因为想查看某一个函数对应在源码中的修改记录,就想到了git log.试试看能不能搜索到相关信息。

想找到一个内核函数相关的git log修改记录,第一想法是"git log + grep"操作:

zhugeyifan@83-28:~/source/linux-stable/linux-stable$ git log | grep interruptible_sleep_onswim3: fix interruptible_sleep_on raceinterruptible_sleep_on is racy and going away. This replaces the oneThe interruptible_sleep_on_timeout in DAC960_gam_ioctl seems equivalentinterruptible_sleep_on is racy and going away. In the arv driver thatparport: fix interruptible_sleep_on raceThe interruptible_sleep_on function is can still lead to the[hans.verkuil@cisco.com: replaced interruptible_sleep_on_timeout by[media] radio-cadet: avoid interruptible_sleep_on race...





git log --grep=xxx

按提交信息来过滤提交,你可以使用 --grep 标记。

它会搜索git log中的提交信息,并将匹配上的信息整段git log显示出来,非常的方便!


比如说,我现在需要搜索内核代码中的interruptible_sleep_on的提交记录,我就可以用下面这个命令来显示这个 interruptible_sleep_on相关的所有提交:

zhugeyifan@83-28:~/source/linux-stable/linux-stable$ git log --grep=interruptible_sleep_on
commit 106fd892bc714a9b7c28daba98a3623a41c32f1a
Author: Arnd Bergmann <arnd@arndb.de>
Date:   Wed Feb 26 12:01:44 2014 +0100swim3: fix interruptible_sleep_on raceinterruptible_sleep_on is racy and going away. This replaces the onecaller in the swim3 driver with the equivalent race-freewait_event_interruptible call. Since we're here already, thisalso fixes the case where we get interrupted from atomic context,which used to just spin in the loop.Signed-off-by: Arnd Bergmann <arnd@arndb.de>Cc: Jens Axboe <axboe@kernel.dk>Signed-off-by: Jens Axboe <axboe@fb.com>commit 9c552e1ddd3658944787d75d90a42e1a2b74b7ea
Author: Arnd Bergmann <arnd@arndb.de>
Date:   Wed Feb 26 12:01:43 2014 +0100DAC960: remove sleep_on usageSigned-off-by: Arnd Bergmann <arnd@arndb.de>Cc: Jens Axboe <axboe@kernel.dk>Signed-off-by: Jens Axboe <axboe@fb.com>commit 9c552e1ddd3658944787d75d90a42e1a2b74b7ea
Author: Arnd Bergmann <arnd@arndb.de>
Date:   Wed Feb 26 12:01:43 2014 +0100DAC960: remove sleep_on usagesleep_on and its variants are going away. The use of sleep_on() inDAC960_V2_ExecuteUserCommand seems to be bogus because the commandby the time we get there, the command has completed already andwe just enter the timeout. Based on this interpretation, I concludedthat we can replace it with a simple msleep(1000) and rearrange thecode around it slightly.The interruptible_sleep_on_timeout in DAC960_gam_ioctl seems equivalentto the race-free version using wait_event_interruptible_timeout.I left the driver to return -EINTR rather than -ERESTARTSYS to preservethe timeout behavior.Signed-off-by: Arnd Bergmann <arnd@arndb.de>Cc: Jens Axboe <axboe@kernel.dk>Signed-off-by: Jens Axboe <axboe@fb.com>




当你只想看某一特定作者的提交的时候,你可以使用 --author 标记。它接受正则表达式,返回所有作者名字满足这个规则的提交。如果你知道那个作者的确切名字你可以直接传入文本字符串:

git log --author="John"


很多时候,你只对某个特定文件的更改感兴趣。为了显示某个特定文件的历史,你只需要传入文件路径。比如说,下面这个命令返回所有和 foo.py 和 bar.py 文件相关的提交:

git log -- foo.py bar.py


你可以传入范围来筛选提交。这个范围由下面这样的格式指定,其中 <since> 和 <until>是提交的引用:

git log <since>..<until>



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