFlsSetValue))(index, value))
#define FLS_FREE(index) (((PFLS_FREE_FUNCTION) DecodePointer(gpFlsFree))(index))#else  /* _M_IX86 */#define FLS_ALLOC(callback) FlsAlloc(callback)
#define FLS_GETVALUE(index) FlsGetValue(index)
#define FLS_SETVALUE(index, value) FlsSetValue(index, value)
#define FLS_FREE(index)     FlsFree(index)

当32位编译模式的时候 解密函数指针并调用,在64位模式时候直接调用Kernel32.dll导出的接口


 _init_pointers();       /* initialize global function pointers */  初始化一些全局函数的指针


void __cdecl _init_pointers() {void *enull = _encoded_null();_initp_heap_handler(enull);_initp_misc_invarg(enull);_initp_misc_purevirt(enull);_initp_misc_rand_s(enull);_initp_misc_winsig(enull);_initp_eh_hooks(enull);
_CRTIMP void * __cdecl _encoded_null()
{return EncodePointer(NULL);    //返回一个对NULL的加密表示空的函数指针

1、_initp_heap_handler(enull);  定义在handler.cpp文件中

/* pointer to old-style C++ new handler */
_PNH _pnhHeap;                                   //typedef int (__clrcall * _PNH)( size_t );一个函数指针/***
*******************************************************************************/extern "C"
void __cdecl _initp_heap_handler(void *enull)
{_pnhHeap = (_PNH) enull;

_pnhHeap 是一个函数指针,这里将它设置成一个空的加密指针,该函数指针可以用_set_new_handler来设置它的值,这个函数用作NEW失败的时候调用,可以由我们来指定完成一些工作,关于这个的详细过程可以参考 对new的几种形式的一些认识

2、_initp_misc_invarg(enull);      定义在invarg.c文件中

/* global variable which stores the user handler */_invalid_parameter_handler __pInvalidArgHandler;  
       //typedef void (__cdecl *_invalid_parameter_handler)(const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *, unsigned int, uintptr_t);extern "C"
void _initp_misc_invarg(void* enull)
{__pInvalidArgHandler = (_invalid_parameter_handler) enull;

__pInvalidArgHandler函数指针,这里初始化为空加密,它的作用是当传递给一个CRT函数无效的参数时被调用,这个函数指针可以由 _set_invalid_parameter_handler 来设置,

3、 _initp_misc_purevirt(enull);  在inithelp.c文件中定义

_purecall_handler __pPurecall= NULL;/***
*void _initp_misc_purevirt(void) -
*       Initialize the __pPurecall function pointer
*       The per-process encoded value for the null pointer.
*       Never returns
*******************************************************************************///extern "C"
void __cdecl _initp_misc_purevirt(void* enull)
{__pPurecall = (_purecall_handler) enull;


4、 _initp_misc_rand_s(enull); 在Rand_s.c文件中定义

typedef BOOL (APIENTRY *PGENRANDOM)( PVOID, ULONG );static PGENRANDOM g_pfnRtlGenRandom;void __cdecl _initp_misc_rand_s(void* enull)
{g_pfnRtlGenRandom = (PGENRANDOM) enull;

g_pfnRtlGenRandom 全局函数指针,它的作用是返回一个无符号的随机整数,这个指针在rand_s函数中被替换为ADVAPI32.DLL导出的RtlGenRandom函数,参考MSDN 中rand_s函数的使用

5、_initp_misc_winsig(enull); 定义在Winsig.c文件中

/** variables holding action codes (and code pointers) for SIGINT, SIGBRK,* SIGABRT and SIGTERM.** note that the disposition (i.e., action to be taken upon receipt) of* these signals is defined on a per-process basis (not per-thread)!!*/static _PHNDLR ctrlc_action       = SIG_DFL;    /* SIGINT   */
static _PHNDLR ctrlbreak_action   = SIG_DFL;    /* SIGBREAK */
static _PHNDLR abort_action       = SIG_DFL;    /* SIGABRT  */
static _PHNDLR term_action        = SIG_DFL;    /* SIGTERM  */void __cdecl _initp_misc_winsig(void* enull)
{ctrlc_action       = (_PHNDLR) enull;    /* SIGINT   */ctrlbreak_action   = (_PHNDLR) enull;    /* SIGBREAK */abort_action       = (_PHNDLR) enull;    /* SIGABRT  */term_action        = (_PHNDLR) enull;    /* SIGTERM  */

