python none

Python None关键字 (Python None keyword)

Note: None is not a keyword – we are just considering & writing it as a keyword which is a replacement of null (in C/C++).

注意: None不是关键字–我们只是考虑并将其编写为关键字,以替换null(在C / C ++中)。

"None" (case-sensitive) is an object of its own datatype, the NoneType, which is similar to null, it is used to define a null value to the variable or represents that a variable does not have any value at all.

“ None” (区分大小写)是其自己的数据类型对象, NoneType ,它类似于null,用于为变量定义一个null值或表示一个变量根本没有任何值。

None is a type of <class 'NoneType'>.







a = None
print("a: ", a);
a: None

Python code to demonstrate example of None keyword


# python code to demonstrate example of
# None keyword
# type of None
print("type of None: ", type(None))
# declaring a variable and initialize it with None
a = None
# printing value
print("a: ", a)
# checkng None in condition
if a == None:
print("variable \'a\' contains None")
print("variable \'a\' does not contain None")
# assigning a value and rechecking the condition
a = 100
if a == None:
print("variable \'a\' contains None")
print("variable \'a\' does not contain None")



type of None:  <class 'NoneType'>
a:  None
variable 'a' contains None
variable 'a' does not contain None


python none

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