
Resizing images on Linux with gThumb is easy. However, I have a batch of images inside a folder. Manually resizing them will consume too much time.

使用gThumb在Linux上调整图像大小很容易。 但是,我在文件夹中有一批图像。 手动调整它们的大小将消耗太多时间。

How to automatically resize them on Linux with a script?


You can use convert from ImageMagick together with bash script to resize images inside a directory.


mkdir resize;
IFS=$(echo -en "nb");
for i in *; do echo $i; convert $i -resize 600^ resize/$i;

The script will make a new directory named “resize” in current directory, resize all images in current directory to smaller ones of width 600px, and store the resized images into “reisze”.

该脚本将在当前目录中创建一个名为“ resize”的新目录,将当前目录中的所有图像调整为宽度小于600px的较小图像,并将调整大小后的图像存储到“ reisze”中。

The line IFS=$(echo -en "nb") is a bash trick to handle situations where images file names have spaces.

IFS=$(echo -en "nb")是bash技巧,用于处理图像文件名带有空格的情况。

Answered by Eric Z Ma.
埃里克·马(Eric Z Ma)回答。




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