_initp_misc_winsig 初始化这四个异常函数指针,这个四个函数指针在相应的 信号处理例程发生异常时候被调用

6、_initp_eh_hooks 没有找这个函数的实现


        if ( !_mtinitlocks() ) {_mtterm();return FALSE;       /* fail to load DLL */}

_mtinitlocks 这个函数的实现在 Mlock.c文件中

*_mtinitlocks() - Initialize multi-thread lock scheme
*       Perform whatever initialization is required for the multi-thread
*       locking (synchronization) scheme. This routine should be called
*       exactly once, during startup, and this must be before any requests
*       are made to assert locks.
*       NOTES: In Win32, the multi-thread locks are created individually,
*       each upon its first use. That is when any particular lock is asserted
*       for the first time, the underlying critical section is then allocated,
*       initialized and (finally) entered. This allocation and initialization
*       is protected under _LOCKTAB_LOCK. It is _mtinitlocks' job to set up
*       _LOCKTAB_LOCK.
*       All other named (non-FILE) locks are also preallocated in _mtinitlocks.
*       That is because a failure to allocate a lock on its first use in _lock
*       triggers a fatal error, which cannot be permitted since that can bring
*       down a long-lived app without warning.
*       <none>
*       returns FALSE on failure
*******************************************************************************/int __cdecl _mtinitlocks (void)
{int locknum;int idxPrealloc = 0;/** Scan _locktable[] and allocate all entries marked lkPrealloc.*/for ( locknum = 0 ; locknum < _TOTAL_LOCKS ; locknum++ ) {if ( _locktable[locknum].kind == lkPrealloc ) {_locktable[locknum].lock = &lclcritsects[idxPrealloc++];if ( !InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount( _locktable[locknum].lock,_CRT_SPINCOUNT )){_locktable[locknum].lock = NULL;return FALSE;}}}return TRUE;

这里引用到了两个全局的静态数组_locktable和 lclcritsects,

#define NUM_STD_FILE_LOCKS     3/**  _DEBUG_LOCK is preallocated in _DEBUG & not in Retail*/#ifdef _DEBUG
#else  /* _DEBUG */
static CRITICAL_SECTION lclcritsects[NUM_PREALLOC_LOCKS];/** Lock Table* This table contains a pointer to the critical section management structure* for each lock.** Locks marked lkPrealloc have their critical sections statically allocated* and initialized at startup in _mtinitlocks.  Locks marked lkNormal must* be allocated when first used, via a call to _mtinitlocknum.*/
static struct {PCRITICAL_SECTION lock;enum { lkNormal = 0, lkPrealloc, lkDeleted } kind;
} _locktable[_TOTAL_LOCKS] = {{ NULL, lkPrealloc }, /* 0  == _SIGNAL_LOCK      */{ NULL, lkPrealloc }, /* 1  == _IOB_SCAN_LOCK    */{ NULL, lkNormal   }, /* 2  == _TMPNAM_LOCK      - not preallocated */{ NULL, lkPrealloc }, /* 3  == _CONIO_LOCK       */{ NULL, lkPrealloc }, /* 4  == _HEAP_LOCK        */{ NULL, lkNormal   }, /* 5  == _UNDNAME_LOCK     - not preallocated */{ NULL, lkPrealloc }, /* 6  == _TIME_LOCK        */{ NULL, lkPrealloc }, /* 7  == _ENV_LOCK         */{ NULL, lkPrealloc }, /* 8  == _EXIT_LOCK1       */{ NULL, lkNormal   }, /* 9  == _POPEN_LOCK       - not preallocated */{ NULL, lkPrealloc }, /* 10 == _LOCKTAB_LOCK     */{ NULL, lkNormal   }, /* 11 == _OSFHND_LOCK      - not preallocated */{ NULL, lkPrealloc }, /* 12 == _SETLOCALE_LOCK   */{ NULL, lkPrealloc }, /* 13 == _MB_CP_LOCK       */{ NULL, lkPrealloc }, /* 14 == _TYPEINFO_LOCK    */
#ifdef _DEBUG{ NULL, lkPrealloc }, /* 15 == _DEBUG_LOCK       */
#else  /* _DEBUG */{ NULL, lkNormal },   /* 15 == _DEBUG_LOCK       */
#endif  /* _DEBUG */{ NULL, lkPrealloc }, /* 16 == _STREAM_LOCKS+0 - stdin  */{ NULL, lkPrealloc }, /* 17 == _STREAM_LOCKS+1 - stdout */{ NULL, lkPrealloc }, /* 18 == _STREAM_LOCKS+2 - stderr */
/*      { NULL, lkNormal   }, /* ... */

可以看到_locktable 是个结构体数组,该类型的结构体有一个临界区对象指针PCRITICAL_SECTION lock;,和一个枚举型变量enum { lkNormal = 0, lkPrealloc, lkDeleted } kind构成。lclcritsects则是一个CRITICAL_SECTION临界区对象数组,该数组的大小为NUM_PREALLOC_LOCKS

