




(比如8-14 GHz),这很复杂。






在低通模式下执行此操作可确保纯粹的实际变换。在带通变换中,响应不是纯粹的实际,但实际上必须始终是复杂的。_ _带通响应通过频移数据计算得出

中心点在DC,计算IFT(复数形式,因为除特殊情况外,数据不是关于中心点的埃尔米特),然后在时域中应用傅里叶变换理论将结果乘以e ^(jwt)其中



因此,您将看到一个余弦(在实际上)和一个正弦(在虚构上)强加在低通响应上的数据(有时这也称为调制定理)._由e ^(jwt)调制是有意义的




变换后的时域是否从t = 0开始?


但是有可能找到t = 0或参考时间吗?




I am doing some scattering measurement (RCS) in X band using VNA and a pair of horns. Some references suggest that using time gating can reduce noise. It was also mentioned that this can be achieved by using software (Matlab) to process the measured data (S21). Since our VNA does not have the time domain option, I am looking into this software method.

After reading the application note (http://cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5989-5723EN.pdf) and a few previous posts, my initial attempt is to use IFFT of Matlab on a finite bandwidth, measured S21 (say 8-14 GHz), which is complex. My understanding is that this is corresponding to the bandpass mode of VNA. And I am only interested in the magnitude of the time domain data.

In previous posts "S21 time domain response ", "https://community.keysight.com/message/4826#comment-4826 ", there are some discussions on the bandpass mode.

_"In bandpass mode, the IFT is not analytically correct, for some non-obvious reasons. One key point is that the band pass transform does not assume a hermitian response, but rather, computes the response as though the data taken is single sided, with the "negative" frequency response being zero, rather than identical to the positive with opposite sign. The Low Pass mode makes the assumption that the negative frequency response is of the same magnitude and opposite phase, so in effect, creates data at negative frequencies. Doing this in low pass mode assures a pure real transform. In the band pass transform, the response is not pure real, but in fact must always be complex._

_The band pass response is computed by frequency shifting the data such that the center point is at DC, computing the IFT (complex form, as the data is not hermitian about the center point except in special cases), then applying the Fourier shift theory in the time domain to multiply the result by e^(jwt) where w is the center frequency of the "pre-shifted" data. Thus, you will see a cosine (on the real) and a sine (on the imaginary) data imposed on the low pass response (sometime this is calLED the modulation theorem as well)._

The modulation by e^(jwt) makes sense. Now since only the magnitude of S21 in time domain is concerned, does it mean that this factor can be dropped? In other word, simply applying the inverse Fourier transform will generate the time domain data for me?

One related question is that where is the t0 (starting time)? Does the transformed time domain start at t=0s? I guess in theory the time domain data is infinite and periodic. But is it possible to locate the t=0, or reference time? Apparently this can help to identify the scattering signal from the object since the distance between the transmitter is known.




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