
What do we have here?


--create tells mdadm to create a new RAID device.


--verbose tells it to print information about its operations.


/dev/md0 is the new RAID device that we want to create.


--level=raid1 defines the RAID level; in our case, RAID 1 (Mirror).

--level=raid1定义了RAID 的级别;我们的例子中,RAID1(镜像)。

--raid-devices=2 specifies how many disks (devices) are going to be used in the creation of the new RAID device.

--raid-devices=2 指定创建新的RAID设备会用到多少磁盘(设备)。

/dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 are the two disks that are going to be used in the creation.

/dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1将会在新的创建中使用到的两个磁盘。

Simple, right?


OK, now that we know what RAID is and how it works, let's configure one - or two!


Working with RAID - real-life examples

使用RAID工作- 真实的例子

In this section we will install a complete Linux operating system from scratch, with RAID 0 and RAID 1 used on the partitions on two local hard disks. We will also tackle the questions on how these devices are created and grouped, how the system identifies and uses them, and how the GRUB bootloader fits into the picture.


I will demonstrate the configuration of RAID using Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex as the test platform. As mentioned earlier, Ubuntu 8.10 is no longer the most current release - and this does not matter one bit. The general idea remains the same - and this is what I want you to learn: the principle. Once you grasp the fundamental concepts of RAID setup, you will be able to this on any which operating system.

我会演示使用Ubuntu8.10 Intrepid Ibex做为测试平台配置RAID。早前提到,Ubuntu8.10不再是最新的版本——这不要紧。总的想法是一样的——这就是我想要你学得:原理。一段你掌握了RAID设置的基本概念,你将能够在任何操作系统上配置。

Furthermore, configuring RAID on Ubuntu is a good choice for several more reasons:


Ubuntu is the most popular Linux desktop distro, which probably means there's a fair chance you will indeed be setting up RAID on Ubuntu or one of its flavors.


The default Ubuntu installation is very simple; so simple, in fact, that is strips away some of the features for the sake of simplicity. One of the victims is indeed RAID, which cannot be configured using the standard installation from the live CD. You need the Alternate CD, which uses a text-driven installation menu and allows you to setup RAID, as well as other advanced options. The text installers looks "old" - meaning you will not really feel like you're installing Ubuntu. This will help you understand the concept beyond colors and pretty menus, allowing you to transition to other distributions with ease.


The use of an older release and the Alternate CD allows me to prove a point: that no matter which distribution you choose, the power of Linux can be unleashed to the fullest. You do not have to disqualify distros on the premises of being "too simple" or "dumbed down" simply because such propositions are untrue.


All right, now that you know what we're up to, let's begin.


Installing Ubuntu via Alternate CD is similar to almost every Linux installation you have seen or tried or read about. Place the CD into the CD tray, boot, follow instructions.




After a while, you will reach the Partition Disks stage. This is where the fun begins. We will choose the manual method.


You will see the existing setup, if any. In our case, we have two hard disks, roughly identical, each with three partitions on it. Each disk holds a primary ext3 partition and a 500MB swap and a ~2GB ext3 partition inside the Extended volume.


This means we have quite a bit of freedom when it comes to creating RAID arrays, where the logic beckons to pair sda1 with sdb1, sda5 with sdb5 and so forth.


Edit partitions


To do that, we need to change the partitions. Highlight any and hit Enter. The installer will graciously tell you that You are editing ... This partition is formatted with ..., so there are no mistakes.


We need to change the Use as: field.


Change type to RAID


We will change the type to: physical volume for RAID.


We will repeat this for all our partitions. The final layout should be something like this:


Once you do this, a new category will show up in the menu. At the beginning you only had Guided partitioning and Help on partitioning. Take a look above if you don't remember. Now, there's a new one: Configure software RAID.


The installer now recognizes the partitions flagged as RAID volumes and can now configure them.


Configure software RAID


The first thing, you will receive a warning. It tells you the changes you have just made will be committed. Furthermore, no additional changes will be allowed. Make sure you are satisfied with your layout before proceeding.


What is going to happen is that the RAID superblock is going to be written on the devices, marking them with a higher order hierarchy than just physical partitions. This will allow the operating system as well as RAID utilities to properly handle these devices.


After that, the next step is to create a new MD device. By the way, earlier, we mentioned the mdadm utility. One of its mode is the ability to create MD devices. In fact, this is exactly what is happening underneath the hood. Later, we'll see the text command that do the same job as the installer above.



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