#define NUM_PREALLOC_LOCKS \( _STREAM_LOCKS + NUM_STD_FILE_LOCKS - NUM_NON_PREALLOC_LOCKS )#define _STREAM_LOCKS   16      /* Table of stream locks            */
#define NUM_STD_FILE_LOCKS     3#ifdef _DEBUG
#else  /* _DEBUG */
#endif  /* _DEBUG */

在Debug模式下是15 在release下是14  刚好和 _locktable 数组中 枚举量为lkPrealloc的元素数目相等。根据结构体的说 lkNormal类型的在第一次使用时为其分配内存,而lkPrealloc则在程序启动的时候为其分配内存并初始化

for ( locknum = 0 ; locknum < _TOTAL_LOCKS ; locknum++ ) {
            if ( _locktable[locknum].kind == lkPrealloc ) {
                _locktable[locknum].lock = &lclcritsects[idxPrealloc++];      //将类型为lpPrealloc类型的,让指针指向clcritsects数组对应的元素
                if ( !InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount( _locktable[locknum].lock,//  用InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount初始化该临界区对象
                                                             _CRT_SPINCOUNT ))    //_CRT_SPINCOUNT 的值为4000
                    _locktable[locknum].lock = NULL;
                    return FALSE;

InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount  跟InitializeCriticalSection的区别在于,前者在尝试获取临街区代码控制权时有个数量的循环尝试过程,每次占用很少的CPU时钟周期,在循环完毕后才进入线程休眠状态,而后者如果获取不到权限直接进入休眠,线程休眠耗用的CPU时钟周期很大,因此在很轻量级的互斥中,如对单个全局变量的访问时,选择前者更为效率。


* _lock - Acquire a multi-thread lock
*       Acquire a multi-thread lock.  If the lock has not already been
*       allocated, do so, but that is an internal CRT error, since all locks
*       should be allocated before first being acquired, either in
*       _mtinitlocks or individually in _mtinitlocknum.
*       Note that it is legal for a thread to aquire _EXIT_LOCK1
*       multiple times.
*       locknum = number of the lock to aquire
*       A failure to allocate a new lock results in a fatal _RT_LOCK error.
*******************************************************************************/void __cdecl _lock (int locknum)
{/** Create/open the lock, if necessary*/if ( _locktable[locknum].lock == NULL ) {if ( !_mtinitlocknum(locknum) )_amsg_exit( _RT_LOCK );}/** Enter the critical section.*/EnterCriticalSection( _locktable[locknum].lock );
* _unlock - Release multi-thread lock
*       Note that it is legal for a thread to aquire _EXIT_LOCK1
*       multiple times.
*       locknum = number of the lock to release
*******************************************************************************/void __cdecl _unlock (int locknum)
{/** leave the critical section.*/LeaveCriticalSection( _locktable[locknum].lock );
#define _mlock(l)               _lock(l)

在Mtdll.h文件中定义了 访问每个临界区对象对应的宏

#define _SIGNAL_LOCK    0       /* lock for signal()                */
#define _IOB_SCAN_LOCK  1       /* _iob[] table lock                */
#define _TMPNAM_LOCK    2       /* lock global tempnam variables    */
#define _CONIO_LOCK     3       /* lock for conio routines          */
#define _HEAP_LOCK      4       /* lock for heap allocator routines */
#define _UNDNAME_LOCK   5       /* lock for unDName() routine       */
#define _TIME_LOCK      6       /* lock for time functions          */
#define _ENV_LOCK       7       /* lock for environment variables   */
#define _EXIT_LOCK1     8       /* lock #1 for exit code            */
#define _POPEN_LOCK     9       /* lock for _popen/_pclose database */
#define _LOCKTAB_LOCK   10      /* lock to protect semaphore lock table */
#define _OSFHND_LOCK    11      /* lock to protect _osfhnd array    */
#define _SETLOCALE_LOCK 12      /* lock for locale handles, etc.    */
#define _MB_CP_LOCK     13      /* lock for multibyte code page     */
#define _TYPEINFO_LOCK  14      /* lock for type_info access        */
#define _DEBUG_LOCK     15      /* lock for debug global structs    */#define _STREAM_LOCKS   16      /* Table of stream locks            */



if ( (__flsindex = FLS_ALLOC(&_freefls)) == FLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES ) {
            return FALSE;       /* fail to load DLL */

这里FLS_ALLOC就是前面提到的宏  在32位下 调用全家函数指针gpFlsAlloc  在64位下调用FlsAlloc, 这个函数在MSDN中是这样说明的

lpCallback [in]

A pointer to the application-defined callback function of type PFLS_CALLBACK_FUNCTION. This parameter is optional. For more information, seeFlsCallback.


