
Compulsively checking social networks makes us less happy. I think we all understand this intuitively, the same way we understand that working out more and eating better is a good idea.

强迫检查社交网络使我们不那么开心。 我认为我们所有人都可以凭直觉来理解这一点,就像我们了解更多的锻炼和饮食更好的主意一样。

Doug Clinton, writing in a blog post for Loup Ventures, a venture capital firm, points out that there’s a market opportunity here:

道格·克林顿(Doug Clinton)在为风险投资公司Loup Ventures撰写的博客文章中指出,这里存在市场机会:

People pay for diets and exercise because there are real physical, mental, and social benefits to being healthy and looking better. People will pay to disconnect from technology for two core benefits: happiness and prosperity. Happiness is most connected to the elimination of feelings of inferiority and anger. Prosperity happens through focused effort that avoids distraction.

人们为饮食和运动付费,因为健康和好看对身体,心理和社会都有好处。 人们将为与技术脱节而付费,这有两个核心好处:幸福与繁荣。 幸福与消除自卑感和愤怒最相关。 繁荣是通过集中精力来避免分散注意力的。

The post divides potential solutions into two categories: software solutions, which block distractions, and experiential solutions, such as “one-on-one counseling for addiction and locations that ban smartphone use.”


Think about this: our distractions are getting bad enough that a venture capital firm thinks there’s money in trying to help. You can expect to see all kinds of products on the market trying to solve this problem. That e-ink typewriter that was in the news last week is a good example—a $600 laptop where the main selling point is the lack of a web browser. It raised $310,000 in crowdfunding money.

想想看:我们的分心变得越来越糟糕,风险投资公司认为尝试提供帮助是有钱的。 您可以期望看到市场上试图解决此问题的各种产品。 上周新闻中提到的那台电子墨水打字机就是一个很好的例子— 600美元的笔记本电脑,主要卖点是缺少网络浏览器。 它筹集了31万美元的众筹资金。

There’s going to be a flood of software, hardware, books, and conventions about this in the years to come. As with diet and exercise, some of these tools will be useful and some of them won’t, but none of them will do you any good if you don’t make the mental decision to change. You need to make the choice to notice what you pay attention to, and then try to direct your attention to what matters. If you don’t make that decision no software or experience is going to help.

在未来的几年中,将会有大量的软件,硬件,书籍和约定。 与饮食和运动一样,其中一些工具将是有用的,而某些工具则不会有用,但是如果您没有做出改变的决定,这些工具都将无济于事。 您需要做出选择以注意到您所关注的内容,然后尝试将您的注意力转移到重要事项上。 如果您不做决定,那么没有软件或经验将对您有所帮助。

Your attention is valuable. That’s why the smartest people of our generation are working in Silicon Valley, optimizing social networks for engagement, tweaking things so you’ll give up as much of your time as possible. If you want to give more time to your family, your friends, and your vocation, you need to actively decide to do that, or no tool is going to be helpful.

您的关注是宝贵的。 这就是为什么我们这一代最聪明的人在硅谷工作,优化社交网络以提高参与度,进行调整,以便您可以浪费尽可能多的时间。 如果您想给家人,朋友和职业更多的时间,则需要积极地决定这样做,否则没有工具会有所帮助。

Photo credit: ALDECAstock/Shutterstock.com

照片来源: ALDECAstock / Shutterstock.com

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/tech-addiction-makes-us-less-happy.-thats-a-market-opportunity./


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