编程 mcq

Question 1: How many pins does the 8255 PPI IC contains?

问题1:8255 PPI IC包含多少个引脚?

  1. 24


  2. 20


  3. 32


  4. 40


Answer: d. 40

答案:d。 40

Question 2: In which mode do all the Ports of the 8255 PPI work as Input-Output units for data transfer?

问题2:8255 PPI的所有端口都在哪种模式下用作数据传输的输入输出单元?

  1. BSR mode


  2. Mode 0 of I/O mode

    I / O模式的模式0

  3. Mode 1 of I/O mode

    I / O模式的模式1

  4. Mode 2 of I/O mode

    I / O模式的模式2

Answer: b. Mode 0 of I/O mode

答案:b。 I / O模式的模式0

 Question 3: Which of the following pins are responsible for handling the on the Read Write control logic unit of the 8255 PPI?

问题3:以下哪个引脚负责处理8255 PPI的读写控制逻辑单元?

  1. CS'


  2. RD'


  3. WR'


  4. ALL of the above


Answer: d. All of the above

答案:d。 上述所有的

Question 4: In which of the following modes is the 8255 PPI capable of transferring data while handshaking with the interfaced device?

问题4:8255 PPI在以下哪种模式下能够与接口设备握手时传输数据?

  1. BSR mode


  2. Mode 0 of I/O mode

    I / O模式的模式0

  3. Mode 1 of I/O mode

    I / O模式的模式1

  4. Mode 2 of I/O mode

    I / O模式的模式2

Answer: c. Mode 1 of I/O mode

答:c。 I / O模式的模式1

Question 5: How many bits of data can be transferred between the 8255 PPI and the interfaced device at a time? or What is the size of internal bus of the 8255 PPI?

问题5:一次可以在8255 PPI和接口设备之间传输多少位数据? 或8255 PPI的内部总线大小是多少?

  1. 16 bits


  2. 12 bits


  3. 8 bits


  4. None of the above


Answer: c. 8 bits

答:c。 8位

Question 6: Which port of the 8255 PPI is capable of performing the handshaking function with the interfaced devices?

问题6:8255 PPI的哪个端口能够与接口设备执行握手功能?

  1. Port A


  2. Port B


  3. Port C


  4. All of the above


Answer: c. Port C

答:c。 C口

Question 7: In which of the following modes of the 8255 PPI, only port C is taken into consideration?

问题7:在8255 PPI的以下哪种模式下,仅考虑端口C?

  1. BSR mode


  2. Mode 0 of I/O mode

    I / O模式的模式0

  3. Mode 1 of I/O mode

    I / O模式的模式1

  4. Mode 2 of I/O mode

    I / O模式的模式2

Answer: a. BSR mode

答: BSR模式

Question 8: In mode 2 of I/O mode, which of the following ports are capable of transferring the data in both the directions?

问题8:在I / O模式的模式2中,以下哪个端口能够双向传输数据?

  1. Port A


  2. Port B


  3. Port C


  4. All of the above


Answer: a. Port A

答: 港口A

Question 9: In which of the following modes we do not consider the D6, D5 and D4 bits of the control word?


  1. BSR mode


  2. Mode 0 of I/O mode

    I / O模式的模式0

  3. Mode 1 of I/O mode

    I / O模式的模式1

  4. Mode 2 of I/O mode

    I / O模式的模式2

Answer: a. BSR mode

答: BSR模式

Question 10: How many data lines in total are there in the 8255 PPI IC?

问题10:8255 PPI IC中总共有多少条数据线?

  1. 8 data lines


  2. 32 data lines


  3. 24 data lines


  4. None of the above


Answer: c. 24 data lines

答:c。 24条数据线

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/embedded-system/mcq-8255-ppi-programmable-peripheral-interface.aspx

编程 mcq

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