_CRTIMP void
_freefls (void *data){_ptiddata ptd;pthreadlocinfo ptloci;pthreadmbcinfo ptmbci;/** Free up the _tiddata structure & its malloc-ed buffers.*/ptd = data;if (ptd != NULL) {if(ptd->_errmsg)_free_crt((void *)ptd->_errmsg);if(ptd->_namebuf0)_free_crt((void *)ptd->_namebuf0);if(ptd->_namebuf1)_free_crt((void *)ptd->_namebuf1);if(ptd->_asctimebuf)_free_crt((void *)ptd->_asctimebuf);if(ptd->_wasctimebuf)_free_crt((void *)ptd->_wasctimebuf);if(ptd->_gmtimebuf)_free_crt((void *)ptd->_gmtimebuf);if(ptd->_cvtbuf)_free_crt((void *)ptd->_cvtbuf);if (ptd->_pxcptacttab != _XcptActTab)_free_crt((void *)ptd->_pxcptacttab);_mlock(_MB_CP_LOCK);__try {if ( ((ptmbci = ptd->ptmbcinfo) != NULL) &&(InterlockedDecrement(&(ptmbci->refcount)) == 0) &&(ptmbci != &__initialmbcinfo) )_free_crt(ptmbci);}__finally {_munlock(_MB_CP_LOCK);}_mlock(_SETLOCALE_LOCK);__try {if ( (ptloci = ptd->ptlocinfo) != NULL ){__removelocaleref(ptloci);if ( (ptloci != __ptlocinfo) &&(ptloci != &__initiallocinfo) &&(ptloci->refcount == 0) )__freetlocinfo(ptloci);}}__finally {_munlock(_SETLOCALE_LOCK);}_free_crt((void *)ptd);}return;

看以看到  这里_freefls 用来清理释放为线程分配的_tiddate结构。

__flsindex = FLS_ALLOC(&_freefls)) == FLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES

这里FLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES 是一个宏标识 没有分配到索引号,而__flsindex  是一个全局变量来表示FlsAlloc分配的索引号,每个线程的_tiddate结构,在堆中分配内存,然后初始化后通过/!FLS_SETVALUE(__flsindex, (LPVOID)ptd) )将结构体指针保存到 局部储存中去。


if ( ((ptd = _calloc_crt(1, sizeof(struct _tiddata))) == NULL) ||
             !FLS_SETVALUE(__flsindex, (LPVOID)ptd) )
            return FALSE;       /* fail to load DLL */

_calloc_crt  这里为_tiddata结构在堆中分配内存,紧接着_initptd(ptd,NULL); 初始化分配到的结构体空间

*void _initptd(_ptiddata ptd, pthreadlocinfo) - initialize a per-thread data structure
*       This routine handles all of the per-thread initialization
*       which is common to _beginthread, _beginthreadex, _mtinit
*       and _getptd.
*       pointer to a per-thread data block
*       the common fields in that block are initialized
*******************************************************************************/_CRTIMP void __cdecl _initptd (_ptiddata ptd,pthreadlocinfo ptloci)
#ifdef _M_IX86HINSTANCE hKernel32 = GetModuleHandleW(L"KERNEL32.DLL");
#endif  /* _M_IX86 */ptd->_pxcptacttab = (void *)_XcptActTab;  //一个异常表,用于控制台信号实现ptd->_terrno = 0;                          //每个线程有自己的错误返回码 ptd->_holdrand = 1L;// It is necessary to always have GLOBAL_LOCALE_BIT set in perthread data// because when doing bitwise or, we won't get __UPDATE_LOCALE to work when// global per thread locale is set.ptd->_ownlocale = _GLOBAL_LOCALE_BIT;// Initialize _setloc_data. These are the only valuse that need to be// initialized.ptd->_setloc_data._cachein[0]='C';ptd->_setloc_data._cacheout[0]='C'; //本地化相关ptd->ptmbcinfo = &__initialmbcinfo; //字符相关_mlock(_MB_CP_LOCK);__try{InterlockedIncrement(&(ptd->ptmbcinfo->refcount));}__finally{_munlock(_MB_CP_LOCK);}// We need to make sure that ptd->ptlocinfo in never NULL, this saves us// perf counts when UPDATING locale._mlock(_SETLOCALE_LOCK);__try {ptd->ptlocinfo = ptloci;/** Note that and caller to _initptd could have passed __ptlocinfo, but* that will be a bug as between the call to _initptd and __addlocaleref* the global locale may have changed and ptloci may be pointing to invalid* memory. Thus if the wants to set the locale to global, NULL should* be passed.*/if (ptd->ptlocinfo == NULL)ptd->ptlocinfo = __ptlocinfo;__addlocaleref(ptd->ptlocinfo);}__finally {_munlock(_SETLOCALE_LOCK);}


ptd->_tid = GetCurrentThreadId();    设置线程ID
        ptd->_thandle = (uintptr_t)(-1);          线程句柄设成-1



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