
ATA / PATA:高级技术附件/并行高级技术附件 (ATA/PATA: Advanced Technology Attachment/Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment)

ATA is an abbreviation of Advanced Technology Attachment. ATA has existed for a long time with the name PATA. When newer Serial ATA (SATA) was launched, ATA is collaterally renamed to ATA (PATA). ATA is known to be a standard physical interface that used to establish a link with storage devices like hard-drive, optical drive, solid-state drive and CD-ROM to the motherboard. ATA operates from inside because of permission of up to 18 inches cable only by ATA standards. To establish a link with portable storage devices, it is created without using an external controller.

ATA是Advanced Technology Attachment的缩写ATA已经存在很长时间了,名称为PATA 。 当启动较新的串行ATA(SATA)时, ATA附带地更名为ATA(PATA) 。 众所周知, ATA是一种标准的物理接口,用于建立与硬盘驱动器,光盘驱动器,固态驱动器和CD-ROM到主板的存储设备的链接。 ATA是从内部运行的,因为只有ATA标准才允许使用18英寸的电缆。 要与便携式存储设备建立链接,无需使用外部控制器即可创建链接。

ATA is the extremely prevalent and low-priced interface that makes available for using a reliable speed. It is fundamentally formed of thin wires and cable bus. The ATA attainments are reverse compatible. It means with ATA interfaces that existed for a long time, every fresh version of ATA or recently developed ATA drives can be utilized.

ATA是极为流行且价格低廉的接口,可用于以可靠的速度运行。 它基本上由细电线和电缆总线组成。 ATA认证是反向兼容的。 这意味着使用已存在很长时间的ATA接口,可以使用每个新版本的ATA或最近开发的ATA驱动器。

历史 (History)

In 1986, the first version of ATA was developed by the organization named Western Digital. ATA is also called Integrated Device Electronics (IDE).

1986年,名为Western Digital的组织开发了ATA的第一个版本。 ATA也称为集成设备电子设备(IDE)。

Initially, it was called ATA but in 2003, after the origination of SATA (Serial ATA), it turned into PATA. PATA and SATA both the devices are called IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics) devices.

最初,它被称为ATA,但是在SATA(串行ATA)诞生之后的2003年,它变成了PATA。 PATA和SATA这两种设备都称为IDE(集成驱动电子设备)设备。

运作中 (Functioning)

  • The pins adapter links on either side of the cable are 40, utilizes by ATA and the wire designs with distinct aspects are 40 or 80. One end of the connector is attached to the motherboard and the other is attached to the hard drive.


  • The utilization of a single bus is done by PATA but with more than one wire.


  • To two devices at a time, ATA can make a link through connection, in which one link connection is called a slave and the other link connection is called master.


优点 (Advantages)

  • The main reason for SATA is the increased data transfer speed and that’s why it is preferred over PATA in use.


  • The length of the cable linking connection from the hard drive to the computer motherboard is another benefit of SATA over PATA.


  • The SATA connection links on a computer motherboard are four to six, permitting for more than one SATA hard drives to be curved up like a hook.


缺点 (Disadvantages)

  • SATA hard drives at some unspecified time need an exceptional device driver for the computer to identify and utilize the drive.


  • The cable of SATA permits only one SATA hard drive to be made link connection at a time.




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